View Full Version : New signing

21/12/2001, 9:23 AM
Aswell as confirming Murphy's contract extension today, the examiner also say we've signed Micheal Mulconroy from UCC. IMO, he's one of the best midielders in the MSL, can play anywhere in midfield, can use both feet and has a wicked shot.

* just to note his name is Mulconroy, not McConroy as reported in the Examiner

21/12/2001, 9:37 AM
What age is he Joe & would he be up to starting in midfield on Sunday?

21/12/2001, 9:47 AM
I'd say he's probably 23 - AFAIK he's in fourth year in college, though he may have graduated last year. The paper says he is 'likely to be in the squad' on Sunday and if he's going to start any match it might as well be Monaghan :D! Forgot to mention that he was in China earlier in the year with the Irish Universities Squad along with Neal Horgan and Tony Tynan.

21/12/2001, 9:54 AM
He mustn't be too bad if he was off in China.

Any chance we could persuade Gunter to go buy a striker and right winger???

Pat Dolan is often in Wexford, checking out Leinster Senior League players, has his eye on 1 or 2 locals. He brings about 20-30 on trial to St Pats throughout the year. Maybe Gunter should start travelling!


21/12/2001, 9:55 AM
he may have blown the travelling budget when he flew up to dublin for the cup draw last month :D

21/12/2001, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by joe
just to note his name is Mulconroy, not McConroy as reported in the Examiner [/B]
But everyone calls him Mucky!

21/12/2001, 10:23 AM
Looks like more cover for Kelvin. Hopefully he might get that troublesome right side berth sorted.

21/12/2001, 10:59 AM
signing a young rated player is always good.

21/12/2001, 11:48 AM
fair dues to Murphy, sounds like a good siging. doesn't change anything though.

21/12/2001, 11:54 AM
On Cork Campus Radio and red in the Unex that he is a class player, have either of them ever been known to be wrong?

He plays in the centre and has played up front but I'd say he could be the man we need for the right wing??

21/12/2001, 1:08 PM
Originally posted by SÓCcfc
On Cork Campus Radio and red in the Unex that he is a class player, have either of them ever been known to be wrong?

Unex wrong more often then its right
Campus Radio Never!!

Long Live 97.4fm

21/12/2001, 2:12 PM
Originally posted by CityRant

Unex wrong more often then its right
Campus Radio Never!!

Long Live 97.4fm

as in 97.4% of people don't know it exists! hur! hur!

as for your comments about the unex - that's bordering on slander, boy!

21/12/2001, 2:15 PM
Originally posted by joe

as for your comments about the unex - that's bordering on slander, boy!

isnt it only slander if its proved to be untrue!
guess I win so :D

bring back the Gazette

Jim Smith
21/12/2001, 2:19 PM
I think you'll find that the 97.4% refers to the number of radio listeners that the stupid ego trip annoys due to it interference with real radio stations :mad:

21/12/2001, 2:37 PM
or is 97.4% the amount that Jim is ****ed off with UCC ;)

Jim Smith
21/12/2001, 2:45 PM
It has nothing to do with my current situation. Its just when you hear questions like "do you think the increase in road traffic accidents due to joy riding is a bad thing?" You wonder about the future of investigative journalism....

21/12/2001, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Jim Smith
Its just when you hear questions like "do you think the increase in road traffic accidents due to joy riding is a bad thing?" You wonder about the future of investigative journalism....
now that is a cutting comment! :D

22/12/2001, 12:22 PM
after returning from china he was praised for his skills and on the ball prowess

22/12/2001, 1:18 PM
everything posted on him so far sounds pretty promising! Hopefully another good signing by Gunther (credit where it's due)