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18/10/2004, 1:26 PM
They just don't make women like Jane Fonda anymore! :(
The movie is nuts though.
Hard to believe it was released in 1968.

18/10/2004, 1:59 PM
One of the all time greats, Jane Fonda is fantastic (in every possible way) in it. ;)

Oh to have been a fly trapped in Milo O'Shea's eyebrows while they were filming it. :D :D

18/10/2004, 2:19 PM
Jane Fonda is fantastic (in every possible way) in it. ;)

She really gives it her all.
What a seductive woman she is.

18/10/2004, 2:43 PM
What a seductive woman she is.

SHE WAS :D Havent seen her recently :p

18/10/2004, 2:56 PM
SHE WAS :D Havent seen her recently :p

Fair point, but her ability to seduce has been preserved and even immortalised in so many great movies. ;)

18/10/2004, 3:39 PM
thought u were on about the choooooon they played in henry's years back ;)

18/10/2004, 7:09 PM
Thats a drug of a movie, BBC always showing it & its kinda hard to look away once have a glance at. ;)

18/10/2004, 7:19 PM
You lads obviously don't get out much. Or else Cork doesn't have much to offer. I suggest you lads disgard the viagara pills and take a trip to Bondi Beach in Stillorgan some week night. Now that would leave ye standing on three legs. :D

18/10/2004, 7:25 PM
Bondi would leave those l@ngers on a permanent tripod alright! :p
The People's Republic of Cork my anus! :rolleyes:
Who do they think they are anyway?

18/10/2004, 7:28 PM
In fairness Dillo I think these lads are a bit older than you and me. Anyhow, I wouldn't imagine the talent is great in Cork. Dublin 4 all the way! . . . and Blue or Blazers if you're feeling a little filthy. :D

18/10/2004, 8:19 PM
Ye wanna nice Cork lass!

Having said that asked ma top 5 lasses recently, story for another thread.....

18/10/2004, 9:44 PM
thought u were on about the choooooon they played in henry's years back ;)

Hey I remember that track. It was on Trance Europe Express back in 1992 I think. Can't remember the artist though :(

18/10/2004, 9:51 PM
Oops just did a Google. There was a trance band called Barbarella.

A face
19/10/2004, 12:53 AM
There was a trance band called Barbarella.

Yeah and said band had a song called Barbarella, 12' was on Hartfloor records or Rising High Records !! This record could be worth anything up to €250 easily today :) Just trying to remember the other side, good song aswell from what i remember.

19/10/2004, 6:47 AM
Hey I remember that track. It was on Trance Europe Express back in 1992 I think. Can't remember the artist though :(

artist was also barbarella ;)

the 12 th man
19/10/2004, 7:03 AM
anybody else feel the ghost of patrick j & skipper hanging around this thread ?? :confused:

19/10/2004, 8:29 AM
Jane Fonda.....mmmmmmm!! :D :D


19/10/2004, 8:46 AM

I didn't want to get into this but I think you might be right.
I was just kinda hoping I could keep them apart and have them both without they knowing about each other. :D

What women on screen today can compare to the women from the Golden Age of Cinema?

Charleze Theron?
Halle Berry?
Monica Bellucci?
Liv Tyler?
Kirsten Dunst?
Keira Knightley?
Natalie Portman?
Cate Blanchett?
Rene Russo?

19/10/2004, 8:57 AM
What women on screen today can compare to the women from the Golden Age of Cinema?

Jennifer Connelly ;)
Maybe Kirsten Dunst

That's about it, none of the airbrushed 'celebrities' of today can live with the quality totty of yesteryear....

Joan Fontaine
Audrey Hepburn
Catherine Deneuve

19/10/2004, 9:02 AM
Audrey Hepburn

I remember years ago RTÉ did a Tracy-Hepburn series for their Saturday Matinee slot. I used to love the old B&W classics.
She's pretty darn nice for a Belgian!

19/10/2004, 9:24 AM
I remember years ago RTÉ did a Tracy-Hepburn series for their Saturday Matinee slot. I used to love the old B&W classics.
She's pretty darn nice for a Belgian!

tut-tut Peadar,
It was Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn that made all the films together, great actress and a feisty woman, but not a pretty one ;)

19/10/2004, 9:30 AM
tut-tut Peadar,

great actress and a feisty woman, but not a pretty one ;)

Ah, that makes so much sense now.
I remember them being great in movies together and I remember Audrey Hepburn being gorgeous but couldn't picture Spencer and Audrey together.
Lucky I have you to clear things up for me. ;)
Where does Hillary Duff fit in to all this? :)

the 12 th man
19/10/2004, 10:27 AM
in her day brigitte bardot was a cracker.

19/10/2004, 10:47 AM
in her day brigitte bardot was a cracker.

The old girls are giving the big dollar Prima Donna's of today a right pasting!