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Eminence Grise
31/07/2012, 3:40 PM
Was I alone in feeling nauseated at the rally in Ballyconnell for Sean Quinn and his family, including those imprisoned and fugitives? When I posted here about the imprisonment of Fred Forsey Jnr, the former town councillor imprisoned for corruption, I hoped it might be a sign of intolerance of corruption and fraud.

Ballyconnell may give the lie to that optimism: Fr Brian Darcy (how many Hail Marys need I say, Father, to absolve me of stealing and bearing false witness to the courts that underpin our democracy?); Mick O’Leary’s letter of support (what else to expect of somebody who treats the hoi polloi, whose extra kilos of luggage pay his wages, as cattle – inferior to his prize-winning herd, of course); Mickey Harte and the sleeveenism and nepotism of the GAA...

Like Beckett, I can’t go on, I’ll go on.

The best way to fight both hubris and sycophancy is to humiliate those in public life whose actions are corrupt, but whose arrogance allows them to see themselves as victims, or justified. Some may have salted away ill-gotten gains, but reputations remain to be lost.

It may be a small ripple that barely stirs the scum atop the pond, but it is worthwhile. We know Quinn, Fitzpatrick, Wallace and others, but there are more, particularly locally, whose infamy extends no further than the local paper. It’s not just the great but the small, too, whose dirty linen I’d like to see exposed, and their reputations sullied.

In deference to Adam, who I’m sure has better things to do than defend the site against libel actions, can I ask that posts are factual and, where possible, linked to a credible and accurate source?

Eminence Grise
31/07/2012, 3:42 PM
To get the ball rolling, allow me to introduce two characters gracing the current issue of Phoenix:

‘Fine Gael Galway county councillor Tom McHugh – who ran unsuccessfully in last year’s general and Seanad elections – pleaded guilty last month in Tuam District Court to one count of not passing on payments to the Construction Workers Pension Scheme, while his company, Thomas McHugh (Kilcloghans) Ltd (TMK), was fined €1,000.’ (p7 or www.thephoenix.ie (http://www.thephoenix.ie) with subscription)

Perhaps the ultimate in showing you don’t give a proverbial about your employees... I await with baited breath the debate in Galway Co Co where the other councillors, enraged and ashamed, call on him to resign, which any person of honour in political life would accept as their bounden duty.

‘What a fall from Grace for Cork legal eagle Deirdre Foley – a former Fianna Fáil local election candidate – who has just been struck off the Roll of Solicitors by the President of the High Court, Judge Nicholas Kearns. Foley’s wrap [sic] sheet is lengthy and she was found guilty of 15 charges of misconduct when she was hauled up before the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) last year, mainly relating to her extensive property portfolio.
‘Foley ... ran in the 2009 local elections for the Cork South East Ward of Cork City Council, although she finished last in this race with only 307 first preference votes.’ (p16)

This rather naughty lady received a mortgage on several properties, some of which were already mortgaged - one had even been sold... But using client money to pay stamp duty on her transaction...tsk tsk! Fair play to the legal firm she where she was a partner for dealing with her. And shame on her for claiming that her partners should have been more diligent on her behalf.

Any more for the Hall of Shame?

Lionel Ritchie
31/07/2012, 8:04 PM
Sadly the only thing to laugh about the near lifelong trail of destruction in Tom McFeelys wake is in the attempt by the former IRA hunger striker to hide behind his British citizenship (http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/frontpage/2012/0616/1224318058023.html)to avail of more lenient bankrupcy treatment.

He may not like the crown -but he's plenty loyal to the half-crown alright.

02/08/2012, 12:08 PM
EG, I both agree with and understand your feelings towards the Ballyconnell rally, in fact the whole farce of one man fleeing this jurisdiction makes it beyond a joke or farce. His cousin rots in an Irish jail (an exaggeration of course) and he goes to matches, regardless of the code. Maybe the GAA can solve it, with a week bit of help from our corrupt and inept government (and the clowns running the defunct Anglo). Put a reward for his safe return and you will be guaranteed a fleet of Renaults with WW registrations heading north! I thought of this myself, if the government allow rendition flights in Ireland, why can't he be snatched. Dogg the Bounty Hunter could even do a show on it!

02/08/2012, 1:56 PM
Mayo judge Mary Devins will have to be added to the list for claiming that social welfare was a "Polish charity" (http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/fury-over-judges-polish-slur-202831.html) - you'll get good and bad characters in every community, but the crimes that immigrants commit do seem to be reported disproportionately to their number, and such comments will hardly help matters.

