View Full Version : Moan of the day 1

20/09/2004, 6:55 AM
I’m getting really pi$$ed off with people, parking in the disabled spaces outside my local spar. What is it with people? Too fat & lazy to walk the extra few feet. There are plenty of parking spaces. Then there are the people who park in the space beside the disabled space (clearly marked with a yellow box) so the disabled space is unusable. Why can’t they get fined or clamped? I know its a private car park , but something needs to be done. :mad:

20/09/2004, 9:35 AM
And then theres the ones who park well over the white line and take up 2 spaces!!!!

20/09/2004, 10:03 AM
Oh God..... :eek:

20/09/2004, 10:33 AM
I’m getting really pi$$ed off with people, parking in the disabled spaces outside my local spar. What is it with people? Too fat & lazy to walk the extra few feet. There are plenty of parking spaces. Then there are the people who park in the space beside the disabled space (clearly marked with a yellow box) so the disabled space is unusable. Why can’t they get fined or clamped? I know its a private car park , but something needs to be done. :mad:

Spot on, one of my pet hates. Boils down to ignorance really...

20/09/2004, 6:11 PM
A pet hate of mine too. I work in Woodies during my summers, and they got in a set of clamps there this summer for exactly that. If I'd been in charge, they'd have been used a bit more too!

20/09/2004, 10:05 PM
Seeing that it's against the law to park in a disabled parking space without a disabled badge on yer car, car's should be clamped by the car park owner's and then taken down the car pound by the clamper's.
That'll teach people to be a bit more considerate to the need's of people who are disabled.

20/09/2004, 10:52 PM
Seeing that it's against the law to park in a disabled parking space without a disabled badge on yer car, car's should be clamped by the car park owner's and then taken down the car pound by the clamper's.
That'll teach people to be a bit more considerate to the need's of people who are disabled.Just put a 'Molly' through the window instead and let the b*stards claim their car back on the insurance. :cool:

21/09/2004, 5:47 PM
Just put a 'Molly' through the window instead and let the b*stards claim their car back on the insurance. :cool:Slightly disproportionate. But only just. :)

21/09/2004, 7:49 PM
Slightly disproportionate. But only just. :)Sorry about that lads, but I did a 'Beavis' and posted my views on a touchy subject last night after a couple of 'light refreshments'. :o