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25/01/2013, 4:27 PM
Whats going on in Cork that people are talking about strikes and such?

Battery Rover
25/01/2013, 4:44 PM
Apparently something to do with bonuses according to post on twitter. Georgie O'C posting plenty

Mr A
25/01/2013, 5:26 PM
Seems to be about pay for the Setanta Cup if George O'Callaghan is to be trusted*.

* http://www.gdayindia.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/laughter.jpg

25/01/2013, 7:02 PM
Danny Murphy telling Georgie to stay out of it. Little bitching session between the two of them going on.

25/01/2013, 7:36 PM
From what I can see looking at it, it's about the fact that we are in the Setanta Cup in February but players not getting paid til March. March start for wages has been standard practice in previous seasons but not when we were in the Setanta. If players signed the contracts, then I can't see how they can turn around and complain about it. What's the story with other clubs in the Setanta - when do players wages start?

George O'Callaghan is stoking the flames. O'Callaghan is like a bad smell these days, he just rants and raves but no one gives a ****e anymore what he says, his memory is dirt for most City fans now. Other players on twitter basically telling him to p!ss off.

25/01/2013, 7:47 PM
From what I can see looking at it, it's about the fact that we are in the Setanta Cup in February but players not getting paid til March. March start for wages has been standard practice in previous seasons but not when we were in the Setanta. If players signed the contracts, then I can't see how they can turn around and complain about it. What's the story with other clubs in the Setanta - when do players wages start?

George O'Callaghan is stoking the flames. O'Callaghan is like a bad smell these days, he just rants and raves but no one gives a ****e anymore what he says, his memory is dirt for most City fans now. Other players on twitter basically telling him to p!ss off.

He seems to be making out recently that he is looking out for current players in the League but it's just coming across as one sided bitching sessions.

25/01/2013, 7:51 PM
He seems to be making out recently that he is looking out for current players in the League but it's just coming across as one sided bitching sessions.

McGuinness at the PFAI will be a worried man tonight !

25/01/2013, 7:51 PM
Just before this "strike" talk grows legs...


25/01/2013, 8:46 PM
If players signed the contracts, then I can't see how they can turn around and complain about it.

I would have thought that any job is deemed to start when you actually start work. You can't expect anyone in any job anywhere to do work they aren't been paid for. If they're professional footballers then they should be paid, surely?

25/01/2013, 9:18 PM
I would have thought that any job is deemed to start when you actually start work. You can't expect anyone in any job anywhere to do work they aren't been paid for. If they're professional footballers then they should be paid, surely?
Is the story about terms of contract or about bonuses re the Setanta Cup?

Charlie Darwin
25/01/2013, 9:46 PM
I would have thought that any job is deemed to start when you actually start work. You can't expect anyone in any job anywhere to do work they aren't been paid for. If they're professional footballers then they should be paid, surely?
Depends on if they get paid weekly or monthly. If they're being paid weekly it seems odd they wouldn't be paid, especially as it could theoretically void their social welfare entitlements if unemployed.

25/01/2013, 10:30 PM
Do footballer in the lOI ever get paid when they are claiming social welfare ? If it happens does Stephen McGuinness condone this practice, also since the players union mentioned it today, is it right that wealthy sports people are getting special tax deals when there is serious cutbacks going on in social services.

Charlie Darwin
25/01/2013, 10:41 PM
I doubt it. As low-profile as the league is, it's still going to be difficult to fiddle the dole when your employment is a matter of public record.

25/01/2013, 10:53 PM
Depends on if they get paid weekly or monthly.

PFAI contract has a weekly stated amount, generally paid on a monthly basis by clubs (ie 4 weeks).

And if they start being paid in March and there asked to play a game in February then the players do not have to play just because they signed a contract to play in March. They would have to be paid for week of match, play 'out of contract', or not play. Simples, the club has no hold over them on this

Charlie Darwin
25/01/2013, 10:58 PM
If players are that determined to be paid for the full year, they could always just ask the club to split their yearly earnings 52 ways instead of 40.

25/01/2013, 11:45 PM
Or Cork could do what other clubs in Setanta are doing as there's clearly not an issue there (or in previous years). You can be sure that if it was all clubs, McGuinness would let it be known

26/01/2013, 12:59 AM
If players are that determined to be paid for the full year, they could always just ask the club to split their yearly earnings 52 ways instead of 40.

Thats what happens with some of our lads.

26/01/2013, 10:31 AM
Thats what happens with some of our lads.
I can't see the point of that. I was always under the impression players could sign on the dole for the 16 weeks of the close season (most contracts i'm aware of are 36 week contracts).

26/01/2013, 10:49 AM
Players can choose to either split the wages over the year or have them paid over the season. The reason that most of them choose the season is that they can sign on during the off season and end up with more money. George is full of ****e!

26/01/2013, 12:28 PM

Cork City strike just a ‘nasty rumour’

Saturday, January 26, 2013
By Terry Reilly and Alan Smith

Cork City have branded claims on Twitter that the club’s players were on strike as “nasty rumours”.