Eminence Grise
02/08/2012, 2:33 PM
An American journalist, Henry Demarest Lloyd, once wrote that 'publicity is the great moral disinfectant'.

So, step forward Sean Kelly, MEP (FG) who, having misjudged the mood on the ground with his voters and party when he went to Ballyconnell, is now wringing his hands after getting a public caning from Enda Kenny:

'FINE Gael MEP Sean Kelly was forced to distance himself from bankrupt tycoon Sean Quinn yesterday after coming under fire from his own party.

He got a slap on the wrist from Taoiseach Enda Kenny and also attracted criticism from Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney.

'The former GAA president had aroused anger in Fine Gael with his comments about how the 4,000 people attending the pro-Quinn rally in Ballyconnell, Co Cavan were giving "moral support" to the bankrupt businessman.

'Mr Kelly had to backtrack yesterday by issuing a statement to insist that he was not supporting the Quinns or what they had done.'

More of this, please!

But one other former GAA bigwig, Peter Quinn, won't be letting his son go to jail in the bold republic. Poor Peter Darragh is 'not afraid of prison [hurrah!] but believes he has no chance of getting "fair play or justice" because of what he claimed was the corrupt way the case had been handled.' As LR pointed out, the notion of die-hard republicans hiding behind the Queen's skirts is laughable. ER II is welcome to her pair of loyal subjects in this case.

Quinn came to my school when he was president of the GAA. I think I understood that day the meaning of the phrase: 'so narrowminded he could look through a keyhole with both eyes at the same time.':mad:

03/08/2012, 12:36 PM
Senator Healy Eames. Doesn't pay for train tickets, doesn't tax her car. I think I read they're in trouble for not paying for work done on their house too. A wonderful example of an Irish politician.

Mr A
03/08/2012, 1:02 PM
Was just going to add here there :)

She also accidentally built a two story garage on to her house (the builder got the wrong plans) and later had to apply for retention. The builder thing was found against her husband and not her, but was another crazy story that fits in with the pattern of the others.

This is pretty damning: http://www.advertiser.ie/galway/article/53984/ive-been-left-reeling-by-tsunami-of-events-says-healy-eames-after-car-tax-revelation and it's written by the lady herself!

06/08/2012, 4:34 PM
Senator Healy Eames. Doesn't pay for train tickets, doesn't tax her car. I think I read they're in trouble for not paying for work done on their house too. A wonderful example of an Irish politician.

In fairness, I was always under the impression that you could pay for your ticket on the train, I think too much is being made out of that one!

Eminence Grise
06/08/2012, 4:35 PM
Ah 'Fidelity' Healy-Eames... where would we be without her? 'Better off,' you say? Who am I to argue with so many?

Here's a gent making today's Irish Times, perhaps not in need of a naming and shaming as it seems he did things by the book, but his actions point to some looseness in how NAMA does its business.

'THE PURCHASE of a house by an employee of the National Asset Management Agency, which was on the agency’s books, should be referred to the Garda for further investigation, said Fianna Fáil finance spokesman Michael McGrath.

'Enda Farrell, a former portfolio manager with Nama, bought the five-bedroom house in Lucan, Co Dublin, earlier this year.

The house was one of the properties owned by businessman Thomas Dowd which Nama took under its control. Mr Dowd paid €1.4 million for the property, Sundaywell, in 2004.'

Now it seems that Farrell, while undergoing compliance training with NAMA, was told he could buy NAMA property as a principal residence, and the house was bought at market price, so he didn't gain any advantage in that regard. Fair enough, but if NAMA is to operate with full transparency it must be wary of making itself a hostage to fortune. 'Caesar's wife' rings true for companies and their employees too.

Eminence Grise
06/08/2012, 4:42 PM
In fairness, I was always under the impression that you could pay for your ticket on the train, I think too much is being made out of that one!

I think it used to apply when the ticket office in a small station wasn't open, or there was no ticket machine. But these days, you can book online and a vending machine issues a ticket in less than a minute so claiming you arrived too late to queue for a ticket isn't an excuse. I suppose it came as a surprise to many, but, along with the car being towed and the court case, some might think it points to, shall we say, a somewhat cavalier attitude towards rules and regulations?

