View Full Version : Post office hits new levels

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17/08/2004, 12:38 PM
Got home from work last week and there was a note in my letterbox stating that there was a parcel for me that wouldn't fit in the letterbox. Fair enough, that hapens and they normally have you collect it at the local post office. Not this time. The note stated that the parcel was in the .......rubbish bin. :eek:

Disbelief, but I checked and there it was, sitting on top of a pile of decomposing rubbish in my bin. A lovely present for my son's first birthday. Like I'm going to dress him in clothes form the bin! :confused:

Any one else able to top that?

17/08/2004, 12:54 PM
Disbelief, but I checked and there it was, sitting on top of a pile of decomposing rubbish in my bin.

That's hard to believe!
You obviously went down to the Post Office to voice your disapproval?
I hope don't end up with a postal service comparable to Royal Mail.

I've had at least 3 incidents where An Post came up trumps for me when it seemed that I was in a no win situation.
One involved Ireland tickets.
Thankfully I've never had an unfortunate incident like you Liam.

17/08/2004, 1:17 PM
I had match tickets which I collected by courier in London end up in Dubai. DHL told me that it was an "easy mistake to make as both Dublin and Dubai have the same abbreviation code-dub".
Had to get my tickets cancelled and re-issued, which thankfully I was able to do.

17/08/2004, 1:26 PM
The note stated that the parcel was in the .......rubbish bin. :eek:

Brilliant :D

Maybe he'd already seen the gift and decided the bin was the best place for it ;)

Plastic Paddy
17/08/2004, 1:33 PM
You want to try living in London with the excuse that passes for a postal service here. I had to stop having subscription journals delivered to my house because the useless tossers at the local sorting office kept losing them on me. As for bank cards, don't even go there. In fact, I'd like to hear from anyone in these parts who has a good word to say about Royal Mail/Consignia/Post Office/whatever they call themselves this week.

Over to you Sylvo... :eek: ;)


17/08/2004, 1:36 PM
Only problem i ever had with An Post was when magazines were going missing for couple of months but was caused by very similar addresses. Post Office guys said they have that problem in Dublin all the time cos of developers picking very similar names which An Post no control over...

I knew they didn't hold parcels too long in the local Office but dumping in the bin is extreme. I wouldn't let them away with that.

17/08/2004, 1:37 PM
In fact, I'd like to hear from anyone in these parts who has a good word to say about Royal Mail/Consignia/Post Office/whatever they call themselves this week.

If you're reading this Pete, your cheque is in the post. :D
Sent it today, tell me when you get it.
This thread could be 5 or 6 pages back by the time you reply :D

17/08/2004, 1:39 PM
...your cheque is in the post...

Heard that one before. :eek:

17/08/2004, 1:49 PM
I had to stop having subscription journals delivered to my house because the useless tossers at the local sorting office kept losing them on me


Were they losing them or opening and reading them during their tea-break? :D

Plastic Paddy
17/08/2004, 1:59 PM
Were they losing them or opening and reading them during their tea-break? :D

Jaisus, for their sakes I hope not. I can't see the Catholic Herald or the St Vincent de Paul Magazine fitting in with the jazz mags the local posties usually "read"... ;)


the 12 th man
17/08/2004, 2:01 PM
I had match tickets which I collected by courier in London end up in Dubai. DHL told me that

you know what dhl stands for
Documents.Hopelessy.Lost :D

max power
17/08/2004, 2:18 PM

Disbelief, but I checked and there it was, sitting on top of a pile of decomposing rubbish in my bin. A lovely present for my son's first birthday. Like I'm going to dress him in clothes form the bin! :confused:


whats new about cork people wearing clothes out of a bin anyway :confused:

17/08/2004, 2:42 PM
whats new about cork people wearing clothes out of a bin anyway :confused:

Fair enough, but I don't usually rummage through my own bin for clothes.

