View Full Version : Did you hear the one about the guy who fell off the train?

18/01/2013, 9:02 PM
I've to find a link, but this morning there was a great story from out east where a 42 year old fell off the end of a train (he wasn't scutting, just butting - smoking) and ran 7kms in flipflops, t-shirt and shorts to the next station and lived. The story is growing as the day has gone on, I just reckon he's a total legend.

18/01/2013, 9:11 PM

19/01/2013, 1:59 PM
Brilliant story.

19/01/2013, 2:08 PM
Jesus, that's insane.

21/01/2013, 7:09 AM
He was interviewed over the weekend and the story seems to be a little different to the original. Somehow he fell off the side of the train, not the back, which makes it even more amazing that he lived.

Given this is Russia, and that it's not exactly investigation friendly (unless the result is known/ordered in advance), I got to thinking - how many more people fell off trains but didn't survive?

Oh, and it does seem that alcohol was "influential" in the case, still, what a legend. Listening to Morning Ireland and reports of snow - when you hear motorists crying on Joe Duffy when they're in a traffic jam on the M50 and the fear that they might not make it home.....

Stevo Da Gull
12/02/2013, 1:32 AM
In soviet Russia, train catches you!