Former player George O’Callaghan, who has been a critic of manager Tommy Dunne and club owners FORAS in the past, tweeted: “Does anyone know who will replace cork city in setanta cup if players go on strike for it [sic].”

Within minutes, City left-back Danny Murphy responded by rubbishing the claims: “don’t be writing things that you don’t know the full truth about what’s going on it ain’t helping anyone.”

The club had been in talks with players regarding Setanta Cup payments but the issue was far from a crisis, according to Cork City chief executive Timmy Murphy.

“I know nothing of anyone going on strike and to my knowledge it’s just a malicious rumour on Twitter. There are no issues at all. The club is working hard at the moment and if there were issues people would have known about them. This is just a nasty Twitter rumour.”

Club administrator Éanna Buckley added: “There are discussions over money surrounding the Setanta Cup game but the word strike or anything even close to that hasn’t been mentioned once.”

26/01/2013, 1:04 PM
I can't see the point of that. I was always under the impression players could sign on the dole for the 16 weeks of the close season (most contracts i'm aware of are 36 week contracts).

Probably don't want the hassle of having to sign on to the dole maybe.

26/01/2013, 1:10 PM
Still funny though :D

26/01/2013, 1:47 PM
Probably don't want the hassle of having to sign on to the dole maybe.

Yeah they'd be waiting for the money for a while I'd imagine.

Charlie Darwin
26/01/2013, 3:14 PM
Probably don't want the hassle of having to sign on to the dole maybe.
I'd imagine most of them don't qualify anyway.

26/01/2013, 3:20 PM
For what its worth, the aforementioned fecktv has this up today: http://t.co/IZSowp34 "Trouble Brewing at Cork City"

Seems like a storm in a teacup.

26/01/2013, 3:40 PM
Hmm, the Feck TV piece has no author listed. Wonder who could have written it! As you say, the whole thing is a nothing.

George got his name in today's papers, he's won. Crawl back under the rock now George.

Martinho II
26/01/2013, 5:41 PM
is GOC even playin football these days?? if he is out of the loi he has no authority to comment on happenings in loi imo..

Martinho II
26/01/2013, 5:45 PM
is GOC even playin football these days?? if he is out of the loi he has no authority to comment on happenings in loi imo..
by the way when I clicked on this link to fecktv I got this message and when I clicked on it I cant seem to find GOC article! can anyone help pls??
404 - Page not found!
Why don't you try the homepage?

26/01/2013, 6:05 PM
is GOC even playin football these days?? if he is out of the loi he has no authority to comment on happenings in loi imo..
by the way when I clicked on this link to fecktv I got this message and when I clicked on it I cant seem to find GOC article! can anyone help pls??
404 - Page not found!
Why don't you try the homepage?

Yoiur living the highlights.
Just be glad :)

26/01/2013, 6:53 PM
if he is out of the loi he has no authority to comment on happenings in loi imo..

Dunno about that. Often its people who are outside an organisation who are best placed to criticise it.

27/01/2013, 12:07 AM
Just to ask, is there any other media outlet apart from Fecktv and associated staff saying anything about this? With their own sources?

27/01/2013, 6:36 AM
extratime and examiner ( I think) both by Alan Smith quoting the original tweets and with quotes from the club saying there is no danger of strike, but that the club are in talks with the players

Mr A
27/01/2013, 9:38 AM
From looking at his twitter feed, if I'd previously had any respect for G O'C I'd have lost it.

27/01/2013, 4:18 PM
This seems like a very manufactured crisis to me.

28/01/2013, 10:28 AM
Georgie wrote that Limerick should have made Joe Gamble player-manager a few weeks back. I suppose it's better that he's sitting behind his keyboard drunk rather than the wheel of his car.

28/01/2013, 10:42 AM
From looking at his twitter feed, if I'd previously had any respect for G O'C I'd have lost it.

Luckily you mnever had any respect for him. Lovely player. Complete and utter ****. Always has been

28/01/2013, 2:21 PM
Quote from captain Kevin Murray on official site:
Murray also confirmed that, as is common practice for Airtricity League clubs at this time of year, the players have been in discussion with the club over the last couple of weeks, and was quick to set the record straight in relation to some recent speculation. The captain commented: “Obviously we have engaged with the club over the last couple of weeks.Representatives from both sides have sat down for discussions, and we are happy now that we have come to an agreement. I am aware that there has been stuff mentioned in the press and online, but there is absolutely no truth in any of it. The discussions that took place were always amicable and there was never any mention of any strike by the players. As a squad, we are happy to have it all sorted and we are now looking forward to getting back to competitive action.”


So the 'crisis' is over. Georgie will be gutted.

Mr A
28/01/2013, 2:40 PM
My money is on him attempting to take credit. He stands up for the underdog you see.

28/01/2013, 3:26 PM
hes a bitter bitter man who can't accept that Tommy was right not to offer him a contract renewal in 2011, and that hes past it.

He was great in his day, and its a pity he squandered his talent, but the club has moved on. Its an even greater pity things have gone this way as he will always be a legend for what he did on the pitch.

28/01/2013, 10:36 PM
Have only lost more and more respect for Georgie since 2005. What a shame he did nt realize his full potential as a footballer other than the 2005 title winning season.