View Full Version : Convicted Cigarette Smuggler runs leading EL Club

19/10/2004, 10:05 AM
Ollie Byrne spent 6 months in the 'joy....I never knew that!!


NY Hoop
19/10/2004, 10:10 AM
Ollie Byrne spent 6 months in the 'joy....I never knew that!!


DOH! Sums you up really.........


19/10/2004, 10:55 AM
nice to see that little nugget in writing :D

the 12 th man
19/10/2004, 11:02 AM
ollie and a buddy of his owned a newsagents in ringsend dublin at the time.
but hey,he did his time so i'd be inclined to say so what.

19/10/2004, 11:06 AM
except that he's got away with some fairly dubious behaviour towards opposition fans ever since :mad:

NY Hoop
19/10/2004, 11:11 AM
The sooner this league gets rid of ****s like ollie and seery the better. They have been holding up and embarrassing everyone for years.

I dont hate shels(how could you?!) but despise jailbird.


the 12 th man
19/10/2004, 11:21 AM
i'm no apologist for ollie byrne,sport is littered with names that have done some "porridge" (including footballers, jockeys etc).
i just can't see the point in talking about it.

19/10/2004, 11:25 AM
i'm no apologist for ollie byrne,sport is littered with names that have done some "porridge" (including footballers, jockeys etc).
i just can't see the point in talking about it.

I'd agree, all personal issues should be put aside, judge him on running his club based on what he does there (Good or Bad), but I don't think he should be judged on a conviction from years ago.

19/10/2004, 11:33 AM
DOH! Sums you up really.........


Coming from a king sized ignoramus, I'll take that with the contempt it deserves.

NY Hoop
19/10/2004, 11:42 AM
Dont really care what way you take it. You started a thread with old news pal. And judging by what you said on the sligo forum I'll consider it an honour to take abuse from you :rolleyes:


19/10/2004, 11:52 AM
From what I gather, you were the perpetrator of the abuse towards the Sligo lot, so don't dole out what you can't take in return, although thats a typical Rovers thing, isn't it??
Anyway, I'm not getting in to this childish argument with you, I have no interest in it. Feel free to pm me any further personal abuse and I will reply accordingly.

NY Hoop
19/10/2004, 11:54 AM
Believe you me I can take it and we have been taking it for years. You say you have no interest in this yet you keep replying.

PM you?! Dont flatter yourself........


19/10/2004, 12:01 PM
Is there not a rule like they have in other countries that convicted criminals cannot be directors of football clubs??

19/10/2004, 12:26 PM
Is there not a rule like they have in other countries that convicted criminals cannot be directors of football clubs??
Are you for real? In most other countrues they run the country. Can you find out any countries that have that rule...

I had that exact thing deleted from one of my posts here about a year ago by Pete who didn' tthink it was true...

20/10/2004, 8:52 PM
Have to say tho, it was an interesting article - paints Ollie in a good/interesting light. Whatever else you could say, he is passionate about the game here, even if that comes out as pro-shels, 'they're all out to get us' stuff.

20/10/2004, 9:35 PM
Are you for real? In most other countrues they run the country. Can you find out any countries that have that rule...

I had that exact thing deleted from one of my posts here about a year ago by Pete who didn' tthink it was true...

Dodge is there not a bill on its way for English clubs about a "Goodness of persons" relating to the persons who are directors of clubs- excluding people who have been declared bankrupt, criminal records etc etc?