View Full Version : Google

14/11/2012, 2:26 PM
Just noticed this when searching on the fai's website

Follow these steps
Search on google for anything to do with Irish football, and limit the results to the FAI's website - fai.ie, e.g "Robbie Keane site:www.fai.ie (http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fai.ie&h=BAQHvqUc6&s=1)" (without the quotes, and no spaces between site, the colon and the site address)
Click any of the results
For me, I get redirected to various sites, some of ill repute, none of which are the correct links!
I've tried this at work, on various machines, and at home to see if it was just our connection in the office, but it reproduces every time!

Note that if you click the "Cache" link the preview is correct, but clicking it gives an error!

Has anyone any contacts in Google to resolve this?