06/08/2012, 6:40 PM
I think it used to apply when the ticket office in a small station wasn't open, or there was no ticket machine. But these days, you can book online and a vending machine issues a ticket in less than a minute so claiming you arrived too late to queue for a ticket isn't an excuse. I suppose it came as a surprise to many, but, along with the car being towed and the court case, some might think it points to, shall we say, a somewhat cavalier attitude towards rules and regulations?

Oh I'm only defending the train ticket story. It was an early morning train from a small station? Good chance there was only one vending machiene there and somebody was using it, or that the train was there when she arrived and she had to run! And if it's true that she paid for it on the train a week before, I would have also told the inspector to "fu*k off"!

The abuse she's getting for that incident alone is over the top, some people really just want to have a go!

07/08/2012, 11:21 AM
The other incident comes off as total codswallop, which suggests that the train ticket was just her chancing her arm. It's ok for me or you to chance our arms, we're just regular joes*. She's not, she's a public representative.

* In hindsight, it's only a matter of time before a high horser takes me up on this. I'm being facetious. Or Oirish. Take your pick.

Eminence Grise
07/08/2012, 12:46 PM
No!! It's not OK for regular joes to chance their arm - regular joes might not have gotten off with just paying the standard fare!!:p I'm sure she, a pillock, sorry, pillar of society, is immune to Regular Joe Syndrome! If it happened elsewhere, she might not have been able to put it behind her so easily. Remember the Swedish minister who resigned ... because she had not paid her TV licence fee (although 16 years evasion was urinary extraction even FF might think brazen!)? http://www.rte.ie/news/2006/1016/chiloc.html

Meanwhile NAMA appear to be contradicting friend Farrell, about whom I posted yesterday. http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/ireland/2012/0807/1224321631034.html
Good to see that the charge for transparency and ethics is being led by FF...:rolleyes:

Eminence Grise
30/01/2013, 2:36 PM
Bump... with an interesting story in today's Irish Times.

The developer alleged to have bribed former Dungarvan councillor Fred Forsey Jnr (who was found guilty of corruption last year) is pleading not guilty to having made corrupt payments. Forsey's ex-wife, who testified against him, is lined up to give evidence.


And sure you have to the the Quinn family a dishonourable mention as well, or at least his daughter 'Collect' Quinn.

'Colette Quinn, a daughter of bankrupt businessman Seán Quinn snr, has told the Commercial Court she has few documents or receipts indicating what had happened to some €327,000 paid to her by Russian companies.

'She also confirmed she had withdrawn some €16,000 in 20 transactions mainly from ATMs in Belturbet and Cavan town over a period of two hours on June 14th, 2012. She was concerned about being asked about such matters for legal reasons and on grounds including her personal security, she said.

'Ms Quinn said some €340,000 was paid into her Ocean Bank account in Moscow in summer 2011 and there was about €12,500 left in that account last August.'


No receipts for the old petty cash? Sure we've all been there, haven't we?:rolleyes:

30/01/2013, 3:05 PM
16000 from ATMs in Belturbet and Cavan town? in 2 hours? My eye!

The report on the last word last night was just breathtaking!

30/01/2013, 4:29 PM
Did she use a JCB?

30/01/2013, 4:57 PM

30/01/2013, 5:07 PM
The Fermanagh one is a classic


30/01/2013, 5:50 PM
I couldn't post that video! Stupid blocker in work.

30/01/2013, 6:32 PM
Bump... with an interesting story in today's Irish Times.

The developer alleged to have bribed former Dungarvan councillor Fred Forsey Jnr (who was found guilty of corruption last year) is pleading not guilty to having made corrupt payments. Forsey's ex-wife, who testified against him, is lined up to give evidence.


And sure you have to the the Quinn family a dishonourable mention as well, or at least his daughter 'Collect' Quinn.

'Colette Quinn, a daughter of bankrupt businessman Seán Quinn snr, has told the Commercial Court she has few documents or receipts indicating what had happened to some €327,000 paid to her by Russian companies.

'She also confirmed she had withdrawn some €16,000 in 20 transactions mainly from ATMs in Belturbet and Cavan town over a period of two hours on June 14th, 2012. She was concerned about being asked about such matters for legal reasons and on grounds including her personal security, she said.

'Ms Quinn said some €340,000 was paid into her Ocean Bank account in Moscow in summer 2011 and there was about €12,500 left in that account last August.'


