View Full Version : Craig Doyle on BBC

23/08/2004, 10:29 AM
This bloke is really fcuking annoying me at this stage ! Fair enough he is working for a British station and kind of has to support the GB team, but why in hell is he going on like he was born and bread in Britian ?

"we won this" "we have a great chance of winning this" and the worst out of them all was " it was great to hear the British anthem out there today after winning gold" !!!!!!!!!!

:mad: Stop acting the p*ick Craig ! your Irish ! :mad:

max power
23/08/2004, 10:42 AM
personally i watch sharon davis :eek:

green goblin
23/08/2004, 10:43 AM
Terry Wogan always does the same thing with Eurovision. Only difference is he's taking the p*ss constantly, and interrupts songs to demand drink while laughing his ugly head off at Johnny Foreigner's antics on stage. But you're right, I don't know what Doyle thinks he's up to.

23/08/2004, 10:54 AM
He did break in then "horsey woman" was going on about the british three day event team to say that he'd like to say a very well done to the irish team who were sitting in 7th at the time.
She had to ask him why he wanted to say that, he responded with "cos im irish of course"..

23/08/2004, 11:33 AM
The lad is nought more than a West Brit. Have met quite a few during my time in London, generally Dublin 4 girls. At least the likes of Townsend and Lawrenson have an excuse.

23/08/2004, 11:55 AM
Give the guy a break ffs.
He's working for the BBC so I assume he's told by his superiors that he has to say those kind of things.
He's got as good a job as you'll get in his business and I'm sure he'll say whatever he's told to say in order to keep it.
If I had a job like that with the BBC, i know I'd have no problem saying any of the above if I was required to.

23/08/2004, 11:59 AM
Sure RTE have Tracy Piggott as presenter & i'm sure she uses the "we" when talking about Ireland...?

BBC are paying token oirish guys wages to talk about thre British team so i'd leave him alone.

23/08/2004, 12:42 PM
BBC are paying token oirish guys wages to talk about thre British team so i'd leave him alone.

I dont agree, i dont think any job in the world should make you have to change your nationality ! As i said, yeah hes working for the BBC and he should back the GB team but he shouldnt be saying stuff like its great to hear their Anthem again etc !

23/08/2004, 12:43 PM
Never heard Hansen or Strachan using "we" in their punditry on England games.

max power
23/08/2004, 12:58 PM
i heard both of them during the euro coverage in the summer....and both of them said it, strachen pulled himself up on it, but hansen did it time after time.

23/08/2004, 1:02 PM
Never heard Hansen or Strachan using "we" in their punditry on England games.

Strachan was asked before one of England's Euro 2004 games "what would you do if you where english today ?" he's reply, on live television "TOP MYSELF" !!!!!!

max power
23/08/2004, 1:03 PM
yeah heard him say that, lineker didn't know what to say...

23/08/2004, 1:05 PM
i heard both of them during the euro coverage in the summer....and both of them said it, strachen pulled himself up on it, but hansen did it time after time.

If you say so fair enough but still don't agree that Doyle's job hangs in the balance over him using "we" when referring to British competitors.

23/08/2004, 1:18 PM
If you say so fair enough but still don't agree that Doyle's job hangs in the balance over him using "we" when referring to British competitors.

Nothing to do with his job handing in th balance, he just should'nt pretend to be british and glorifiy everything they do, seriously, name one other IRISH man that says its great to hear the british national anthem ?

max power
23/08/2004, 1:19 PM
matt holland, he can even sing it

23/08/2004, 1:25 PM
matt holland, he can even sing it

I do question Holland's "Irishness" but that said I actually have less of a problem with that as he is at least half English (seeing as he's got at least 1 English parent - not exactly sure of Holland's heritage) and I wouldn't begrudge anyone the right to be proud of their roots. What's Doyle's excuse? He was born and raised in Ireland AFAIK.

max power
23/08/2004, 1:30 PM
rte wouldn't give him a job until he made it big on the travel show, sure fr ted was as bad with all the paddy bashing but no one knocked that.

a job is a job and well done to him for getting one of the prime jobs in bbc sport.

i know of an ex irish rugby player who is doing the same job in south africa, if he said "we2 would it be as bad or is it just and "english" thing. if it is then its rather sad to be honest. begruging irish all the way.

23/08/2004, 1:46 PM
rte wouldn't give him a job until he made it big on the travel show, sure fr ted was as bad with all the paddy bashing but no one knocked that.

a job is a job and well done to him for getting one of the prime jobs in bbc sport.

i know of an ex irish rugby player who is doing the same job in south africa, if he said "we2 would it be as bad or is it just and "english" thing. if it is then its rather sad to be honest. begruging irish all the way.

Not sure how Father Ted equates to Craig Doyle but anyway. Not about the British thing for me although the Irish-English rivalry does bring it into sharper focus. I personally would not use "we" when referring to another country. Are people suggesting Craig Doyle is successful because he does???

max power
23/08/2004, 1:49 PM
irish players playing for british teams "we" did well........whats the difference, the british public are his employers so he has to do it...its called working for living.

