View Full Version : Help a brother out- vote for my girlfriend's dress! ONE DAY TO GO!

17/09/2012, 9:54 AM
In the spirit of cross-country harmony and brotherly love, is there any chance any of you might possibly, maybe, be induced to vote for my girlfriend's dress wot she made? She spend hours on it over 2 days and even if she doesn't win a prize outright, it would be cool if she got a People's Choice award.

My girlfriend's prize? A gift voucher for a craft/knitting store she loves.
My prize? Brownie points. Possibly beer. Hopefully beer.
Your prize? My undying love, the pride in helping out a fellow LOI fan, a warm, fuzzy feeling inside that isn't indigestion...? I might try a fix POTM in your favour if PS doesn't notice.

http://www.tessutiawards.com.au/entry/472 (that's her friend modelling it in the pic).

Thanking you all!

EDIT: My mistake, there's a week or more to go. But I can't change the thread title. :fim:

17/09/2012, 1:05 PM
More pictures of her. That will win votes. ;)

Best of luck with it. One vote here anyway. Tis the kind of dress my own lady would wear.

17/09/2012, 1:48 PM
Done... I'm not sure what I did though. The big arrow said click here...

17/09/2012, 2:19 PM
Best of luck with it. One vote here anyway. Tis the kind of dress my own lady would wear.Heck it's so nice, I'd wear it...

Eminence Grise
17/09/2012, 3:54 PM
Just voted.

Like SI, I'd get into that dress too. Might be a tight squeeze with both myself and the model in it!!

(Excuse the blatant sexism: I'm desperately trying to reassure myself that I didn't say out loud 'those shoes don't go with that dress.':redface:)

Battery Rover
17/09/2012, 5:03 PM

Mr A
17/09/2012, 5:36 PM

I feel slightly dirty now.

Which is nice.

17/09/2012, 10:02 PM
Awwww you guys are the best. I might even stop slagging you all off behind your backs. Maybe.

Just voted.

Like SI, I'd get into that dress too. Might be a tight squeeze with both myself and the model in it!!

(Excuse the blatant sexism: I'm desperately trying to reassure myself that I didn't say out loud 'those shoes don't go with that dress.':redface:)

I'd get into that dress as well to be honest. You can vote more than once by using alternative browsers, including on your phone. If it gets over 500 votes I'll model it. :p

18/09/2012, 1:12 AM
Done. A vote for transvestitism really.

18/09/2012, 2:45 PM
I too have exercised my democratic right. I look forward with interest to the resultant change in advertising my browser's behavioural targeting chooses for me.

18/09/2012, 7:35 PM
I voted, well at least i think i did :) 5 hearts!!

18/09/2012, 8:01 PM
Opera... check
Firefox... check
Chrome... check
IE... bleugh... check

18/09/2012, 10:09 PM
done and done from the home machines.
Voting from the work computers will happen tomorrow

19/09/2012, 1:17 PM
Heh TCM, you living in Sydney now, eh?

A face
19/09/2012, 4:15 PM
Done ... was i too late? Will do more tonight, i like voting, its fun !!!!

20/09/2012, 1:26 AM
Done ... was i too late? Will do more tonight, i like voting, its fun !!!!

Not too late, there's actually a week or two to run. You can vote again every day. I've tried deleting cookies and all that but can't manage to use the same machine twice in quick succession. thanks!

20/09/2012, 1:27 AM
Heh TCM, you living in Sydney now, eh?

As of three weeks ago :)

20/09/2012, 9:19 AM
As of three weeks ago :)

Cool, shame you will miss Derry lifting the cup so...........:D

20/09/2012, 9:57 AM
Just voted in Multiple browsers as well, hurray for cheating!