View Full Version : Donnie Darko

15/09/2004, 6:03 PM
The greatest film of the 00's is opening in Ireland again this Friday. The film is about a boy who believes the world is coming to an end and is plagued by visions of a giant rabbit. The version opening on Friday is the diectors special cut. This extended edition of DONNIE DARKO contains 20 minutes of previously unseen material, new special effects and a re-mixed soundtrack. In Cork the film is being shown at the Kino. Odd to say the least that none of the big cinemas wanted to show it. Thats the way cinemas going i suppose.


15/09/2004, 6:48 PM
I've read reviews which suggest the original cut is significantly better. Rent it. :p

15/09/2004, 7:05 PM
Fair play to ya Eoinh-was grat craic that movie-I remember sitting with bout 4 mates and 4 in the mornin when we'd finished watching it round one of tha lad's hosues going-"What the............"

15/09/2004, 9:49 PM
yeah i also read what has been said that the stuff thats been put in adds little as far as i know its some brief signposting and a few extra scenes with the family , but still worth seeing on the big sxcreen if like me you first experienced at home

A face
15/09/2004, 11:47 PM
Buy It !!

The original is in most supermarkets for €7.00 .... i have debated whether to buy it or not.

16/09/2004, 9:32 AM
I've read reviews which suggest the original cut is significantly better. Rent it. :p

Ive heard that too, unfortunately.

But as gustavo points out

yeah i also read what has been said that the stuff thats been put in adds little as far as i know its some brief signposting and a few extra scenes with the family , but still worth seeing on the big sxcreen if like me you first experienced at home

16/09/2004, 11:11 PM
have yet to watch it and have it on dvd

heard you have to watch about 4 times to understand whats going on...thats what is stopping me from watching it

is this true

green goblin
17/09/2004, 8:28 AM
have yet to watch it and have it on dvd

heard you have to watch about 4 times to understand whats going on...thats what is stopping me from watching it

is this true

No, not at all.
The first time you watch it, it makes perfect sense. It's when you go back and watch it again that you start to question what it is you've seen and lie awake at night trying to work out the code :confused: . You'll probably like it if you enjoyed Fight Club or Being John Malkovich.
Even if you didn't, then you may enjoy it anyway. :)

17/09/2004, 9:30 AM
Buy It !!

The original is in most supermarkets for €7.00 .... i have debated whether to buy it or not.

there's no extras at all on that release, i bought it last year about christmas time for about €15 with bucketloads of extras. i'll give ya a loan of my one if ya want

17/09/2004, 9:39 AM
i'll give ya a loan of my one if ya want

Isn't that a breach of the copyright law? :D

17/09/2004, 1:59 PM
heard you have to watch about 4 times to understand whats going on...thats what is stopping me from watching it

I have it on DVD, watched it once & clueless about ending. :eek:

Plastic Paddy
17/09/2004, 5:27 PM
Ummm...except Donnie Darko is absolutely brilliant and Fight Club is crap...

That's a matter of opinion, Conor. I quite liked Fight Club. Can't say I've ever seen Donnie Darko, though...

:) PP

Plastic Paddy
17/09/2004, 6:13 PM
I know intelligent well adjusted people who like it.

But they're wrong... ;)

:D :D


17/09/2004, 7:50 PM
The website www.donniedarko.com (methinks) is v. strange, sucks ya in further to the movie :D

18/09/2004, 12:21 PM
Isn't that a breach of the copyright law? :D

christ yeah! sorry face! :D :p

18/09/2004, 12:25 PM
i must be missing something? everyone thinks its brilliant. i was left scratching my head???

maybe i'll watch it again!

18/09/2004, 3:40 PM
was left scratching my head???

maybe i'll watch it again!
Same here buddy! :D Don't ahve a clue what it was all about-wel vaguely......
When they asked the writer what it was abut he said he didn't actualyl know :eek: :rolleyes:

22/09/2004, 6:40 PM
will someone from cork who wants to go to this film pm me before the night is out (dont worry i wont be going with you). I have two tickets which i won but cant use. Yould have to go to one of tomorrows shows.