View Full Version : All new Dream Team

18/10/2004, 8:06 AM
This just gets worse by the episode, yet I keep watching it. However, after last nights episode, even I am having my doubts.
Shane Lynch, yes Shane Lynch, the mumbling 'howyiah' from some ghetto in Dublins northside plays the new billionaire owner of Harchester United....had some very tasty chics hanging off his arm though ;)
Please don't start watching this tripe....its giving me great encouragement to start going out on Sunday nights again......... :eek:

18/10/2004, 8:32 AM
This just gets worse by the episode, yet I keep watching it...

...its giving me great encouragement to start going out on Sunday nights again.

Must be terrible having a TV with only one channel!? :rolleyes:

18/10/2004, 8:37 AM
have ntl digital actually, got over 120 channels....combination of football, sex and really bad acting seems to draw me....I need help.... :o

18/10/2004, 8:42 AM
I need help.... :o

Unless you also suffer from agoraphobia, may I suggest you get out more often!?
The next step, of course, would be to get a life! :D

Pauro 76
18/10/2004, 8:44 AM
Ha ha dont have a tv so no choice but to go out on Sunday nights! Last time i recall they qualified for the Champions League but still got relegated... confusing... What happened the scouser/scally chairman, christ they change chairmen every year!!!!! Whos the new manager?

18/10/2004, 8:48 AM
Sky One [ Apart from the Simpsons] = Tabloid Tv, what more do you expect?!

Lionel Ritchie
18/10/2004, 10:09 AM
Someone Tell the Sad Man in the Dreamteam Jersey

If we’d tumble weed it’d tumble with impunity
through this stand out ‘cross that terrace.
Way across this field a mobile sings a Britney tune .
We shake our heads and laugh but feel embarrassed .
We’ll not be invaded by sea and colonised again. Next time it’ll be by Sky.
There are two fine teams on Shannonside. Two more up the coast .
But no-one cares and worse no-one even asks why.

Yet as tall tales go they don’t come any taller
than this wretch or felch or whatever he’s called.
He’s not even a real footballer.
It’s sad that life ain’t fair. It’s sad it won’t get any fairer.
But nothings quite so sad as a dreamteam jersey wearer.

Pass and go Mr. Bandele, tell me can you do this really ?
Or will you pass and stand there looking at me like a dipstick?
On your feet Mr. Bandele, he only grazed you really .
On your feet kid you'll want to be touching up your lipstick .
You folks with homeground at whichever end of Seven Sisters Road .
Don’t it wind you up the way they style it?
So don’t patronise the dragons lair, pulverise it from the air.
Though it’s mostly just Goodison Park tinted violet .

Yet as tall tales go they don’t come any taller
than this wretch or felch or whatever he’s called.
He’s not even a real footballer.
It’s sad that life ain’t fair. It’s sad it won’t get any fairer.
But nothings quite so sad as a dreamteam jersey wearer.

There’s two grand clubs in Manchester .
There’s no such place as Harchester !!!
Fine old sides by the Lagan, by the Liffey and the Lee .
There’s a great team on the Aire and a few more ‘cross the Mersey .
Tell the sad, sad man in the dreamteam jersey .

It’s sad that life isn’t fair. It’s sad it won’t get any fairer.
But nothings quite so sad as a dreamteam jersey wearer.
But nothings quite so sad as a dreamteam jersey wearer.
But nothings quite so sad as a dreamteam jersey wearer.


18/10/2004, 10:19 AM
Ha ha dont have a tv so no choice but to go out on Sunday nights! Last time i recall they qualified for the Champions League but still got relegated... confusing... What happened the scouser/scally chairman, christ they change chairmen every year!!!!! Whos the new manager?
Apparently they are relegated to Div 1 as per FA rules but still qualify for the CL under UEFA rules :confused: :confused:
New manager is some 50 something gum chewing alcoholic ignoramus from Scotland....wonder who they've based him on?? :D
The scouse chairman kept his job, but is now just an errand boy for this scottish geezer and the ex-fat dancer from Boyzone..