View Full Version : irish priest hijacks the marathon

the 12 th man
30/08/2004, 10:54 AM
in surely the most bizarre incident ever.
the brazilian runner was in the lead about 2.5 miles from the finish when he was rugby tackled by fr horan into the crowd.
he went on to finish 3rd

max power
30/08/2004, 10:55 AM
it was you, wasn't it :D

30/08/2004, 10:58 AM
Fair play to him, at least he made it exciting for those mad enough to sit and watch a Marathon.

max power
30/08/2004, 10:59 AM
yeah but thats all well and good for some poor soul who has just ran 26 miles for an olympic gold, only to be stopped by a mad priest :mad:

i'll have to keep an eye on the 12th man tonight :D

the 12 th man
30/08/2004, 11:31 AM
it was you, wasn't it :D

while i do admit to dressing in a similar fashion to fr horan,however,the good father being a sports lover, would never do such a thing (except if glen crowe is one- on- one with our goal keeper tonight :D )

De Town
30/08/2004, 11:40 AM
I heard it was the same fella who stopped the grand prix at silverstone last year?

the 12 th man
30/08/2004, 12:11 PM
I heard it was the same fella who stopped the grand prix at silverstone last year?

twas him ok,that outfit is a killer :cool:

30/08/2004, 12:24 PM
What an idiot...you are supposed to tackle around the waist, not the shoulders :D

A face
30/08/2004, 8:44 PM
yeah but thats all well and good for some poor soul who has just ran 26 miles for an olympic gold, only to be stopped by a mad priest

The same guy had already been knocked down five miles back by a marshal on a motorbike aswell apparantly, i mean c'mon .... he was never going to get there !! :D

30/08/2004, 8:54 PM
The guy has interrupted Horse races and A Grand Prix in the past.
Why was he left on a plane to Greece while the Olypmics were on? Surely he has to be on some kind of troublemakers list.

I know the man is 'touched', but if he's well enough to travel to Greece and cost a man a Gold Medal, he's well enough to spend a few weeks in a greek jail, I can't believe he got away with a suspended sentence.

A face
30/08/2004, 9:04 PM
I know the man is 'touched', but if he's well enough to travel to Greece and cost a man a Gold Medal, he's well enough to spend a few weeks in a greek jail, I can't believe he got away with a suspended sentence.

Totally agree, the man went there with the intention of causing trouble, and that is a long way to go to cause trouble. It is alright the first few times but he is a menace at this stage.

31/08/2004, 11:24 AM
The guy got a 12 month suspended sentence and a €3000 fine!
They let him off due to his 'mental state' :p

They pawned the Brazilian fella off with the 'Olympic Fair Play' award- a bit scant on him alright. His committeewant to appeal to the IOC but what's the point ffs, the race has already been run, they're hardly gonna do it again! :mad:

31/08/2004, 11:40 AM
It's the old stereotypical 'Father Ted' type image of Ireland, a drunken Irish priest disrupts olympic event in order to spread some bizarre religious belief of his. How embarrassing this is.

It's hard to have any sympathy for this guy. He may be mentally disturbed but he flew all the way to Greece to deliberately make a nuisance of himself and then spent the afternoon of the race drinking in a local taverna before going out and possibly costing an athlete the gold medal he trained for years to achieve.
He should have been stopped at Heathrow. Surely he must be on some sort of blacklist after his actions at the Grand Prix yet it didn't set off any alarm bells when he was flying to another major sporting event. A serious lapse in security there I'd say.

31/08/2004, 12:14 PM
The Athens Olympics had the biggest security operation probably ever & a mad former priest just runs onto the road & disrupts the race :eek:

AFAIK the US can revoke their citizens passports (di it to that former chess champion they arrested in japan a while ago) & i think we need to add it to irish constitution so could remove citizenship to an idiot like this.

His brother was on the radio & said he been "examined" but they "couldn't find anything wrong with him" but that he also on meds but he also didn't think he was taking them.