No receipts for the old petty cash? Sure we've all been there, haven't we?:rolleyes:

Nothing surprises me with any county councillor or county council, Waterford CC were a disgrace in the late 90's, anyone who had the misfortune to travel from Cork to Waterford on a regular basis will remember the endless work being done to "straighten" the road outside Dungarvan and close to Kilmac. The corruption reached up to national government and nobody ever did a damn thing about it. Faking archaeological finds, destroying real ones, and wholesale theft of finds, it was shocking but not the worse in Ireland during that period. Sick.

Anyway, I jumped on to post (in frustration) on the Quinn debacle. What sickened me is how the Irish media are not reporting the facts and how the questions being asked to her (in the investigation/case) are missing one very, very simple point which falls within the remit and point of the case. If she signed an employment contract, as a foreigner, she HAD to have it translated, the translation notarised and only then will the bank accept payments. I know it will be said - sure it's Russia, but at that time (since 2008 really) there has been increasingly stringent rules on opening and operating bank accounts as a foreigner. Her signing a contract in Russian, without a translation, is illegal under Russian law. The contract would not be accepted in a bank (and Ocean is one of the more reputable outfits) and thus payments could not be made to her account.

So, I emailed media outlets in Ireland, but nothing. We can be sure that if the media starts asking questions, the legal eagles will too. Everything related to the Quinns, Seanie Fitz and many, many others here in the ex-USSR stinks to high heavens. Hundreds of millions was spent on property that never saw the light of day or even got past the foundations, yet it was paid out and disappeared. In some ways I feel the NAMA cretins and their cronies don't want to dig too deep as it would do them out of a job and possibly see more than a few locked up. What I don't understand is the Irish media's manner of reporting, like it's "ah sure, wouldn't we all do the same" instead of slamming the devious gits.

Rant over, sorry, just after having a massive debate with a DEA agent who is being sent home after Russia pulled the agreement of co-operation with the USA. He said that they were finally getting places in stemming the tide of narcotics and illegal alcohol into the EU but his own bosses in the USA forced Russia to sign for 10 years or stop the agreement. Being dumb, the Russkis pulled the plug.

31/01/2013, 12:11 AM
I love "Collect Quinn". Nothing like a cheap shot to brighten my day.

I haven't read her actual testimony, just reports on breakingnews.ie, but what I have read is just plain comical. She might as well just say that they money was just resting in her account.

Charlie Darwin
31/01/2013, 12:40 AM
Anyway, I jumped on to post (in frustration) on the Quinn debacle. What sickened me is how the Irish media are not reporting the facts and how the questions being asked to her (in the investigation/case) are missing one very, very simple point which falls within the remit and point of the case. If she signed an employment contract, as a foreigner, she HAD to have it translated, the translation notarised and only then will the bank accept payments. I know it will be said - sure it's Russia, but at that time (since 2008 really) there has been increasingly stringent rules on opening and operating bank accounts as a foreigner. Her signing a contract in Russian, without a translation, is illegal under Russian law. The contract would not be accepted in a bank (and Ocean is one of the more reputable outfits) and thus payments could not be made to her account.
Is this something aspect of Russian contract law be something Irish journalists would be privy to? I know you emailed various meeja outlets but you'd need to target specific reporters, or even take it to social media. An editor or even a senior columnist is probably not even going to look at your mail.

31/01/2013, 6:27 AM
Dahamsta - Father Ted would at least have had the good grace to be flustered!

CD - I sent it to the ones reporting/commenting on the matter, as well as to business/political editors in RTE, Newstalk etc. It is something they should know very easily about and it's a no-brainer. The legal counsel examining for the old AIB also is not posing the very simple question of her perpetrating a fraud. Everything in the matter is seriously suspicious. In a way they're almost guiding the situation to a no decision and to cover as many people as possible.

You're right about social media, it seems that it is one of the only ways to bring such points to light, though in a way I'm just frustrated and disappointed by the litany of lies coming out of the media and government in relation to the mess. NAMA/IIRC (is that right?) have engaged a company to chase up assets here that never existed, or that the company they've engaged (A1/Alfa) already own but have shunted off to a 1 person owner Ltd company that exists only on paper. Added to that some of the yahoo's NAMA/IIRC sent over to Russia spent more time in Nightflight and trawling gentlemen's clubs than actually working. I know it's unfair to brandish them all the same, though of the dozen or so I met, 1 guy was genuinely interested in getting the job done, the rest came from estate agent or mortgage broker firms that messed up in the first place. I guess it's probably me being jealous, having an 80,000 a year job and all expenses paid trips to far flung destinations, sure it's almost like being a TD.

