View Full Version : Carnivále

10/09/2004, 10:57 AM
anyone seen this yet? Series come over from America and started on SKy digital Channel FX (289). On Sunday nights at 9 and repeated Thursdays at 9.
It's about a freak-show winding it's way through America during the depression-it's got some pretty scary stuff, similar to Twin Peaks in respects i.e you never know what's real and what's not.
Great stuff, they show 2 episodes at once and it only started last Sunday-I' already hoping it comes out on DVD.
If anyone wants to borrow video of the first 2 episodes so you can catch up PM me and will post it (once ma dad's watched 'em!).

10/09/2004, 11:57 AM
Good call Liam
It's a great show, it's been out in the states for about a year and a half now, so you can probably get the whole first series on DVD from play.com or amazon.

It's another show from HBO's Cable channels in the states, they've already brought us

The Sopranos
The West Wing
Six Feet Under
Sex and the City
Curb your enthusiasm
The Wire

all quality IMO (well, I hear SATC is good :o ), and strangely enough TG4 was the first to show three of them here.

10/09/2004, 1:32 PM
Aye all qaulity stuff! Carnivale has a website now to-really good!
They only made 12 episodes didn't they?
Cheers for the tip. re. amazon-will it be the wrong region though?

Looking foward to Sunday night :D ...

10/09/2004, 1:51 PM
...and strangely enough TG4 was the first to show three of them here.

TG4 seem to be a very good judge of quality tv so far but maybe they just getting anything HBO produce...

Not seen that Carnivale when on TG4 but looked interesting, think seen it start on some UK channel recently but missed first few episodes...

10/09/2004, 2:06 PM
Cheers for the tip. re. amazon-will it be the wrong region though ...

if you get it on DVD the US and UK regions are different, but most DVD manufacturers make the DVDs as multi region and it's just a software code that defines the region after. So it can be 'hacked'

there's a list for the hack to make your DVD multi-region on
www.dvd-reviewer.co.uk ;)

01/10/2004, 12:57 PM
caught the last twenty minutes of an episdoe the other night, thought it was class. pretty freaky too, it was the episode where the stripper was found dead with "harlot" scratched into her forhead. google tells me the episode was #5 babylon (http://www.carnivale.org/episodes/1_05/1_05_babylon.htm)

good stuff, looking forward to seein it again

01/10/2004, 5:36 PM
After seeing the first 2 episodes I taped the next to then they got over-recorded before I could watch em!!!! Havn't caught the rest eyt :confused:

01/10/2004, 6:18 PM
Hey Liam, watch out for Deadwood from HBO. Started here in the States late last year and I think it has just started over there. See if you can catch up with it and let me know what you think. Carnival is strong, if not a little deep for me though.

01/10/2004, 6:59 PM
sounds good mate-will do :D
What's it about?

01/10/2004, 7:18 PM
Little Town just established during the gold rush with all sorts of characters decending on it, both good and bad. A little like the Soprano's except thats it's a western mini-series. I don't like westerns, but this is different. Takes a few episodes to get into, but then you can't miss one after you have been hooked. Check here (http://www.hbo.com/deadwood/)

04/10/2004, 12:04 PM
deadwod's starting on sky one soon

04/10/2004, 12:18 PM
deadwod's starting on sky one soon

its been on for the last 2 weeks, episode 3 tomorrow night at 10pm.. its looking good so far....Ian Mcshane(lovejoy) is excellent in it...

04/10/2004, 5:38 PM
i think its sh1t to be honest, that said the start of each episode is WKD