Any chance we could say hes english as didn't he spend a lot of time over there?

Closed Account 2
31/08/2004, 12:37 PM
AFAIK the US can revoke their citizens passports (di it to that former chess champion they arrested in japan a while ago) & i think we need to add it to irish constitution so could remove citizenship to an idiot like this.

Maybe taking his passport away would be a good idea, but to remove his citizenship ?? Where would he then be a citizen of ??

Also dont forget Greece is in the EU, so it would have been very difficult to stop him from going (than say compared with going to the US, Canada, Australia etc). The other thing to bear in mind is the guy could have gone to another EU contry and then gone on to Greece from there without having his passport checked (Schlengen Agreement etc).

31/08/2004, 12:52 PM
....other thing to bear in mind is the guy could have gone to another EU contry and then gone on to Greece from there without having his passport checked (Schlengen Agreement etc).

I'm not sure if you're asking or pointing out that stopping him at source left him with alternatives, but for the record, he flew London to Athens. The authorities should have been alive to his history and stopped him travelling.

31/08/2004, 12:54 PM
Horan deserves a good kicking to be honest. Jail him or commit him but don't let off because he's a bit simple or touched or whatever buzzword he prefers. He's an idiot, plain and simple and the lad from Brazil must be gutted and rightly so.

With any bit of luck Horan will go back to a grand prix and get hit this time... :rolleyes:

31/08/2004, 12:59 PM
All this talk about security, the man is not Carlos the Jackal.

He's just a slightly bonkers priest from Scartaglen who just figured that Brazilian runners are easier to take out than Formula 1 cars...

True but if he pushed John O'Flynn to one side just as the perpetually injured one was about to slot home a league winning gold I'd doubt you'd be as amused. :)

31/08/2004, 1:46 PM
IMO hes not very good at the PR either. When ran in front of the F1 cars he had banner on his chest but had his back to the camera & seemed to ber something similar with Olympics. He needs to be more aware of the camera position in future & no doubt here will be appear again somewhere...

hes so bad at getting his message across that no one really knws what he protesting about, all i heard something to be with end of world or second coming of somebody... :eek:

31/08/2004, 1:58 PM
second coming of somebody... :eek:

Jebus! The second coming of Jebus!
Or maybe it's Sevilla starlet, Jesus Navas coming to Arsenal??? :D

31/08/2004, 2:10 PM
Horan deserves a good kicking to be honest. Jail him or commit him but don't let off because he's a bit simple or touched or whatever buzzword he prefers. He's an idiot, plain and simple and the lad from Brazil must be gutted and rightly so.

With any bit of luck Horan will go back to a grand prix and get hit this time... :rolleyes:

...he may get jail or a kicking or even both as according to the independent today he has to face charges of child abuse in the UK in the next few weeks.

31/08/2004, 2:24 PM
he has to face charges of child abuse in the UK in the next few weeks.

I suppose it's too crazy a notion to consider that an individual may behave in a disturbed fashion in order to support an insanity plea in a child abuse case!?

Lionel Ritchie
31/08/2004, 3:13 PM
Okay ...a couple of things -Horan is obviously as mad as a snake trying to fcuk a goat.
It should be possible to remove his passport at the time of a major sporting event (ask about half the travelling Engerlund support if you don't believe me... :D ) but removing his citizenship is unneccessary and anyway contravenes the international convention on human rights which forbids rendering a person "stateless"

Though there's still plenty of damage the guy could do if you took his passport away. AFAIK he lives in London ..he certainly did when Liam Fay interviewed him for his marvelous book "Beyond Belief" (actually horans doing a jig on the cover.) he caould still get into any UK race meet, track event, football ground...