Charlie Darwin
31/01/2013, 7:09 AM
CD - I sent it to the ones reporting/commenting on the matter, as well as to business/political editors in RTE, Newstalk etc. It is something they should know very easily about and it's a no-brainer. The legal counsel examining for the old AIB also is not posing the very simple question of her perpetrating a fraud. Everything in the matter is seriously suspicious. In a way they're almost guiding the situation to a no decision and to cover as many people as possible.
Yeah, don't bother with editors unless you know them personally. Academics could be easier to reach and would have the ear of journalists, but in general if you want to ask tough questions you have to target lower-level journalists who have the ambition and the tenacity to pursue it. Online media is definitely the way, as that's where traditional media outlets are increasingly getting their stories from. Or just write something up yourself and send it to different journalists so they can rip it off.

I'd be shocked AIB's counsel hasn't at least thought of it though.

You're right about social media, it seems that it is one of the only ways to bring such points to light, though in a way I'm just frustrated and disappointed by the litany of lies coming out of the media and government in relation to the mess. NAMA/IIRC (is that right?) have engaged a company to chase up assets here that never existed, or that the company they've engaged (A1/Alfa) already own but have shunted off to a 1 person owner Ltd company that exists only on paper. Added to that some of the yahoo's NAMA/IIRC sent over to Russia spent more time in Nightflight and trawling gentlemen's clubs than actually working. I know it's unfair to brandish them all the same, though of the dozen or so I met, 1 guy was genuinely interested in getting the job done, the rest came from estate agent or mortgage broker firms that messed up in the first place. I guess it's probably me being jealous, having an 80,000 a year job and all expenses paid trips to far flung destinations, sure it's almost like being a TD.
IRBC - IIRC is, ironically, the acronym for if I remember correctly. I wouldn't be able to comment on their debt collection activities in Russia but that sounds mad.

31/01/2013, 10:33 AM
it's IBRC jeez :p

Charlie Darwin
31/01/2013, 10:42 AM

31/01/2013, 11:37 AM
IBRC :-)

CD, thank you. This afternoon I sent a mail to a friend who's a barrister (she's not working on the case but her hubby is). While I don't want to be a crawler and I also don't believe the Quinn family are all bad, unless the prosecution is honest and correct, then they are doing the state a disservice - and it's the state paying for the legal counsel!

31/01/2013, 12:26 PM
I was going to suggest that as a more direct route. Or The Phoenix. :)

31/01/2013, 5:57 PM
Actually, The Phoenix isn't half a bad idea! They could get away with it. The sad thing is, the bleeeding obvious is not being picked up upon, such as international law. Even in Ireland a non-english speaker has to have papers/contracts interpreted for them to be legal, especially ones that are notarised/legalised.

Eminence Grise
31/01/2013, 8:35 PM
Try this Spud:

The editor (Paddy Prendiville): editor @ the phoenix.ie

General editorial: goldhawk @ the phoenix.ie

Be good to see something come of it.

Eminence Grise
04/03/2013, 10:03 AM
Why have the media been so coy in naming the former Cork politician suspected of trying to hire a hitman to deal with a Guard, revenue official and accountant? A quick Google search based on the facts available when the story broke last week led me to one particular individual - who shall remain nameless here, even though it is not defamatory to report that an individual has been questioned by Gardai on suspicion of certain crimes.

This from today's Irish Times:
A former public representative is due to appear in court later today in relation to an alleged attempt to hire a hitman to kill to three people in Cork.
The 37-year-old man is expected to be brought before Cork District Court after gardaí last night got directions from the DPP to charge him.

The man was arrested at his home outside Cork city at around 9am on Thursday under Section 50 of the Criminal Justice Act on suspicion of conspiracy to murder.

He has been questioned for the past four days about an alleged conspiracy to hire a hitman to kill a garda, a Revenue Official and an accountant.

Gardaí obtained a court extension of Saturday morning to allow them continue to question the man about the allegations and put material gathered in evidence to him.

RTE has even less (http://www.rte.ie/news/2013/0304/371923-conspiracy-charges/ - just 56 words if you could be bothered to follow the link).

Surely, if this really is a republic, then all citizens are equal before the law and none can hide behind a party, or daddy, or whatever excuse might be offered? I'm pretty sure if this was any Joe Soap businessman he would have been named on the day he was arrested.

