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View Full Version : Im bak aftir a lon tiem

17/10/2004, 5:16 PM
I hav bin a wey fur a gud wile but it wasint my falt. Whir i waz der waz no entirnit soo i cudint git te chit wit ye. Don is gon in my absinse and we hav a nu managir. I waz at de gime las nite but i waz viry culd. Sum gud golds so tings mite bee lukin up at list. I hop to be abil to cum on hair mor ovten i be doin me bist anieways. Buy fur now.

17/10/2004, 10:37 PM
anyone speak sligo?

17/10/2004, 11:03 PM
il tri nd trnslte f u wnt ;)

18/10/2004, 9:59 PM
I hav bin a wey fur a gud wile but it wasint my falt. Whir i waz der waz no entirnit soo i cudint git te chit wit ye. Don is gon in my absinse and we hav a nu managir. I waz at de gime las nite but i waz viry culd. Sum gud golds so tings mite bee lukin up at list. I hop to be abil to cum on hair mor ovten i be doin me bist anieways. Buy fur now.

I think someone had a few too many sherrys last nite! :D

18/10/2004, 10:01 PM
that would go some way to explaining it anyway :D