17/08/2004, 2:58 PM
You want to try living in London with the excuse that passes for a postal service here. I had to stop having subscription journals delivered to my house because the useless tossers at the local sorting office kept losing them on me. As for bank cards, don't even go there. In fact, I'd like to hear from anyone in these parts who has a good word to say about Royal Mail/Consignia/Post Office/whatever they call themselves this week.

Over to you Sylvo... :eek: ;)


Cheer's PP there'll be a pint waiting for yer tomorrow night in Raff's.
The situation regarding the packet in the bin, there's no excuse for that, it's just as easy to take the packet back to the office as it is to dump it like that. The guy deserve's to have his ass kicked that's just lazy.
As for the situation here in London PP, yer right it is a joke and the buck for this lay's with the management, cause they're the one's that have taken a public service that had a 96% first class next day delivery and turned it into a joke private profit making company.
They've cut everything from job's to selling off main sorting office's across main city's in Britain just like An Post have in Ireland, yet none of that money that they save or have made through sale's in post office property we see at ground level being ploughed back it to the service the same as our fellow worker's at An Post are seeing with management back in Ireland, :mad: but we do see management being rewarded for making as many cut back's as possible which affect's us just as much as the public that we are trying to provide a service to.
As for stuff going missing. Speaking from my own office We've only had one instance (one two many) of stuff getting stolen by a full member of staff in the last fourteen year's.
The major problem with theft come's from the huge amount of casual staff that is not vetted that are brought into sorting office's by management who are suddenly copping on that their huge cut back's have left a workforce not able to cope with the volume of work or are brought in out of badness by management in personel battle's with the workforce to deprive them of overtime. Anytime office's are flooded with casual worker's massive amount's of mail alway's get's stolen, management are fully aware of this major issue but refuse to do anything about it becuse once the mail has left the office and out on the street's to be delivered it's not there problem and that's what they keep saying.
IF i see yer tomorrow i'm just talking football. :mad:

Plastic Paddy
17/08/2004, 3:14 PM
IF i see yer tomorrow i'm just talking football. :mad:

Good. Glad to see that I've drawn the sting in advance. ;)


17/08/2004, 3:54 PM
whats new about cork people wearing clothes out of a bin anyway :confused:

How foolish of you to assume that every Cork City fan is from Cork!
I'm sure if the clothes were for Liam he'd chuck them in the washing machine and moan about it for a few hours but where a little baby is concerned you don't take any risks.

17/08/2004, 4:30 PM
How foolish of you to assume that every Cork City fan is from Cork!
To be fair, my location is still down as "somewhere in Cork". Bit outdated as I now live in Tipperary.

Pat O' Banton
17/08/2004, 5:09 PM
In fact, I'd like to hear from anyone in these parts who has a good word to say about Royal Mail/Consignia/Post Office/whatever they call themselves this week.

Can't wait to hear you slagging of the Post Office when its Sylvo's round tomorrow night ;) :D

17/08/2004, 5:18 PM
True story-My Uncle in Cobh sent me a had-made Green, White and Gold Willie warmer and a couple of Ireland football books :)
NEVER CAME and I only found out he had sent them when he was asking me about them over when I was over in Cobh :mad: :mad: :eek: :mad:
Don't know which side of the sea the blame lies on and to be honest i don't care who's responsible but I want my willie warmer! (and ma books!)

Plastic Paddy
17/08/2004, 5:26 PM
Don't know which side of the sea the blame lies on and to be honest i don't care who's responsible but I want my willie warmer!

Ten quid and a visit to Guildford town centre most Friday nights should sort you out on that front. If you're lucky, you might even get some change. :eek: :p


17/08/2004, 6:07 PM
Ten quid and a visit to Guildford town centre most Friday nights should sort you out on that front. If you're lucky, you might even get some change. :eek: :p


yeah and some won't even ask you to buy them a drink first :D

17/08/2004, 6:26 PM
i leave a small window open in my house. if the package doesnt fit in the letterbox the post man throws it in the window.

Anybody see that documentary on C4 recently about the Post Office in London. Holy ****, how does anything get delivered over there :confused:

17/08/2004, 6:39 PM
i leave a small window open in my house. if the package doesnt fit in the letterbox the post man throws it in the window.

