View Full Version : Premier League fans wanted

01/11/2013, 9:49 PM
Hi guys,

Just wondering if any fans from here would like to come on our PremChat Premier League chat show?

We have been getting English fans of the different clubs, but it would be great if there were some Irish Premier League Fans interested in coming on and having a chat.

Here is a link to the show we made this week with Southampton fans.


If anyone would like to get involved, drop me a DM or mail with your favourite team.

01/11/2013, 10:37 PM
Know plenty Dave and not all 'barstoolers' before the LOI fans start. Some of them are also even LOI regulars...

Is this thing on Facebook?

01/11/2013, 11:24 PM
Do you have shares in Facebook?

03/11/2013, 11:11 PM
No, but far more people and links are on there than will ever find there way on here...