View Full Version : Roy Keane Charged With Assault

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One Brian Kerr
23/09/2004, 12:06 PM

Roy's pleaded not guilty and the case has been adjourned to 21st October.

23/09/2004, 3:15 PM
A neck chain worth £20 eh?
Obviously no sink estate scumbag then :D

You can get a lot of copper for £20 :D

23/09/2004, 3:38 PM
Dear Terry Phelan,

I did not think up my own name - it was none other than the prophetic wisdom of my parents that is responsible for my being named after 'The Greatest' - one Terence Phelan. I have been a Terry for as long as I can remember.

I hope you aren't offended by this, but to be honest, it has always been an abiding football philosophy of mine that there were never enough Terry Phelans (even though it seemed like there were about 7 of him on the park at some stages), so I stand by that. The more the Terry-er.

Yours in sympathetic Phelan,
TerryPhelan ;)

TerryPhelan, I think you are as troublesome as Terry Duckworth (son of Vera and Jack Duckworth from Coronation Street). I do agree however that it is always nice to have a new Terryier. :D

23/09/2004, 5:17 PM
TerryPhelan, I think you are as troublesome as Terry Duckworth (son of Vera and Jack Duckworth from Coronation Street). I do agree however that it is always nice to have a new Terryier. :D

That pun was just Terryble.

You've lost that lovin' Phelan, woah-oh that lovin' Phelan...

Phelan hot-hot-hot!
Phelan hot-hot-hot!

And so on and so forth.
Up The Battery.

23/09/2004, 5:50 PM
Roy's pleaded not guilty and the case has been adjourned to 21st October.

At least he turned up. He didn't cry off injured and Ferguson didn't tell the magistrate he'd prefer if Roy didn't travel for this as it was not a serious fixture! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

24/09/2004, 2:56 AM
At least he turned up. He didn't cry off injured and Ferguson didn't tell the magistrate he'd prefer if Roy didn't travel for this as it was not a serious fixture! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

ah well there is somethings he has to turn up for

im sure kerr is happy to have for the big games

legends need a rest from time to time

24/09/2004, 8:54 AM
That would be despite the prosecution saying it wasn't a race attack, and the judge concurring.

I'll quote your own point

At least I don't claim to know more than the prosecution barrister and presiding judge. Then again, I don't get my court reports from the Daily Mirror...

Of course I wasn't suggesting the crimes were similar. I'm just pointing out the obvious, that if this allegation was made against an English 'hard man' we'd be up in arms.

So I cant pass judgement on Roy, but you can pass judgement on me!!! The hypocrisy here gets ever more amusing... Go on, what next in the defence of the Boy? Try contradicting yourself in an even shorter sentence... :D :D

so from my post you have worked out that I read the Mirror..interesting...(just for the record I don't and never have )
but then again just to use a quote of mine you liked "you have more facts than me "

also for the record the Judge did not say it wasn't racist attack..you are correct in saying the prosecution did.....

maybe when your finished reading the mirror pass it on to me and I can see where you get your amzing sixth sense and opinions from

Lionel Ritchie
24/09/2004, 9:30 AM
so from my post you have worked out that I read the Mirror..interesting...(just for the record I don't and never have )
but then again just to use a quote of mine you liked "you have more facts than me "

also for the record the Judge did not say it wasn't racist attack..you are correct in saying the prosecution did.....

maybe when your finished reading the mirror pass it on to me and I can see where you get your amzing sixth sense and opinions from

There is absolutely no evidence that this vile, vicious assault was motivated by race. Just lots of speculation by sanctimonious tabloids, who love turning up the heat on such things, because the poor lad who got milled had asian origins. So I'll join the speculation and say if I were a wealthy young Leeds United footballer out about town and in the humour for a racist attack on an unsuspecting asian kid I'd probably postpone it to some other night i wasn't drinking with one of my black team mates. But that's just me.

I'll also speculate that it's considerably more likely that lip was exchanged between two parties one of whom had a favourable disposition towards Bradford City AFC, the other employed by Leeds United AFC and that a confrontation ensued and got out of hand.

I might well be talking out my h0le -but no more so than the tabs or anyone else advancing the race attack motive.

24/09/2004, 9:55 AM
[QUOTE=Lionel Ritchie] this vile, vicious assault .... QUOTE]

at least we agree on something..

my original point was that you cannot compare the alleged keane assault with this actual assault and with bowyer...my original post was effectively a wait and see approach when the facts come out.

the bowyer crap has snowballed and is off thread

Lionel Ritchie
24/09/2004, 10:09 AM
agreed. not comparing like with like.

Back to Roy ...aint it incredible the amount of furore two scobes and a dog can cause? :D :eek:

24/09/2004, 11:51 AM
I wasn't being condescending at any point, you were when you instructed me on how one should think before speaking and telling me to try it for myself. If you were trying to protect your users, there was no reason to simply make fun of me, was there? I know that websites are up in the air when it comes to libel - I lecture in it - and don't believe one sarcastic comment would warrant a legal action. If you're protecting the website, that's cool because it's a great website, but in future just say that and don't take the ****. Libel actions take place on a regular basis but they are rarely something anyone wants and judges often call for common sense in a matter. If the defendant has genuinely lowered the plaintiff in the eyes of decent thinking members of society, the plaintiff has a case. In the case of one sarcastic sentence, which I qualified in the one immediately following it, as well as in a following post, I think anyone willing to shell out tens of thousands of pounds to pursue it. I do appreciate where you're coming from and see your point but I would have had no problem with what you said if you hadn't have taken the approach that you did and then tell me to lose the attitude. Walk a mile in these shoes and see how you deal with people that make libellous statements on your website, no matter how actionable you believe they are.


24/09/2004, 12:45 PM
[QUOTE=Lionel .

it incredible the amount of furore two scobes and a dog can cause? :D :eek:[/QUOTE]

mad..apparently the young lad was accompanied to court by a well known journalist...

every weekend in slimetrax there are scobes fighting over a dog

24/09/2004, 8:07 PM
Here we go again,
the can of worms is open. Keano gives some scrote a clip round the year and its assault. wait until we see the string of offences this cream cracker had done in his short life. That guy was probably on the golf course robbing golf balls or joyriding a golf cart annanyways.

24/09/2004, 8:44 PM
Here we go again,
the can of worms is open. Keano gives some scrote a clip round the year and its assault. wait until we see the string of offences this cream cracker had done in his short life. That guy was probably on the golf course robbing golf balls or joyriding a golf cart annanyways.Any more idle speculation in this thread and I'm tossing it and banning any single-digit posters that cross my path at the time.

And for the record, giving someone - anyone - a clip around the ear is in fact assault.


Plastic Paddy
24/09/2004, 8:49 PM
I agree with the point you're making, Adam. Your website, and therefore your liability. As it's so contentious, time to bin this thread?

:) PP

25/09/2004, 1:54 PM
Yes lock this thread until a verdict is reached or the charges are dropped. Let the professionals deal with it in the meantime. Personally it wouldn't surprise me if Roy was set up.

25/09/2004, 2:10 PM
I wouldnt be surprised if he was set up myself either to be honest, if he did however he would be a very stupid man because for all his talk about calming down and being a good father to his kids he puts him self back into the limelight for all the wrong reasons, we should be talking about keanes football prowess not his alleged boxing prowess