View Full Version : LoI clubs activity in other counties?

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30/09/2013, 2:48 PM
MOD NOTE: violinhero, I'm allowing your posts through moderation because they show some level of thought and effort, but you're going to have knock the aggressive attitude on the head right now if you want to continue on Foot.ie. Macy is a well-respected member of Foot.ie and his comment wasn't aggressive, there was absolutely no need for the attitude in your comment.

30/09/2013, 3:31 PM
I don't think people are denying that there are people in places like Tory Island and Goleen who don't have local LOI teams to go and support.

When it becomes a pathetic excuse is when people from Shankill and Greystones say they have no local team because it would take them a full 10 minutes on the DART to get to the Carlisle Grounds, and this sort of thing is heard depressingly often.

01/10/2013, 8:31 AM
Of course its relevant, but i see your reasons for refusing to answer the simple straightforward questions.
I'm not sure which of the two replies you want me to answer? I wasn't being defensive - I go as often as I can. That's my answer - not defensive, not trying to justify it with excuses. Everyone's circumstances are different. It seems to be going over your head that my point was people don't have to justify themselves. People should stand over their decisions, and their choices. If it really matters that much to you that you had to post twice, I've missed the last two home games of the club I support - I'm not sure if that makes me a hypocrite or pathetic - frankly I'm not arsed of your opinion.

To me there is no logic to saying you don't support the LoI because of no "local" club, and then supporting a team hundreds of miles away across the sea - everyone has a nearer team than one across the sea.

Closed Account 2
01/10/2013, 9:55 AM
I'd like to see the league being more central to the development of the game within this country. As there are many regions without a club, it should be good for the game for LoI clubs to have links with junior clubs from nearby areas and for them to possibly run summer camps in these areas. It'll raise the profile of LoI clubs to a wider area. With a bit of luck for them, they might gain a few more players who'll have an impact for them.

I agree with this, I think that some potential fans (and perhaps prospective youth players) could struggle to get to a LoI game without a car (or a parent with a car who is willing to drive to a match). The public transport in and around Dublin is pretty good, it's extensive and doesnt cost that much. But say there is a fan from Tralee who wanted to go to a game, and he didn't have a car, it would be pretty difficult. Tralee to Cork on the train takes at least two hours an you would be lucky to get a return ticket for less than 40 euro. The last train back leaves Cork at around 9pm so if it's an evening game it's not really possible. The buses might be cheaper but they take at least as long and the last one back from Cork leaves even earlier than the train. If he want's to go to Limerick it's the same story at least 2 hours on a bus (although at least the last one at 9:30pm is a bit better but still risky). With a car it's much easier, the cost would be a lot less, the journey time would be around 90 mins and you won't have to worry about the last train/bus - but for people in certain counties without a car I really don't think it's a pathetic excuse at all, to me it seems perfectly valid.

If, as you suggest, more of the clubs had concrete links with unserved areas then perhaps, in an ideal scenario, a club like Cork City or Limerick could have a youth center linked to Tralee Dyanmos and maybe even run a minibus for home games, or if that wasnt possible they could at least figure out some sort of car share.

I don't think people are denying that there are people in places like Tory Island and Goleen who don't have local LOI teams to go and support.

When it becomes a pathetic excuse is when people from Shankill and Greystones say they have no local team because it would take them a full 10 minutes on the DART to get to the Carlisle Grounds, and this sort of thing is heard depressingly often.

I'd say even from places like Arklow it could be difficult for someone to get to an LoI game (either at Bray or Wexford) if they didnt have a car. It's around 50 mins to an hour on the train either to Bray or Wexford but the service is so infrequent (even during the rush hour, let alone at weekends) it's not viable. The airport to Wexford bus is a bit more frequent but it's still very tricky and it doesnt stop in Bray so for someone from Arklow it would only be possible to go to Wexford matches. If you have a car getting to either Bray or Wicklow is a breeze, but without one you're stuck.

01/10/2013, 11:22 AM
That'd be the more reason for Drogheda to run soccer camps in Meath if they don't already and build some links with 1 or 2 junior clubs. It doesn't have to be anything that costs a lot, just something that builds a connection and helps the development of the game.