23/08/2004, 1:53 PM
irish players playing for british teams "we" did well........whats the difference, the british public are his employers so he has to do it...its called working for living.

What??? Irish players are referring to their club. If Craig Doyle said "we did well" referring to the BBC that wouldn't be an issue.
I'm sorry but that is complete rubbish.

max power
23/08/2004, 1:56 PM
they are referring to a british company in britian getting paid sterling and playing under the union jack flying from the stadium.....whats the difference ???

my question about the south africian broadcaster still hasn't been answered, is it juat a british thing....plus some of the athletes are from northern "ireland" so maybe we isn't always wrong......because rugby players from the north are we as well aren't they....

23/08/2004, 2:15 PM
they are referring to a british company in britian getting paid sterling and playing under the union jack flying from the stadium.....whats the difference ???

my question about the south africian broadcaster still hasn't been answered, is it juat a british thing....plus some of the athletes are from northern "ireland" so maybe we isn't always wrong......because rugby players from the north are we as well aren't they....

There is a massive difference. Saying "we" about a British Team is saying by default as part of that we that he is British. Saying we about the company you work for has no conotations on your nationality it's simply a statement of who pays your wages.

I thought i bascally did answer the question about the south africian broadcaster. To quote myself "I personally would not use "we" when referring to another country".

max power
23/08/2004, 2:17 PM
yes you personally so don't knock him just because you wouldn't do it. i have not or would never take any type of illegal drugs, but if others do that is their choice......

i think there are more important issues in society than an irish guy saying we on a British tv station.

23/08/2004, 2:20 PM
[QUOTE=max power]they are referring to a british company in britian getting paid sterling and playing under the union jack flying from the stadium.....whats the difference ???

Personally i think theres a big difference ! When have you ever seen an Irish man proud to hear the British national anthem ? and as someone mentioned before, this has nothing what so ever to do ith being anti-british or anything like it.

max power
23/08/2004, 2:21 PM
same again, matt holland......even sang it out at the play off final in wembley.

23/08/2004, 2:35 PM
i think there are more important issues in society than an irish guy saying we on a British tv station.

yeah, there are but that is what this discussion thread is about.

You have mentioned Matt Holland several times but why shouldn't he sing the British national anthem, he's at least half English(Doyle's not) so it's part of who he is. A man has the right to be proud of both sides of his family history.

max power
23/08/2004, 2:38 PM
but its a sad state when with all the important topics in society that is what we are talking about.....

end of story, the guy is doing a job and doing it well, if you don't like it then watch rte, won't be too long before you switich back over to bbc......

23/08/2004, 2:47 PM
Living in London so don't really have the choice but more than willing to agree to disagree and call this one a day.

Littlest Hobo
25/08/2004, 1:47 PM
This bloke is really fcuking annoying me at this stage ! Fair enough he is working for a British station and kind of has to support the GB team, but why in hell is he going on like he was born and bread in Britian ?

"we won this" "we have a great chance of winning this" and the worst out of them all was " it was great to hear the British anthem out there today after winning gold" !!!!!!!!!!

:mad: Stop acting the p*ick Craig ! your Irish ! :mad: Turning into a stuckup tan. All the middle class nobs over here love him. With his well bred demeanour and clean cut looks. The middle england c**ts can relate to that alright.

25/08/2004, 1:52 PM
With his well bred demeanour and clean cut looks. The middle england c**ts can relate to that alright.

...in the same way we can relate to Dunphy's inbred demeanour and hlaf-cut looks? :D

Middle england's inhabitants are well bred and attractive, that has to be the best back-handed compliment I've ever seen. :D

25/08/2004, 5:11 PM
its grating on me when he says "we" he's saying it in every other sentance now

Fair enough he's working for the BBC but theres ways around blatently denouncing your heritage

Plastic Paddy
25/08/2004, 5:36 PM
Fair enough he's working for the BBC but theres ways around blatently denouncing your heritage

What a load of crap.

There's some growing up to be done by certain posters on this board. So effing what if he refers to the British as "we". In case people have forgotten, he is an anchorman for the British Broadcasting Corporation. What's he supposed to say? "Your lot?" "The Tans?" Oh please. :rolleyes:

"We", in the context used after all, is shorthand for "Great Britain and Northern Ireland". Which - let's face it - is a bit of a mouthful to be using every time the team is to be referenced. Even for a rapid speaker like Mister Doyle.

FWIW, plenty of Ingurlish I've come across are just as miffed as some people here, but only because they want one of their own to present the coverage. For illustration, this is from a Nationwide Conference-related message board:


Honest to God, haven't you all got something better to worry about?

:rolleyes: PP

Closed Account 2
25/08/2004, 6:41 PM
i think they could do with this guy (http://www.kenston.k12.oh.us/khs/military/feature_4-9-2003_big.jpg) presenting it myself :p

26/08/2004, 7:24 AM
Give the guy a break ffs.
He's working for the BBC so I assume he's told by his superiors that he has to say those kind of things.
He's got as good a job as you'll get in his business and I'm sure he'll say whatever he's told to say in order to keep it.
If I had a job like that with the BBC, i know I'd have no problem saying any of the above if I was required to.
I take it you are being sarcastic?