View Full Version : Heart of the Game

18/06/2013, 10:22 PM
Surprised this hasn't been mentioned


Launched today at Leinster House. Fair play to Niamh, Lee and all those involved in putting it together.

19/06/2013, 9:40 AM
Looks like a lot of effort went into that and hopefully it will be a valuable resource. Good to see some forward thinking and creatitivity from supporters.

19/06/2013, 12:51 PM
Suddenly taking on a relevance I hadn't immediately expected.

Congratulations to everyone involved.

Sean South
19/06/2013, 9:03 PM
Surprised this hasn't been mentioned.

Probabaly because no one really cares. I wish them well but find it a bit wishy washy.

20/06/2013, 11:25 AM
Probabaly because no one really cares. I wish them well but find it a bit wishy washy.
It's a very good starter guide for groups of fans with hopes of one day going the way or Foras / Rovers etc and owning/running their own club.

20/06/2013, 12:41 PM
Yes, let's all go the Shamrock Rovers way and start sacking our managers and paying off their contracts if we're not top of the league.

20/06/2013, 2:30 PM
Lose a few games and you turn on everybody again... :D

20/06/2013, 11:50 PM
Great credit is due to Project Manager Niamh O’Mahony & to all the experts and activists who contributed to an outstanding body of work.
It’s an outstanding achievement by everyone involved in the project.

Maybe all clubs & fans should read it & keep a copy handy.
You’d never know when you might need it :cry:

A face
25/06/2013, 11:11 AM
This is one of the best good news stories this league has had in decades, and maybe one of the reasons it hasn't got the attention it deserves is this leagues uneasy relationship with good news and all of its trappings, we could all be a bit unnerved by the whole thing. The truth of it all is that all LOI clubs at one point or another will be in a volatile situation and come close to the brink (bar UCD and Bray with their softly softly approach), right now its Waterford United's turn. I'm not saying it will solve all our problems but it will go some way to giving stability to clubs/fans.

26/06/2013, 9:18 AM
How the **** did they get my email address?

26/06/2013, 9:55 AM
Anyone's who's on the FAI database...got an e-mail myself, which fwd.to 'all' the LOI heads I know. Most of whom are on here...