View Full Version : FAI AGM July 203

A face
20/07/2013, 10:10 PM
Haven't heard much from it so far yet. Anyone at it would like to give a bit more info? Recorded surplus of €6.2 million (http://www.fai.ie/fai/commercial-marketing/103393-fai-records-record-operating-surplus-of-6-2-million-for-2012.html).

Download copy of CEO address (http://www.fai.ie/images/CEO_AGM_speech_2013_.pdf)
Download copy of FAI Annual review (http://www.fai.ie/images/AR.pdf)

21/07/2013, 9:23 AM
Apparently journalists were advised not to report on the financial situation. Also the CEO wasn't available to answer any questions.

21/07/2013, 10:34 AM
Delaney claimed everything is on course for 1 club in Galway next year... Should we believe him?:rolleyes:

21/07/2013, 3:41 PM
Delaney claimed everything is on course for 1 club in Galway next year... Should we believe him?:rolleyes:

It may well happen, but it will be another SD Galway.

Charlie Darwin
21/07/2013, 4:00 PM
Posted this elsewhere, but:

The RTE article has been posted a lot around, but Emmett Malone in the Irish Times is far more revealing (http://http//www.irishtimes.com/sport/soccer/national-league/fai-cancels-press-conference-at-cagey-agm-1.1470487):

As has become the norm, delegates failed to raise a single issue in relation to the finances from the floor. Carl Bond became the first person in three years to ask a question of any sort when he attempted to have a motion in relation to schoolboy football, that had already been withdrawn, ruled out of order.

Pat Kelly of the SFAI, who was awarded honorary life membership of the association, hailed the transformation of the organisation that has taken place over the course of the time involved.

Twenty years ago the FAI was “personality driven,” but “all of that has changed”, said the Waterfordman, before referring to the organisation’s “outstanding CEO”.

Earlier, Delaney had, as is also traditional, featured around 60 times in a short video, set to music, covering the activities of the Festival of Football that leads up to the AGM.

Suffice to say, Emmett won't be invited back next year, and expect to see significantly less access to Trap and the boys for the IT in the near future.

21/07/2013, 6:04 PM
The IRFU are pretty much in the same boat as the FAI also. The IRFU have had to borrow €25million euro just to keep the national and provincial teams competitive and haven't sold ten year tickets anywhere near projections. A lot of club sides are in big financial trouble and the provincial sides can't compete with the English and French teams financially. While the Rugby at the moment looks better crowds wise etc… it isn't actually too far off the trouble football in Ireland is currently in. The running costs are probably higher for staff, players, travel, match day running etc. Munster have had to make cuts to staff behind the scenes and aren't selling corporate packages anywhere near what they used to.


22/07/2013, 8:47 AM
As has become the norm, delegates failed to raise a single issue in relation to the finances from the floor.

This says it all for me.
The clubs are like a herd of sheep with Delaney as the sheep dog.
I suppose if the clubs can't keep their own finances in order then they can hardly question the FAI about theirs.

Pat Kelly of the SFAI, who was awarded honorary life membership of the association, hailed the transformation of the organisation that has taken place over the course of the time involved.
Twenty years ago the FAI was “personality driven,” but “all of that has changed”, said the Waterfordman, before referring to the organisation’s “outstanding CEO”. Earlier, Delaney had, as is also traditional, featured around 60 times in a short video, set to music, covering the activities of the Festival of Football that leads up to the AGM.

This is cringe worthy stuff. The whole room must have been in fits of laughter but I suppose laughter wasn't allowed :D

22/07/2013, 11:35 PM
What makes up the 88m of intangible assets?

Excuse me, nearly 89m?

23/07/2013, 9:26 AM
John Delaney's suits.

24/07/2013, 10:12 AM
Well unless the clubs get their act together, run their clubs in a proper business manner & actually communicate with each other nothing will ever change.

The FAI took over the running of the League of Ireland because they were incapable of running themselves. The FAI have little interest in the League of Ireland but have to have a league in order to be recognized as a national association.

Look around Ireland & most League clubs are in some sort of difficulty. They just want the FAI to run the show for them & so are afraid to rock the boat.
Most clubs are struggling from season to season with no prospect of progression.
We have Cork, Cobh, Waterford, Galway, Bohs, Shels, Dundalk, Derry. Over recent seasons these clubs have been in desperate trouble.
I'm sure I could add in a few more.

Fortunately some of these clubs have reorganized themselves & are now being run properly but its a very slow process.I don't see any prospect of change in the way the FAI does its business in the future until the clubs themselves sort out their own precarious positions.

24/07/2013, 3:24 PM
Good post disgruntled. You could add that not only were the clubs badly run as individual clubs, they showed they couldn't be trusted to work in the best interest of the league. There was absolutely no "joined-up" thinking and chaos reigned.