View Full Version : How long do people spend on this MB every day?

20/10/2004, 10:49 PM
:eek: Have any of ye stopped to consider just how long you spend each day on this MB...?
I have a link open all day at work, and I suppose if truth be told, I spend maybe 15 mins per hour between 9-4 on it most days. Thats almost 2 hrs a day, 10 hours a week, 40 hours a month, 480 hours a year.....jesus thats 20 days out of every year on this thing......HELP!

Is there a support group like Message Boardaholics Anonymous out there???

Anyone else out there want to frighten themselves by adding it up?? :eek:

21/10/2004, 7:20 AM
Thats almost 2 hrs a day, 10 hours a week, 40 hours a month, 480 hours a year.....jesus thats 20 days out of every year on this thing......HELP!
Help you do what? More Work? Don't think of it of 20 days of your year out on here, think of it as your company paying you to spend 20 days of your year on here. Feel better?

I feel really sorry for those that access it all the time in their own time... :)

21/10/2004, 7:27 AM
I feel really sorry for those that access it all the time in their own time... :)

Yeah Macy, that's the nail on the head right there.
In work you're almost expected to doss around.
You've really got a problem though if you're going home and spending your own time on the forums.

the 12 th man
21/10/2004, 7:32 AM
think you'll know your spending too much time on here when you remember your 8 digit password for here with no difficulty and have to look up other 4 digit numbers which you should have memorised.

21/10/2004, 7:33 AM
I always keep a link open whenever possible, I'd say I spend the guts of an hour or so.

21/10/2004, 7:36 AM
i click the refresh button nearly every 5 minutes of the day

jaysus,ive gotta get some sleep :D

the 12 th man
21/10/2004, 7:38 AM
i click the refresh button nearly every 5 minutes of the day

jaysus,ive gotta get some sleep :D

maybe i'm not so bad after all.
i do log out occasionally (but only briefly) :D

green goblin
21/10/2004, 8:17 AM
I have it on at work. Funy thing is that everyone here's doing something like it. The South Afican lads have their SA rugby thing going, the Scottish fella opposite has his Pars website on, the English guys are all constantly looking at Argos for gold jewelery, and the German bloke is hard at work. All the time.

21/10/2004, 8:22 AM
Funy thing is that everyone here's doing something like it.

I saw a few of the lads on various forums in here and thought, 'nice one, I'm away' only to discover they're all looking at computing and networking forums. Nerds! :D

21/10/2004, 8:25 AM
when i was in ucd i would see foot.ie on the screens of users around me a fair bit. Usually on my own in the office but we have auditors in at the moment and i keep feeling really guilty at all the hard work they're doing and i'm p!ssing about on this

21/10/2004, 8:33 AM
when i was in ucd i would see foot.ie on the screens of users around me a fair bit. Usually on my own in the office but we have auditors in at the moment and i keep feeling really guilty at all the hard work they're doing and i'm p!ssing about on this
But doesn't that guilt just taste sweet?!

21/10/2004, 2:37 PM
When Im not busy i flick in and out during the day. Not a bad messageboard now, its getting more than 20 Cork men posting anyway :D

21/10/2004, 3:32 PM
I'm logged into the control panel constantly with my mouse poised over the Delete User button. I pick users at random when I get bored.


I call it "Spacer Invaders".


22/10/2004, 7:12 AM
I firmly believe I am hooked on foot.ie now. I went totally out of my way this morning to get internet access. Am I the only one or is everyone as bad as me?? :confused:

22/10/2004, 7:17 AM
Threads merged. Dillo, please check for similar topics before starting a new thread.


22/10/2004, 11:48 AM
to dahamsta

are you able to check how long people have spent online in total

22/10/2004, 12:57 PM
No, we don't keep track of that kind of stuff, only when posters signed up, last posted, last browsed, etc.


22/10/2004, 1:06 PM
I firmly believe I am hooked on foot.ie now. I went totally out of my way this morning to get internet access. Am I the only one or is everyone as bad as me?? :confused:

i'm the same. since i got hooked on foot.ie my head has only been thinkin bout interesting and witty posts. good thing i've nothin else to do all day than post stuff here. its not as if i've any real work to do! :)

22/10/2004, 3:38 PM
to dahamsta
are you able to check how long people have spent online in totalmemo to self: count how many minutes I spend off this mb over the next month.

22/10/2004, 4:19 PM
Far too long. :( Dahamsta's ban was the best thing that happened to me as I managed to do some actual work. And yes, I'm one of the sad b*stards that have to log on at home, and Conchita is not happy (I was supposed to be doing some DIY today). Trouble is when you get into a cyber-ruck with someone or other I go into overdrive. My therapist is telling me that although it's great for my stress levels I'm showing signs of compulsive behavioural syndrome. I really need to get a life! :o :o