View Full Version : The end of the football forum ?

04/05/2013, 1:23 AM
With Twitter and Facebook etc...Death notice sent out for chat on soccer fora? Or can it survive?

04/05/2013, 1:26 AM
Personally I don't feel the target audiences of fora and mainstream social media overlap as much as you'd think. A forum is very specially focused (the reason I come here!) whereas football will only ever be a subsection of a Facebook / Twitter feed. While niche interests exist, their fora should persist.

04/05/2013, 11:12 AM
What he said.

I don't see the likes of Facebook and Twitter taking over from a specialised forum. If it did, I couldn't see myself getting into it in the same way.

04/05/2013, 12:37 PM
Twitter and Facebook are grand for quick updates on games but forums are needed for better discussion.

04/05/2013, 3:00 PM
Much easier to wind people up on twitter.

06/05/2013, 11:40 PM
Much easier to wind people up on twitter.
Much bigger pay off here though so worth the effort