I think the core truth here is that the man is on a seriously downhill spiral. He's repeatedly acted in a fashion that indicates he's concluded that the rights of others are insignificant compared to his need to convey his message
(which incidently is an extremely confused mix of right wing Catholicism, right wing bible protestantism, judaism, pretribulation rapturism ...it's fcukin' all in there!!!)
So far he's run accross a few racetracks, stopped a guy from winning a race, got fined and we still don't know what his message is and we don't care. The scary thing there is -some day it will probably cross his mind -if it hasn't already done so -that he's going to have to "pull a spectacular" (to use a bit of provo parlance) to get people to pay attenion to why he's doing this. That's when a lot of people could get hurt by this guy.

31/08/2004, 3:31 PM
The scary thing there is -some day it will probably cross his mind -if it hasn't already done so -that he's going to have to "pull a spectacular" (to use a bit of provo parlance) to get people to pay attenion to why he's doing this. That's when a lot of people could get hurt by this guy.

No, his sabotage days are over.

From BreakingNews.ie (http://www.breakingnews.ie/2004/08/31/story164367.html)
Olympic marathon saboteur: 'My last stunt'
The defrocked Irish priest who sabotaged the Olympic Marathon vowed today that his illegal stunt days are over.

Horan, a former Catholic priest who says he is highlighting the “second coming of Christ”, pledged never to pull off a similar prank again.
He said: “I have done it twice now and I do not want to do it again.
“I promise never to do it again because it could damage my mission and it could land me in jail.”

31/08/2004, 4:06 PM
i think we need to add it to irish constitution so could remove citizenship to an idiot like this.Why? The media will still refer to him as an "Irish priest".


31/08/2004, 5:13 PM
I seem to be the only one who sees the lighter side. I sometimes think we're very obessed with our appearance as a nation, a politician takes a backhander and we're up there with the Sicilians, a priest goes a bit dotty and we want Interpol on his track

Excellent all-in-one defence of FF and Kerry. ;)


31/08/2004, 5:34 PM
possibly costing an athlete the gold medal he trained for years to achieve.

That's one point i hadn't actually considered. The loss of the medal could fúck the athlete up big time over the next 10 years, and at the end of his career if he has no gold, he'll be blaming that mad fella from Kerry.
I think all pitch invaders during matches/events are cúnts anyway-i mean what is the point? Anyone who does it obviously has attention defecit disorder or was abused as a child.

31/08/2004, 6:53 PM
a politician takes a backhander and we're up there with the SiciliansSure the Sicilians are amateurs compared to your lot Conor. :)


01/09/2004, 7:29 AM
His brother was on the radio & said he been "examined" but they "couldn't find anything wrong with him" but that he also on meds but he also didn't think he was taking them.
A new twist on the drugs issue so. Someone bringing shame on the games for not taking Drugs. :D :D

Littlest Hobo
01/09/2004, 7:47 AM
[QUOTE=Colm]It's the old stereotypical 'Father Ted' type image of Ireland, a drunken Irish priest disrupts olympic event in order to spread some bizarre religious belief of his. How embarrassing this is.

It's hard to have any sympathy for this guy. He may be mentally disturbed but he flew all the way to Greece to deliberately make a nuisance of himself and then spent the afternoon of the race drinking in a local taverna before going out and possibly costing an athlete the gold medal he trained for years to achieve.
He should have been stopped at Heathrow. Surely he must be on some sort of blacklist after his actions at the Grand Prix yet it didn't set off any alarm bells when he was flying to another major sporting event. A serious lapse in security there I'd say.[/QUOTE

Bla Bla Bla.... quit being the PC arse bandit every day of your life.
Serious lapse in security :confused: ......not as if he's wanted by the hague.
Highlight of the whole three weeks :)

01/09/2004, 8:59 AM
He's actually not been defrocked by his dioscese in London, just banned from serving mass or the public in general....the guy is scum in my opinion.I firmly do not believe him to be as 'nuts' as he's trying to portray himself, but simply trying to look this way to beat child abuse charges. He has already spent some time on remand, and apparently it didn't go down too well with him.
I would have him down as smart, cunning manipulative and perverted. :mad:

the 12 th man
01/09/2004, 9:11 AM
I would have him down as smart, cunning manipulative and perverted. :mad:

interesting angle there,
i suppose the courts have legal & medical experts to see through this kind of behaviour.

whatever about the marathon episode if he touched up kids he deserves to fry.

