View Full Version : US Presidential Election 2012

27/10/2012, 2:07 PM
In addition to Obama and Romney, four minor-party candidates are on most ballot papers, so take the test (http://www.isidewith.com/) and find your match. Even if Romney wins the popular vote, Obama should win in the electoral college.

27/10/2012, 8:20 PM
Jill Stein 87%
Barack Obama 72%
Gary Johnson 71%
Rocky Anderson 64%
Mitt Romney 20%
Virgil Goode 13%
American voters 55%

Eminence Grise
27/10/2012, 9:01 PM
Jill Stein – 92% - on environmental, domestic policy, foreign policy, social, economic, science, healthcare, and immigration issues
Rocky Anderson - 75% - on domestic policy, foreign policy, social, and healthcare issues
Barack Obama - 73% - on environmental, foreign policy, economic, and science issues
Gary Johnson - 63% - on social issues
Mitt Romney - 7% - no major issues
Virgil Goode - 3% - no major issues
American Voters - 59% - on environmental, domestic policy, foreign policy, and science issues

No major surprise for me there, at all.

27/10/2012, 10:48 PM
Jill Stein 90% on foreign policy, environmental, economic, domestic policy, science, social, and immigration issues
Obama 84% on foreign policy, environmental, economic, science, social, immigration, and healthcare issues
Anderson 76% on foreign policy, environmental, economic, and social issues
Johnson 34% on immigration issues
Romney 16% None
Goode 7%
American Voter 57%

Democrat 93%
Green 85%
Libertarian 16%
Republican 12%

The EC math for Romney just plain sucks, though the current situation does illustrate the dangers of focusing just on national polling. You still see Romney supporters on Twitter and the like crowing about his apparent multi-point lead over Obama, but even a cursory look on nearly every polling outlet shows how meaningless that is.

Romney can still win, but it's just so hard to see, so many states with Obama leads that he has to carry. Florida is the big measuring stick for me, Romney was reasonably clear there last week but its starting to tighten just a bit (Huffington Post has it tied). If Florida swings back towards Obama in the next two weeks, I'd put everything I have on him.

But he doesn't even have to win there.

27/10/2012, 11:27 PM
Jill Stein 93%

Barack Obama 75%

Mitt Romney 0%

American voters 57%.

28/10/2012, 7:08 AM
Jill Stein 94%
Barack Obama 79%
Gary Johnson 73%
American Voters 64%
Glovve Romney 17%

Green 95%
Democrat 92%
Libertarian 43%
Republican 5%

I'm actually shocked that I can fundamentally disagree with one party so much.

29/10/2012, 8:58 AM
Stein - 96%
Anderson - 90%
Obama - 80%
Romney - 1%
American Voters - 54%

Green - 99%
Democrat - 94%
Libertarian - 7%
Republican - 1%

I'm shocked I agree with the Democrat Party as much as I do. Always viewed them as another slightly centre-right party.

29/10/2012, 9:21 AM
Stein - 96%
Anderson - 90%
Obama - 80%
Romney - 1%
American Voters - 54%

Green - 99%
Democrat - 94%
Libertarian - 7%
Republican - 1%

I'm shocked I agree with the Democrat Party as much as I do. Always viewed them as another slightly centre-right party.
On economic issues they really are largely centre right, on social issues they are liberal.
Centre Right liberals essentially.

Eminence Grise
29/10/2012, 11:12 AM
With everybody so far getting Jill Stein as their closest match, I'm amazed we didn't get a Green Party overall majority last year! Or is everybody here Eamon Ryan in disguise?

29/10/2012, 1:00 PM
EG, you forget the Tea Party have moved the Republicans so far to the right that they'd have no equivalent in a European-style parliament, and even Obama is little more radical than the Tories or FG, so Stein's roughly similar to any centre-left social democratic party - bit too radical for the US, though!

Eminence Grise
29/10/2012, 2:15 PM
Thanks for that, Culloty - I was being less than entirely serious! Green is Green, though, and I thought Anderson and Johnson might have scored higher here, based on my recollection of the 2011 GE threads.

29/10/2012, 4:27 PM
Thanks for that, Culloty - I was being less than entirely serious! Green is Green, though, and I thought Anderson and Johnson might have scored higher here, based on my recollection of the 2011 GE threads.

I think the Green Party are atypical of Greens the world over. I reckon that if I was in Germany or Sweden I would probably be a Green voter. Here they are just too woolly as they proved so spectacularly in govt with the Devils.

I sway right on some issues, spectacularly left on others.

I agree in the Welfare State, but I disagree with leeching the state... These two seemingly contradictory statements have no direct comparision with policies of any major party here because they are all too afraid to p1ss off lazy bed warmers and RBB. Maybe I'm Canadian at heart.

29/10/2012, 5:34 PM
I side with Gary Johnson on most issues in the 2012 Presidential Election.

Candidates you side with...
88% Gary Johnson Libertarian

87% Jill Stein Green

84% Rocky Anderson Justice

70% Barack Obama Democrat

59% Virgil Goode Constitution

34% Mitt Romney Republican

57% American Voters

Parties you side with...
91% Green
82% Democrat
73% Libertarian
27% Republican

29/10/2012, 5:38 PM
I side with Gary Johnson on most issues in the 2012 Presidential Election.

Candidates you side with...
88% Gary Johnson Libertarian

87% Jill Stein Green

84% Rocky Anderson Justice

70% Barack Obama Democrat

59% Virgil Goode Constitution

34% Mitt Romney Republican

57% American Voters

Parties you side with...
91% Green
82% Democrat
73% Libertarian
27% Republican

The SK is really coming through.

Imagine if you had ended up in Alberta. :)

29/10/2012, 5:47 PM
The SK is really coming through.

Imagine if you had ended up in Alberta. :)

what it does show is just how balanced, fair and reasonable I am. :)

29/10/2012, 6:08 PM
what it does show is just how balanced, fair and reasonable I am. :)

Like Fox News...


29/10/2012, 6:11 PM
Jill Stein 91%
Rocky Anderson 79%
Barrack Obama 71%
Mitt Romney 17%
American Voters 56%


93% Green 92% Democrat 52% Libertarian 9% Republican

Surprised I agreed on anything with Romney!

06/11/2012, 1:17 PM
Well, the 10 voters of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire have delivered a 5-5 tie. Could well prove to be an early declaration - by 1 a.m (http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2012/nov/06/time-states-election-results-us)., 30 states will have announced their results, including most of the swing states.

07/11/2012, 12:08 AM
Looking like I'm going to have to stay up and watch this, sadly have to work in the morning and travel at 4am Thursday, still, fun to watch the figures come in. 5th US election night in a row.

Charlie Darwin
07/11/2012, 12:09 AM
Hilarious that the media are still pushing the idea that this is in any way a close race. Obama is walking it.

07/11/2012, 11:55 AM