I'd be surprised if most if not all clubs are doing something like that already. There are summer camps every year.
For years now underage teams from all over the region are on the pitch at half time. I guess some links are made with kids and the club, but the amount of parents & kids involved who leave the ground right after half time seems to be huge.

03/10/2013, 9:28 PM
I'm not sure which of the two replies you want me to answer? I wasn't being defensive - I go as often as I can. That's my answer - not defensive, not trying to justify it with excuses. Everyone's circumstances are different. It seems to be going over your head that my point was people don't have to justify themselves. People should stand over their decisions, and their choices. If it really matters that much to you that you had to post twice, I've missed the last two home games of the club I support - I'm not sure if that makes me a hypocrite or pathetic - frankly I'm not arsed of your opinion.

To me there is no logic to saying you don't support the LoI because of no "local" club, and then supporting a team hundreds of miles away across the sea - everyone has a nearer team than one across the sea.

And yet somehow you succeeded in answering neither!! In the interests of not dragging this out let me zone in on a few specific areas:

- I asked how many games you'd attended this season, not how many you missed. Does yoir comment mean that you only missed two of Longfords home games this year?

- Can you clarify that, regarding your 'pathetic' comment, you see no reason why any person in Ireland can justify supporting a foreign club over an irish club based on proximity to a club.

- As asked previously, where do you stand on 'excuses' such as family commitments, other sporting commitments, financial restraints etc?

- What do you think of supposed LoI supporter who whinge and moan at the lack of support for the league but never actually attend games themselves?

04/10/2013, 8:54 AM
And yet somehow you succeeded in answering neither!! In the interests of not dragging this out let me zone in on a few specific areas:

- I asked how many games you'd attended this season, not how many you missed. Does yoir comment mean that you only missed two of Longfords home games this year?

- Can you clarify that, regarding your 'pathetic' comment, you see no reason why any person in Ireland can justify supporting a foreign club over an irish club based on proximity to a club.

- As asked previously, where do you stand on 'excuses' such as family commitments, other sporting commitments, financial restraints etc?

- What do you think of supposed LoI supporter who whinge and moan at the lack of support for the league but never actually attend games themselves?
I'm not sure why you keep missing the point - people don't have to justify their attendance, or otherwise. I attend as much as I can (and I do attend games) - I'm comfortable with that, I don't feel the need to justify it to you (or anyone). I obviously hit a nerve - if you don't support the league, that's fine with me.

You should be comfortable with the choices you make, which you don't seem to be as you keep feeling the need to defend it and attack me for suggesting it's illogical to not support a LoI club because there's not one in your backyard, and then support a team hundreds of miles away in a different land mass. It's descended it whataboutery now. I stand by it's illogical, but it's up to the individual whether they support the LoI or not. That's it. However, they don't need to do the league down or make up excuses why they don't follow it. Similarly individuals have their own reasons for not attending particular games - no one expects a note from their mam like they're in fecking school - it's up to them where they prioritise their life.

I'm out of this discussion as it's just going around in cycles.

Mr A
04/10/2013, 9:08 AM
And yet somehow you succeeded in answering neither!! In the interests of not dragging this out let me zone in on a few specific areas:

- I asked how many games you'd attended this season, not how many you missed. Does yoir comment mean that you only missed two of Longfords home games this year?

- Can you clarify that, regarding your 'pathetic' comment, you see no reason why any person in Ireland can justify supporting a foreign club over an irish club based on proximity to a club.

- As asked previously, where do you stand on 'excuses' such as family commitments, other sporting commitments, financial restraints etc?

- What do you think of supposed LoI supporter who whinge and moan at the lack of support for the league but never actually attend games themselves?

Violinhero- drawing your attention to this in case you missed it: http://foot.ie/threads/183307-LoI-clubs-activity-in-other-counties?p=1713142&viewfull=1#post1713142

All your posts on this forum have been targeting Macy. This is not the place to pursue some personal vendetta.

At this stage Macy has made his point very clear. Time to drop it, or make an actual point that isn't focussed on one other poster.