View Full Version : YBIG Football Show - Stand by Your Man

21/10/2012, 10:14 PM
Hi Lads,

Here is the link to the show this week. We get the reaction to the FAI's decision to stick with Trap.


It would be great if we everyone could click the 'like' and 'tweet' buttons and help us spread the word.

Thanks again to everyone for the help.


The FAI stand by Giovanni Trapattoni after Ireland regroup and provide a much more positive performance against the Faroe Islands.

On this show we have the full reaction to the FAI’s decision and the future for Ireland under the current regime.

Dave speaks to Reuters journalist Philip O’Connor, PogMoGoal editor James Carew, Joe McCarthy from the Irish players Abroad website and Irish fan Darragh Foran from Dublin.


Coming up:

- FAI stand by their man

- 6-1 hammering by Germany

- Positives against the Faroes

- Under 19′s and Under 21′s

- Super Sligo claim the League

The YBIG Football Show is by the fans for the fans.

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