View Full Version : Best 5 films of the 2000's

16/09/2004, 10:30 AM
1. Donnie Darko
NO 1 (http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B000171RZE.02.LZZZZZZZ.jpg)
2. City of God
No 2 (http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B00008W64Q.02.LZZZZZZZ.jpg)
3. Lantana
no. 3 (http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B000087I2H.02.LZZZZZZZ.jpg)
4. Belleville Rendez-Vous
no 4 (http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B00011FXHS.02.LZZZZZZZ.jpg)
5 O Brother Where Art Thou?
No. 5 (http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B00005ATFN.02.LZZZZZZZ.jpg)

Do people agree/disagree

16/09/2004, 10:34 AM
Do people agree/disagree

16/09/2004, 10:37 AM

Go on Peadar, you might give us a few suggestions then yourself.

Lionel Ritchie
16/09/2004, 10:55 AM
top 5 movies of the noughties (so far)

1. South Park -Bigger, Longer, Uncut
2. Bowling for Columbine
3. Fahrenheit 9/11
4. The Passion of the Christ
5. Ring

16/09/2004, 10:56 AM
you might give us a few suggestions then yourself.

Lord of The Rings (Part 1)
Lord of The Rings (Part 2)
Lord of The Rings (Part 3)
American Pie (Part 1)
American Pie (Part 2)
American Pie (Part 3)

the 12 th man
16/09/2004, 11:01 AM
believe it or not but i've never seen "donnie darko" :eek:

what makes it so good ?

16/09/2004, 11:04 AM
I'm terrible at these lists, can never pick just five, so I broke it down in no particular order, no doubt soon to be edited. :D


1. Shrek
2. Memento
3. The Passion
4. Lord of the Rings trilogy
5. High Fidelity


1. City Of God
2. Spirited Away
3. Belleville Rendezvous
4. Amelie
5. Lagaan


1. Spellbound
2. Winged Migration
3. The Fog of War
4. Bowling for Columbine
5. The Kid Stays in the picture

16/09/2004, 11:10 AM
what makes it so good ?

The fact that no one has any idea what's going on.
We must therefore assume that it's good because we're not intelligent enough to understand it.
A bit like most religions really.

16/09/2004, 11:38 AM

1. City Of God
2. Spirited Away
3. Belleville Rendezvous
4. Amelie
5. Lagaan

Ild add to that a film called Nine Queens about two conmen in Argentina. It was on Network 2 quite recenly so its bound to appear on another channel again soon. excellent entertainment. See here (http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B00007JGNE.02.LZZZZZZZ.jpg)

16/09/2004, 11:49 AM
city of god
donnie darko
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
y tu mama tambien

16/09/2004, 12:06 PM
1. Memento
2. Kill Bill (i & ii)
3. O Brother where art thou
4. Traffic
5. The Man who wasn't there

Ask me tomorrow and it'll be different

Lionel Ritchie
16/09/2004, 1:28 PM
I forgot to say Quills !!!!!!!!!!!! and any other movie wherein Kate Winslet whips out those magnificent baps of hers. ...except Titanic which is atrocious and besides the point as it's 90's anyway

green goblin
16/09/2004, 1:54 PM
Kill Bill 1&2.
Lost in translation
Donnie Darko
Attack of the Clones.- Yes, yes, yes, it's a terrible film, but it does feature Yoda with a lightsabre, and quite frankly that's enough to swing it for me every-single-time. Criteria of good film? Has it got Yoda kickin' butt. Y or N.
Spiderman. For obvious reasons.

16/09/2004, 2:50 PM
In no particular order:

Spirited Away
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
X-Men 2
Lost In Translation
21 Grams

17/09/2004, 9:34 AM
Go on Peadar, you might give us a few suggestions then yourself.

I've gone away and thought about this Eoin and here's my 5

The Score
John Q

Most of my fav movies are from the 90's though.

