View Full Version : Fizzle Sticks

29/09/2004, 8:06 AM
Does anyone know where u can buy these nowadays? I used to love them at school, all of 25 years ago, but they seem to have vanished off the shelves forever. I heard you can buy them in Turkey, but I wouldn't have enough time on my lunchbreak to get over and back... :(

For anyone not knowing what a fizzle stick is, it was a thin stick of sherbety like stuff that tingled when u ate it....NO INNUENDOS PLEASE!!

29/09/2004, 8:15 AM
Does anyone know where u can buy these nowadays?

Your prayers have been answered.
Click here (http://www.aquarterof.co.uk/cgibin/ss006627.pl?SS=sherbet&PR=-1&TB=A&SHOP=) and save yourself a trip to Turkey ;)

29/09/2004, 8:26 AM
some range there Peader....out with the credit card then!! :D

29/09/2004, 9:02 AM
some range there Peader....out with the credit card then!! :D

May I also suggest you look at this website (http://www.macleans.co.uk/) and this website (http://www.colgate.com/app/Colgate/US/OralCare/HomePage.cvsp) :D

29/09/2004, 9:24 AM
no teeth anyway bud...thanks anyway... ;)