View Full Version : Nokia Lumia 820

11/02/2013, 10:28 PM
Due an upgrade, on O2, have Galaxy S2, thinking of Nokia Lumia 820 just for a change. Would go for the Galaxy S3 but for the price. Has any of you got the Nokia? Would you recommend it? Has it got many apps?

11/02/2013, 11:20 PM
Don't ever ask how many apps a phone has without wanting to incur ridicule. :-P

Plenty of apps and Microsoft are approving faster and faster nowadays.

Still no where near as many as on the play store.

if you're happy with android try and hold out for the s4 which should be due in March/April.

Never heard a bad word said about Windows phone but I couldn't see myself jumping from android at present.

12/02/2013, 9:36 AM
I've had my windows phone for over 2 years and find it really good. Operating sytem is very easy to use and reliable and Windows 8 should improve it further. The range of apps is decent if not Google or Apple level, Microsoft seem to have a dispute with the makers of some of the most popular mobile game so they refuse to develop them for Windows phone which can be a bit annoying (although it might be considered a lucky escape with some of them). Depending on price I'll probably stick with Windows phone when I get a new one. The Nokia phones look excellent too and reviews always seem to be impressed, currently I have a HTC HD7.

Eminence Grise
14/02/2013, 7:42 PM

I've had the Lumia 800 since last June, and it is an unmitigated steaming pile of dysenteric, diarrhoeic sh1t. It has crashed seven times, including today (screen freezes, no response from keys or screen and hard reboot doesn't work). [Edit: come to think of it, it almost always happens within a few days of downloading updates for the apps installed at purchase.] The only thing to do is wait until the battery dies and it powers down, which takes around 12 hours. I took it to Vodafone last month, and they couldn't transfer my contacts to a new SIM for a replacement phone as their reader doesn't read old technology, and it can't be done on the phone. Apparently, it needs a Windows live account or some such Windows bullplop.

The only reason I delayed taking it back since is that I want to make sure that every last unsold Lumia 800 has been wiped off the planet, and it will be replaced by a phone by any other maker that works. I'd take a giant Fisher Price phone in primary colours at this stage. At least it'd make some noises.

Coupled with a poor quality camera and clunky Zune software I feel unable to give the Lumia range a thumbs up at this moment in time.