View Full Version : all it takes is one idiot

06/08/2012, 8:32 AM

Headline on every paper all over Europe what must pat o Sullivan be thinking the effort that was put into this event gutted for him city will prob never come near us again. THoughts?

06/08/2012, 9:04 AM
Is it very embarrassing? Yes of course. Should the club do all they can to identify the idiot(s)? Yes of course. Should the club make it known that they will do all they can to identify the idiot(s)? Yes of course. But.....

with statements like 'headline on every paper all over Europe' and 'the city will prob never come near us again', the winner for the award for overstatement goes to.....thomas72.

06/08/2012, 9:20 AM
Is it very embarrassing? Yes of course. Should the club do all they can to identify the idiot(s)? Yes of course. Should the club make it known that they will do all they can to identify the idiot(s)? Yes of course. But.....

with statements like 'headline on every paper all over Europe' and 'the city will prob never come near us again', the winner for the award for overstatement goes to.....thomas72.

ARe you for real I just got that off an English newspaper its also been reported in France and the mirror the player also Tweeted it to his million or so followers but ya its a overstatement

06/08/2012, 9:23 AM

Not a headline in Irish Times sports section online.


Same for the Indo.


Same for the Examiner.


Same for the Herald.


Same for the Guardian.


Daily Mail has it as a headline, with quotes from Limerick about taking action and informing police.


No mention in the Telegraph.


No headline in the UK Independent.

Now, I'm not too confident in my foreign languages so I might be proven mistaken, but...


As far as I can see, nothing in Der Spiegel.


Can't see anything on Gazzetta dello sport.


Same for Le Monde.

It clearly is an overstatement to say that it is a headline in every newspaper in Europe. We can acknowledge that it is a serious problem for the club without overstating the problem.

06/08/2012, 9:36 AM
Once the lads are handed to the guards and named and shamed there is nothing more the club can do.

The idiot/s probably never seen a live game before in their lives.

06/08/2012, 9:37 AM
Sorry I should of saying it will be reported in French newspaper prob tomorrow since the game was last night and players Tweet was late its big news more so since the player himself is talking about it and what's currently going on with john terry etc put on the blinkers all you want.

06/08/2012, 9:39 AM
Once the lads are handed to the guards and named and shamed there is nothing more the club can do.

The idiot/s probably never seen a live game before in their lives.

SPOt on a complete tool

Lionel Ritchie
06/08/2012, 10:51 AM
Not that I doubt the malevolent capacity of one of our home grown chavs (who probably listens to Chris Browne and Snoopy Dog on his stolen iphone sans headphones on public transport) to pull such a stunt but I'm reading elsewhere that the culprit is Polish.

06/08/2012, 11:07 AM
It's on sky sports news now top headline yellow ticker sad sad ****

Lim till i die
06/08/2012, 11:09 AM
I'm reading elsewhere that the culprit is Polish.

Typical Pole.

Send the buggers back etc etc.

06/08/2012, 11:42 AM
Just saw it on Sky Sports - what a disaster. So much good ruined by a numbskull.

Lionel Ritchie
06/08/2012, 12:23 PM
...RTE radio news in on it now. Oh I shudder to think what Joe Duffys herd of Marys in Clontarf are going to make of this in half an hour.

06/08/2012, 5:25 PM
Totally disgusted when I heard about this. The club has said all that it can, but the bad impression, for the club and the city, is made. Don't hold your breath for many more big friendlies in Thomand in the near future.

see's it
06/08/2012, 7:01 PM
why was it possible to walk around outside the ground drinking cans/bottles that were cleary not sold in the stadium?

06/08/2012, 10:22 PM
It was on Twitter just after it happened last night. Somebody was on blaming all Lim's scum for the trouble. Somebody who was at the match replied that it was 2 idiots who were involved. Supposedly they were then thrown out in the second half.

07/08/2012, 8:37 AM
It was on Twitter just after it happened last night. Somebody was on blaming all Lim's scum for the trouble. Somebody who was at the match replied that it was 2 idiots who were involved. Supposedly they were then thrown out in the second half.

The top right of this pic is the section where it was thrown from


07/08/2012, 12:58 PM
I don't know whether It would have prevented this incident or not, but I still cannot believe that they were not searching and frisking fans going into the ground.

07/08/2012, 3:26 PM
I don't know whether It would have prevented this incident or not, but I still cannot believe that they were not searching and frisking fans going into the ground.
And do what? Confiscate fruit from people? Let's keep this in perspective for Gods sake...

07/08/2012, 4:38 PM
And do what? Confiscate fruit from people? Let's keep this in perspective for Gods sake...

Ya bananas, weapons, any offensive material. A friend of mine was saying at the match, that at the Euros everyone was searched, sometimes twice. Having said that I still remember seeing loads of flares at the Croatia game. All im saying is that I think it was crazy not searching people before the game and you can be sure this wont be the case if there is a friendly on in Thomond again.

Market's Field
07/08/2012, 5:23 PM
It was on Twitter just after it happened last night. Somebody was on blaming all Lim's scum for the trouble. Somebody who was at the match replied that it was 2 idiots who were involved. Supposedly they were then thrown out in the second half.

Am I the only one who finds it incredible that someone who professes to be disgusted with racism is happy to defame an entire city in their Twitter posting! Obviously the morons who threw the banana don't have a copyright on stupidity

Lim till i die
07/08/2012, 7:26 PM

Was this an unsavoury incident?? Yes

Should it have happended?? No

Should the culprit be punished to the full extent of the law?? Yes

Some of the mass hysteria around here about it is starting to grate to be honest.



No one will give a fizzle in a few weeks ffs.

20682 people turned up to watch a football match in Thomond Park. That's the big story here.

Overall, the event was a massive success.

Whether we like it or not.

07/08/2012, 9:54 PM
The self-scanning at the gate T1 is ripe for bringing in whatever you want. Must've been more cost-effective than hiring people for the gate, but it might've been worth the expense.

Lionel Ritchie
07/08/2012, 10:00 PM
What'll they say about us when we start frisking Eastern Europeans and confiscating their fruit and assorted miscellany on the way into anywhere and everywhere?

Come to think of it -my Irish born and reared septegenarian father probably had a banana in his jacket pocket the other night. They fill you up in a pinch AND promote regularity.

09/08/2012, 5:45 PM
"C'mon Limerick!"

"Go on City!"


15/08/2012, 11:35 AM
All in allnit was a great night at thomond park one mindless idiot soured it a little but as a whole it was a great success imo