View Full Version : I,v become a Barstooler

19/11/2012, 12:33 PM
Sitting watching Skysports in local on sat afternoon i suddenly relised I now actually look forward to the weekend to do this ,having not seen live football since Galway Utd folded and beening a devoted league of Ireland fan for 20 yrs or more ,I never thought I would be on the other side of the fence ,where once I would have strongly defended that the only way to watch football was to support yourer local LoI club and shunned anyone who would have suggested otherwise ,I think im now a convert to the great "Premiership",,,,I wonder how many more out there have felt the same ,,sad realy

19/11/2012, 12:36 PM
I see leaving the LOI robbed you of grammar and punctuation too. ;)

If it makes you happy watching TV, then enjoy your weekends.

19/11/2012, 1:36 PM
It's a pity there's no League of Ireland football in Galway anymore alright.

White Horse
19/11/2012, 1:48 PM
It's a pity there's no League of Ireland football in Galway anymore alright.

They have two clubs.

Only Dublin and Galway have more than one club.

19/11/2012, 2:08 PM
They have two clubs.

Only Dublin and Galway hav more than one club.
Nigel do you mind?


19/11/2012, 2:34 PM
Gufc supporters have not and will not go to the other games especially SDFC and anyone thinking otherwise is deluding themselves. Watching sky is no substitute for me but im facing 24 months without loi along with the 800 odd supporters we were getting in a season where we only won one match.

19/11/2012, 2:36 PM
Gufc supporters have not and will not go to the other games especially SDFC and anyone thinking otherwise is deluding themselves. Watching sky is no substitute for me but im facing 24 months without loi along with the 800 odd supporters we were getting in a season where we only won one match.

But how will ye count how inaccurate attendances are then? :eek:

19/11/2012, 2:38 PM
5 years ago our average was well over 2,000 while Connacht Rugby were getting 1,500 but thanks to the FAI's Policy the average for a game in Terryland is less than 150 while Connacht are getting up to 9,000 great vision by the powers that be.

Patrick Dunne
19/11/2012, 2:39 PM
The only type of football where Galway wipes the floor with everyone else is political football !

19/11/2012, 2:40 PM
God help the Limerick fans when Pat O;Sullivan gets sick of propping ye up. Easily the most deluded and bitter bunch of posters on here.

19/11/2012, 2:45 PM
God help the Limerick fans when Pat O;Sullivan gets sick of propping ye up. Easily the most deluded and bitter bunch of posters on here.

Ya cos it clearly wasn't just a joke.

19/11/2012, 2:45 PM
We get our actual figures from disgruntled SD members who never backed the sell out and complete rebranding of their club. The vote on whether they should do this was taken after SDGFC had started playing in Terryland last season.Not all Limerick fans are as bitter as yourself and yout 2 or 3 keyboard heroes on here.Always had great time for Limerick and cant understand the total hatred of a supporters group fighting for the future of LOI football in Galway.

19/11/2012, 2:50 PM
We get our actual figures from disgruntled SD members who never backed the sell out and complete rebranding of their club. The vote on whether they should do this was taken after SDGFC had started playing in Terryland last season.Not all Limerick fans are as bitter as yourself and yout 2 or 3 keyboard heroes on here.Always had great time for Limerick and cant understand the total hatred of a supporters group fighting for the future of LOI football in Galway.

Hatred would you get a grip. I went to a load of Galway games whenever they weren't playing the same day as Limerick and every time i did and there were GUST lads collecting i always contributed to try and help any small way i could when ye were in trouble i never wanted ye to go out of the league and i would love ye back in now. Just because i don't believe everything said on here by Galway fans is true and just because i think the attacks on Mervue and Salthill for being in the league by some Galway fans is stupid does not mean i don't want ye to be successful.

19/11/2012, 2:50 PM
You won't get this sort of drama on the telly

19/11/2012, 4:24 PM
Nigel do you mind?


I'll let you have that one alright.

19/11/2012, 5:36 PM
You won't get this sort of drama on the telly

Love/Hate meets Dream Team.

19/11/2012, 5:56 PM
Ah, I go to both clubs matches, mainly because I get 2 free season tickets dropped in my letter box each season.

Mad Moose
19/11/2012, 6:08 PM
Unfortunately this thread might well have legs. It may well outlive SDGFC and Mervue Utd's time in LoI football.

Sean South
19/11/2012, 7:17 PM
Another world against Galway United thread? Bore off.

19/11/2012, 7:21 PM
Any chance you can order me a cider?

19/11/2012, 8:06 PM
Another world against Galway United thread? Bore off.

All you bloody Limerick fans are the same.

19/11/2012, 10:55 PM
As a former season ticket holder at Terryland I have managed to keep my interest in the LoI alive by going to some of the big clubs in Dublin for some games; Bohs and Pats. They were enjoyable games mostly as I was lucky with the weather, but one dissapointment was the poor attendance for a St Pats game when they were near the top of the league and expected by many to win it. Went to the cup final as well, great day, but was sad to see Pats loose again even with about 4.5k fans supporting them. Went to a few Salthill and Mervue games this season, and in recent years, but there is no atmosphere at these matches; just like watching park football, maybe some people are happy with that, but I expect more. Already looking forward to next year, Bohs and Pats, a bit of Sligo and certain to make a few visits to Limerick.

