View Full Version : Broadband Info

22/09/2004, 10:42 PM
Looking for info from anyone using home broadband at the moment, internet gravy train from work gone so need solution...

Been looking at Esat, Eircom, UTV & NTL.... NTL looks good deal at either 300 or 750 kps but maybe i'm missing something... UTV same but better than Esat & Eircom unsurprisngly most expensive...

btw i already have network card on pooter which i know need for NTL...


22/09/2004, 11:15 PM
I've been a UTV man meself for years, on both dialup and BB. Hate Eircom for what should be obvious reasons. Hate Esat/IOL because of years of lies and incompetence.


23/09/2004, 7:48 AM
I've been with UTV for a while (actually on adam's advice on here going back about six/seven months). Haven't had a minute's trouble with them, helps keeps the phone bill down a bit too.

27/09/2004, 8:24 AM
satellite is also available @ €30 pm also and is more reliable IMO

27/09/2004, 10:21 AM
From who ccfcman? What's the installation fee?

(Nothing wrong with satellite, unless you want to use it for gaming or other latency sensitive applications. It's just traditionally very expensive. Unless ccfcman is talking about one-way, which of course requires a separate upload path (such as dialup).)


30/09/2004, 8:35 AM
actually i must find that out, my cuz was tellin me about it its supposed to be €30 per month and yes its suitable for gaming primarily.

as regards pricing are you thinking of the uber expensive microwave setup?


30/09/2004, 8:48 AM
Any idea where i might get info on utv broadband.

30/09/2004, 10:34 AM
www.u.tv Might be specific to Ireland only.


30/09/2004, 11:06 AM
UTV is the best, I think.

Chorus deal of delivering Broadband through your TV cable sounds good and I am looking into it. Don't think very much of them as a company though.

30/09/2004, 11:12 AM
Wouldn't Chorus be doing this through your TV dish? Making it satellite :)


30/09/2004, 11:34 AM
actually i must find that out, my cuz was tellin me about it its supposed to be €30 per month and yes its suitable for gaming primarily.Like I said, satellite isn't suitable for gaming, the latency (http://www.satsig.net/latency.htm) is too high.

as regards pricing are you thinking of the uber expensive microwave setup?Microwave is what TV providers use (MMDS).

Wouldn't Chorus be doing this through your TV dish? Making it satellite It's an antennae, not a dish. Chorus don't do satellite, they do MMDS.


30/09/2004, 11:41 AM
Seen a trial/test version of Chorus BB. Looks good. Told it will be very good for gaming.

30/09/2004, 11:42 AM
Put me in my box then!

I've played online games on a mates comp. with excellents pings [gamer talk for latency] averaging 27 in Europe to 150 in N. America.


30/09/2004, 12:01 PM
VSAT pricing, courtesy of Tim Bunce on the Open mailing list:

Digiweb SkyStar Pro: Monthly €219, Installation €349, Equipment €1299
Aramiska ARC1000: Monthly €399, Installation €750
OrbitLink BP1000: Monthly €279, Installation €299, Equipment €1000
MediaSat B-DSLe: Monthly €?, Installation €499, Equipment €1999If your mates computer is connected via VSAT he should give UCC a ring, as he's broken the laws of physics. It's physically impossible for a packet to travel up to a satellite tens of thousands of miles away and back again in 150ms, never mind 27ms. And that doesn't include the return path of the ISP.

Sorry ccfcman, but someone you've been talking to has been enunciating out of their headgear.


Jim Smith
02/10/2004, 9:47 PM
helps keeps the phone bill down a bit too.
I was looking at UTV for the phone and it looks too good to be true. Is there a catch that I'm not seeing?

04/10/2004, 8:39 AM
I was looking at UTV for the phone and it looks too good to be true. Is there a catch that I'm not seeing?

For a start you need an eircom phone line, that has its line rental, then you got utv's rental charges to boot, they mostly clean up on Mobile and International calls.

04/10/2004, 9:19 AM
For a start you need an eircom phone line, that has its line rental, then you got utv's rental charges to bootNo. UTV's new product uses WLR (Wholesale Line Rental) to cut out the old two bills problem. If you switch to UTV, you won't receive an Eircom bill any more.

With respect ccfcman, if you're advising your family and friends on comms, you could be costing them more than you're saving them.

Jim, you'll find a fairly detailed discussion on UTV Talk here (http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=183076).


Jim Smith
04/10/2004, 11:08 AM
Jim, you'll find a fairly detailed discussion on UTV Talk here (http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=183076).

Thanks Adam, just what was needed!

15/10/2004, 8:32 AM
Apparently this crowd do sattelite http://www.irishbroadband.ie/index.htm