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18/09/2004, 9:49 PM
This guy is causing something bad to happen in CCFC, IMO.
Journalists are part of a professional and moral movement worldwide. They often take risks to expose unpleasant truths. They draw criticism and often worse for saying things that some people do not want to hear.
But they do have a role in telling the truth.
Sometimes, for reasons of career advancement, or vindictiveness, or maybe the need to massage their own egos, journalists do not behave professionally.
Tonight on RedFM, Spillane's performance as a journalist was disgraceful, speculating about Dolan's future as though the manager was facing the sack.
Unless CCFC staff and players post in this forum, none of us really knows what is going on in the club. Even if we speak directly with people there, we are hearing stuff from their persective only, so we could not know the full picture.
Remember, whatever we read in the papers or hear in recorded interviews has to be taken with a pinch of salt. I have seen many examples of news stories distorted and sexed up in order to sensationalise a story, to sell more copies of the papers.
Whatever is going on behind the scenes at Turners Cross, let us not allow ourselves be dragged down by the type of journalism standards which dominate the tabloid press in the UK, where newspaper editors can have huge influence over the careers of soccer club managers and the decisions they take.

18/09/2004, 9:53 PM
fair point but dont u think that our manager should start telling the truth as well

how many times has flynny been out for 2 games :eek:

18/09/2004, 10:09 PM
fair point but dont u think that our manager should start telling the truth as well

Managers have the job of managing. Often, that involves difficult decisions, including keeping stuff private. AFAIK, Dolan has not had to lie, and I trust him as a decent enough skin. How much do we as supporters have to know? He has to protect his players from the sort of scrutiny that would make them less of an asset to the club. If, for example, a player has a psychological difficulty, do we have to know that? I for one would prefer to hear that he is simply unfit for selection. And so it goes for a lot of stuff that could be happening behind the scenes. They are highly paid professionals (I am talking about Georgie and Dolan here) and Lennox is a really shrewd businessman. I believe that they will work this out in an acceptable way without having to tell us the whole story.

City Hero
19/09/2004, 1:43 AM
The part of Spillane's back page article in the echo is a prime example of what this guy does. Starts mentioning John O'Flynn, transfer & Northampton Town as if there was a new developement. It is totally ridiculus to print something like that when the interview was, as Spillane said himself on Redfm, during the european games (up to 3 months ago). My first reaction when I read it was "why are they still interested" because of the way he is performing lately.

19/09/2004, 1:06 PM
I was actually going to start the exact same thread. I thought the same thing when listening to the bench yesterday, Spillane was being way too critical of Dolan and of CCFC as a club.
It's strange because when Gunther was manager not once did Spillane so much as question one of his decisions. Gunther could do no wrong yet Dolan is public enemy number one in this fools eyes.
Spillane has an agenda against Dolan (and Lennox imo) and has dragged Georgie into it now aswell.
This muppet should be shunned by CCFC now as he is doing nothing but spreading negative rumours and critisism about our club.
Everyone should let him know that we're onto him by texting the BRB tonight.

19/09/2004, 4:42 PM
The fact that Spillane is an idiot and a fool has nothing to do with the problems within the club.I, and I reckon most sensible fans, take absolutely no notice of him. Don't waste your credit tonight on this assh*le