Charlie Darwin
19/11/2012, 11:32 PM
I don't understand why not having a club would stop you going to games, even if it's just as a neutral. Surely it is still better than picking a famous team to cheer at on the telly.

Mr A
20/11/2012, 5:47 AM
My view would be the exact opposite- If Harps went under I'd likely lose interest in the league completely (aside from efforts to bring Harps back perhaps).

What would be the point?

20/11/2012, 7:50 AM
Ah for the love of . . . not another GUFC/GUST whinging - you're starting to bore even United fans at this stage lads, spend less time whining on message boards and more time planning for the future and whatever that holds and whenever it does

20/11/2012, 7:55 AM
What would be the point?

I like watching football basically. I go to junior games in the off season, not to follow any particular team, just because I enjoy a match. I'd be crushed if Limerick went under but I'd still follow the league. I go to senior games occasionally now that don't involve Limerick and can't see why that would change. The Galway situation is a little different and I'd be slow enough to go and watch SD Galway if I had been a GUFC person myself but I'm a fan of football as well as a fan of 'being a fan' effectively after all.

20/11/2012, 8:11 AM
Here's the thing for me - I was a Galway United fan, not a League of Ireland fan. I didn't go to Terryland or Crowley Park or the Sportsground or Carraroe or Ballinderreen to cheer on the LOI, I went to cheer on my club. And my club is
DEAD now. It's gone, the club that gave me some of the happiest days of my life, from Tolka Park in 1986 to Lansdowne
Road in 1991. But that club is gone. And just like Galway people here sneer at suggestions, however flippant, from fans of
other clubs that we should throw our support behind Devon or Mervue, I'm not so sure my heart will be in it if and when Galway FC enters the league, as Galway FC was never my team. Galway United was my team. So don't make assumptions that the 'missing' 900 soccer fans will return for a unified club. A lot of those were LOI fans and will go back, but some, like me, were Galway lUnited fans and will be in no rush back.

20/11/2012, 8:48 AM
As a former season ticket holder at Terryland I have managed to keep my interest in the LoI alive by going to some of the big clubs in Dublin for some games; Bohs and Pats. They were enjoyable games mostly as I was lucky with the weather, but one dissapointment was the poor attendance for a St Pats game when they were near the top of the league and expected by many to win it. Went to the cup final as well, great day, but was sad to see Pats loose again even with about 4.5k fans supporting them. Went to a few Salthill and Mervue games this season, and in recent years, but there is no atmosphere at these matches; just like watching park football, maybe some people are happy with that, but I expect more. Already looking forward to next year, Bohs and Pats, a bit of Sligo and certain to make a few visits to Limerick.

If you feel sad when Pats lose and disappointed when more fans don't attend their home game, I presume you'd feel happy when they win and more fans are there to witness it.
There you are, you're a Pats fan!

20/11/2012, 9:22 AM
but one dissapointment was the poor attendance for a St Pats game when they were near the top of the league and expected by many to win it

Not a single person I know/read expected Pats to win it.

21/11/2012, 11:36 PM
5 years ago our average was well over 2,000 while Connacht Rugby were getting 1,500 but thanks to the FAI's Policy the average for a game in Terryland is less than 150 while Connacht are getting up to 9,000 great vision by the powers that be.

It's not the FAI's fault Galway went bust, remember that.

Lim till i die
21/11/2012, 11:37 PM
5 years ago our average was well over 2,000 while Connacht Rugby were getting 1,500 but thanks to the FAI's Policy the average for a game in Terryland is less than 150 while Connacht are getting up to 9,000 great vision by the powers that be.

This is a terrible, terrible, terrible, argument.


That is all.

22/11/2012, 8:10 AM
Gufc supporters have not and will not go to the other games

I noticed that in Oriel. Very few Galway supporters when once upon a time Galway Utd played in the LOI.

5 years ago our average was well over 2,000 while Connacht Rugby were getting 1,500 but thanks to the FAI's Policy the average for a game in Terryland is less than 150 while Connacht are getting up to 9,000 great vision by the powers that be.

Yes, the FAI should go with 4 teams representing the provinces and put them into the European super league that was planned a few years ago.

22/11/2012, 11:59 AM
Here's the thing for me - I was a Galway United fan, not a League of Ireland fan. I didn't go to Terryland or Crowley Park or the Sportsground or Carraroe or Ballinderreen to cheer on the LOI, I went to cheer on my club. And my club is
DEAD now. It's gone, the club that gave me some of the happiest days of my life, from Tolka Park in 1986 to Lansdowne
Road in 1991. But that club is gone. And just like Galway people here sneer at suggestions, however flippant, from fans of
other clubs that we should throw our support behind Devon or Mervue, I'm not so sure my heart will be in it if and when Galway FC enters the league, as Galway FC was never my team. Galway United was my team. So don't make assumptions that the 'missing' 900 soccer fans will return for a unified club. A lot of those were LOI fans and will go back, but some, like me, were Galway lUnited fans and will be in no rush back.

This type of 'toys out of pram' nonsense has dissipated much of the genuine sadness there was among LOI fans at what happened Galway Utd. Despite been given serious breaks with the licencing process they still messed up, went bang and have spent the last two years blaming everyone else.

Genuinely felt sorry for supporters when club went under but after the infighting and whinging that has gone on here (by some) I am beginning to think they got what they deserved.

22/11/2012, 12:42 PM
They have two clubs.

Only Dublin and Galway have more than one club.

Ahem, Louth, Ahem!