American History X 1998
Fight Club 1999
Miller's Crossing 1990
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 1998
Very Bad Things 1998

17/09/2004, 9:40 AM
Spirited Away

Christ I love this film. it's like alice in wonderland on acid

17/09/2004, 10:26 AM
I've gone away and thought about this Eoin and here's my 5

The Score
John Q

Most of my fav movies are from the 90's though.

American History X 1998
Fight Club 1999
Miller's Crossing 1990
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 1998
Very Bad Things 1998

Thats odd peadar, except for Millers Crossing i havent seen any of those other films. Something to look forward to, I suppose!

17/09/2004, 10:54 AM
Thats odd peadar, except for Millers Crossing i havent seen any of those other films. Something to look forward to, I suppose!

You're seriously missing out, especially on American History X, and Fight Club.
Hard hitting stuff!

Circus is a British movie with Brian Conley, John Hannah, Famke Janssen and Eddie Izzard. I enjoyed it anyway.

Very Bad Things is one of those keep digging yourself into a bigger hole movies. Cameron Diaz, Christian Slater, Jeremy Piven and Jon Favreau among others. Cameron is such a psycho in it she's unreal!

John Q with Denzel Washington, Robert Duvall and James Woods is a bit of a tear jerker about a father trying to get urgent medical attention for his son but his insurance doesn't cover it.

17/09/2004, 11:39 AM
Only good enouygh movies mentioned so far for 2000+ be

Memento & O Brother where art thou (gets better each time i watch). Crouching Tiget good too but not when watch numerous times.

Donnie Darko most over-rated movie. I like strange stuff but usually like to have some idea what happening...

17/09/2004, 1:28 PM
Foreign list:

Amores Perros
Life is Beautiful
Il Postino
The Castle

Decent movie review site: http://www.allmovie.com/

22/09/2004, 6:22 PM
Lord of the rings Trilogy (best #2)
Gangs of New York
Gladiator (or was it late 90's?)

22/09/2004, 9:21 PM
Seen Magnolia last week & a bit disappointed as been recommended to me. Any thoughts...

22/09/2004, 9:28 PM
Seen Magnolia last week & a bit disappointed as been recommended to me. Any thoughts...

Great Film IMO.

Great script, great cast; Julianne Moore, William H. Macy and Phillip Seymour Hoffman to start with.
One of the most interesting openings I've seen to a film, and one of the more surreal endings. Brilliantly put together and directed with an absolutely cracking soundtrack of Aimee Mann and Supertramp.

To be honest, i would have recommended it to you too.

22/09/2004, 9:34 PM
Saw "The Terminal" last weekend. Very disappointed in it! Anybody else see it?

23/09/2004, 12:52 AM
hmm, top 5 films of the 00's, well i dunno about a top 5 but heres a few in no order:

The village: i kno everyone slated it, but clearly thsoe ppl didnt get it, it isnt SUPPOSED to be a scary hroor movie, its supoosed to play with ur preconceptions of what the film is about. i loved it, shymilan is brilliant.

momento: very original storytelling approach, very good movie.

kill bill vol 1: fantastic movie, will always be marred by dreadful second volume.

erm, will think of more later on.

23/09/2004, 5:20 PM
i loved it, shymilan is brilliant.

yeah, hes good all right. i love those kind of left of centre films.

Shymilan, Terry Gilliam and the Coen Brothers can usually be relied on to produce the goods.

24/09/2004, 12:16 AM
tis true, terry gilliam is a genius, aside from the crazy animations he did for the python stuff, 12 monkeys was an odd ****ed up movie, so was brazil. genius nonetheless though.

18/10/2004, 7:01 PM
Saw City of God the other week on FilmFour & bloddy great movie. One of best movies seen in a while hollywood or "foreign".

19/10/2004, 7:08 AM
believe it or not but i've never seen "donnie darko"
Niether have I yet, but I picked it up in Golden Discs for €5, so we'll see...

the 12 th man
19/10/2004, 7:29 AM
25 th hour
fifth element
21 gramms
the day after tommorow

19/10/2004, 8:26 AM
saw 'Man on Fire' the other night, and while it wouldn't probably make my top 5, it was a super movie....Denzel Washington like you've never seen him before.