Eminence Grise
04/03/2013, 12:03 PM
Named now as Gary O'Flynn. Application for bail rejected.


04/03/2013, 12:21 PM
Was thinking the same thing myself the last few days, if it you or I we'd've been named and shamed long ago.

The Indo seems to have been the first to go for it.

Eminence Grise
06/03/2013, 7:32 PM
Mystery may be solved. O'Flynn was sentenced yesterday for public order offences and possession of a knife in a 2011 incident. I thought he had already been sentenced for this, so presumably any reporting of his more recent issues until he was formally charged might have interfered with the court process.

One of the testifying Gardai called him the most arrogant man he'd ever met. No, really?


Eminence Grise
19/04/2013, 10:48 AM
Very pleased to see that ex-FF TD Ivor Callelly will now have the chance to defend his good name following his arrest today by members of the Garda Bureau of Fraud Investigation.


19/04/2013, 11:12 AM
While not, yet, in the level of infamy here. Conor Lenihan's boss and place of work was raided yesterday. Now, everybody here knows that the Skolkovo project is a load of tosh and is known (the polite version) as the Black Hole (sucks in money and it then disappears), that it has received massive funds for no return and that big tech companies have to (by law) have an office there or else be blocked from operating in the country. So that the FSB went in and raided the place was a shocker. More shocking is that Russia Today contacted RTE for background to Mad dog and they got it, but the story has gone unannounced in Ireland - given that there is $115million missing you'd think that there might be some interest. Anyway, more important things to be getting on with like Sligo v Pats tonight :-)

Eminence Grise
20/04/2013, 1:38 PM
Conor Lenihan's boss

Mmm, but who is learning from whom?

20/04/2013, 1:57 PM
My thoughts exactly :-)

27/04/2013, 11:55 PM
There's so much comedy gold out there tonight...

Head to twitter and #fiannafailzheimers



Eminence Grise
15/10/2013, 2:42 PM
At long last, Ivor Callelly, the former FF junior minister, has been given a date for his trial following allegations that he made bogus mobile phone expense claims half a dozen times. I, for one, look forward to seeing Ivor in the dock - from whence he will no doubt give a stirring defence to clear his good name and dismiss the irksome allegations.


Incidentally, the Irish Times puts his age at 55, while RTE reports it as 54. Wouldn't be the first time a political figure's, eh, figures weren't entirely clear.

Eminence Grise
03/03/2014, 7:49 PM
Ivor does his first decent thing in public life and falls on sword in the Dublin Circuit Criminal Court today, pleading guilty to fraud.

Could face a fine or jail sentence - we'll know on July 22.


04/03/2014, 10:02 AM
If our friend in Tipp is anything to go by, presumably this guarantees him a seat at the next election.

Eminence Grise
04/03/2014, 1:19 PM
It depends on the sentence. The charge carries a tariff of up to ten years or a fine!

I think any jail sentence longer than six months for a criminal offence automatically disbars you from being a TD. Can't find a source for that online, but I think I have it in ... a book! (How do I upload a hardback....?:p)

04/03/2014, 8:48 PM
Seems pretty unlikely he'll serve more than 6 months then. The backend pressure must be massive atm. :)

Charlie Darwin
05/03/2014, 10:43 AM
I think we've all experienced massive backend pressure from FF over the years.

05/03/2014, 12:20 PM
I'd love to see an actual Hall of Shame, like an art gallery with portraits of these guys looking their worst, with little note cards beside them detailing their crimes and idiocies. Can you imagine the law suits!? :)

Eminence Grise
05/03/2014, 1:45 PM

In the iconography of this most moving and deeply personal of portraits, former Taoiseach Brian Cowen clutches a double quilted velvet soft bogroll, while gazing statesmanlike, yet almost ruefully, into the middle distance. The symbolism of this tender gesture is evocative of the last days of the Celtic Tiger, when Irish people were left in the 5h1tter and FF had hidden any paper that implicated them.

Eminence Grise
01/04/2014, 8:50 PM
If our friend in Tipp is anything to go by, presumably this guarantees him a seat at the next election.

The squeaky sound emanating from Tipperary may be Deputy Lowry's sphincter tightening in anticipation of severe backend pressure - he's been sent forward for trial in the Nenagh Circuit Court over allegations he knowingly filed incorrect tax returns.


30/04/2014, 10:32 PM
Gerry Adams arrested...