01/09/2004, 10:41 AM
That's one point i hadn't actually considered. The loss of the medal could fúck the athlete up big time over the next 10 years, and at the end of his career if he has no gold, he'll be blaming that mad fella from Kerry.

The Brazilian lad is 34 or 35 so he's unlikely to get another crack at it.

01/09/2004, 11:43 AM
Forgetting all the irish embarishment think of how that brazilian athlete must have felt. Maybe he wouldn't won the race but the marathon is difficult enough without been interrupted by a nutter. If he sane he should be jailed, if insane committed.

01/09/2004, 11:57 AM
If he was charged with child abuse,surley his passport would have been taken away? :confused:

green goblin
01/09/2004, 2:36 PM
And yet every time it comes to the church, it's only madmen like this who make the headlines. :mad: Horan is alleged to have abused children, and this is an angle the press are very happy with- particularly if they dress it up as a Fr Ted style event. But this is a one sided view of the church as a whole.

For example, Fr Shay Cullen, an Irish priest working in the Phillipines, has campaigned fearlessly for years against the sexual exploitation of children, freeing them from the sex tourist industry. His life has been in danger more times than anyone has a right to expect, and yet people and others like him hardly ever grab the news because a) It's not particularly funny, and B) It seems like no one cares that much. There are thousands of young people, rescued from the hell of child prostitution thanks to his bravery and courage, and yet if we're going to see a story about the church on TV then it better be a paedo hurling himself in front of donkeys or something or we don't want to know. :mad:

Right. I'll calm down now and put the kettle on. :( As you were.

01/09/2004, 2:59 PM
I think hes great anyway.

On the charge - Its gross indecency - He flashed a kid 20 years ago and its just been reopened(the case). Thats one thing

But on the other exhibitions - hes class. He encompassed everything that the Olympics stands for. Citius, Altius, Fortius. Swifter - you need to be fast to avoid a F1 car , Higher - medication , Stronger - knocked the leader and a great athlete 5 foot into the air.

Id go as far as to say that hes better than Clinton Morrison at getting around defences. He ran faster than 90% of our olympic team and in non aerodynamic gear and he got a message across for the Popular Peoples Front of Judea.

Ireland 2 Brazil 0
Brady '88
Horan '04

And with all that said. Who'll be laughing if the man's prophecy comes through. Like, whos to say that Moses wasnt f*&ked out of Greece at the first Olympics for ranting and raving and accidently standing on Achilles ankle when he was on his way to Marathon?

Eh Eh EH ? :D :D :D

green goblin
01/09/2004, 3:27 PM
OK, yes, for pure entertainment value then he's the badgers nadgers. Still feel sorry for the poor s*d he ruined the Olympics for, though.

We really shouldn't encorage him though. He's obviously mad as a sackfull of boiling weasels, the poor man. Whatever he's done he's utterly hatstand and is more to be pitied than mocked. If only it weren't so funny...

01/09/2004, 4:28 PM
I was disgusted when I saw that fcuking gimp grabbing your man in the race.The pr**k should be locked up or shot,one or the other.I was gutted for the Brazilian runner,I really was.It's one thing walking out on a formula 1 track and not effecting anything accept a few faint hearted stewards.I actually had a good laugh when I saw the formula 1 incident,but to jump on a man who is too weak to defend himself after running 20 odd miles and almost has the gold in sight made me sick.

I only wish it had been a Greek athelete in the lead of the marathon.Suspended sentence me arse,he'd have been locked up for life.

01/09/2004, 5:06 PM
I had a good laugh after the Grand Prix incident alright.Only a Kerry man could be out on a Formula 1 track trying to hitch a spin to mass. :D