View Full Version : LSC quarter final

02/06/2013, 6:32 PM
Wasn't going to bother with a thread for Tuesday's game but as we have a full bus load travelling I thought it would be a good idea.

It's only the LSC and we're playing a top premier side but if we won this game who's to say we couldnt win some extra silverware this season.

Hopefully Treacy gets another run out along with the likes of Josh who could shine in a game like this.

Anyone looking to travel the bus is leaving at 5-45 and there are still spaces available.

04/06/2013, 8:24 PM
Listening to it on ST Pats ustream channel, fair play to the lads who traveled ye are coming through loud and clear :D

04/06/2013, 11:46 PM
sang and drummed till the end.. have the blisters to prove it haha

05/06/2013, 11:01 AM
Brilliant stuff lads was a great owld night and technically we got a draw with the countrys top team :)