Anybody see that documentary on C4 recently about the Post Office in London. Holy ****, how does anything get delivered over there :confused:

bet the postie loves lobbing stuff through the window. :D

i saw that program, really wound me up, i work for a bank the amount of cards some of those gits were swiping was unreal.

Barclaycard's hq is in the same town, some people living just miles away from the building have had their cards taken too. :mad:

17/08/2004, 6:43 PM
i saw that program, really wound me up, i work for a bank the amount of cards some of those gits were swiping was unreal.

Barclaycard's hq is in the same town, some people living just miles away from the building have had their cards taken too. :mad:

What was happening exactly?

17/08/2004, 6:51 PM
What was happening exactly?

some casual staff that had been taken on and others were filmed stealing credit cards (there was other stuff, but the cards being stolen made my p*ss boil).

some of them were stealing cards and selling them on, by the time the owners of the cards had realised that their cards had been stolen, thousands had been spent on them.

other highlights included some casual staff being sent out to deliver post within a day of starting the job, not being able to find certain streets or appartments in flats and just dumping the post.

17/08/2004, 6:53 PM
i leave a small window open in my house. if the package doesnt fit in the letterbox the post man throws it in the window.

Anybody see that documentary on C4 recently about the Post Office in London. Holy ****, how does anything get delivered over there :confused:

Paddington sorting office that was :eek: , my sorting office is not much different. :( only in my office there's a lot more fighting going on with the manager's. :mad:

17/08/2004, 7:05 PM
Good. Glad to see that I've drawn the sting in advance. ;)


PP as a member of the public it is only to right that you to be told what's happening with the ball's up that's the post office by the system of bad management and greedy board member's by a gezzer who has worded punch up's with them wanger's every day ;) , now just have my pint of Guinness ready for me @ 7.30 tomorrow night hoss. ;) also A small Jamison, or am I pushing my luck there. ;)

17/08/2004, 7:17 PM
Can't wait to hear you slagging of the Post Office when its Sylvo's round tomorrow night ;) :D

And also slagging us off when your around seeing that everytime we go on strike you also personally go out on strike as well so you can go out on the tear with us. :D NO PASARAN. ;)

max power
17/08/2004, 7:57 PM
To be fair, my location is still down as "somewhere in Cork". Bit outdated as I now live in Tipperary.

well that explains it, a lot of people in tipp, live in bins, so maybe he got the address wrong.

yes your right peadar, conor is from Kerry, sorry South Kerry.

17/08/2004, 8:05 PM
well that explains it, a lot of people in tipp, live in bins, so maybe he got the address wrong.

Thats garbage. Youre talking rubbish!

max power
17/08/2004, 8:37 PM
will the county is a tipp after all.

17/08/2004, 9:02 PM
will the county is a tipp after all.

Listen, i dont want to get into an argument with you about this.

maybe, we should just bin the subject?

17/08/2004, 9:24 PM
Listen, i dont want to get into an argument with you about this.

maybe, we should just bin the subject?
I refuse to go along with that. It would be such a waste of a good thread.

17/08/2004, 9:49 PM
Are we talking about the Post or about Fingal Bin protest's now fella's

Jim Smith
18/08/2004, 8:45 AM
I refuse to go along with that. It would be such a waste of a good thread.
Stop recycling old jokes

the 12 th man
18/08/2004, 8:56 AM
too much "throw away" posts on this thread.
it was a sensible subject but is now bound to end up in the trash can

Jim Smith
18/08/2004, 9:11 AM
Time for the Mod to stamp his authority on this one...

max power
18/08/2004, 9:16 AM
well said, some sort of a conclusion needs to be delivered.

18/08/2004, 9:23 AM
Don't know which side of the sea the blame lies on

Those Ireland match programmes I sent you turned up the next day or the day after didn't they? That must have been an all time record.
Dublin to London in a day or two.

max power
18/08/2004, 9:30 AM
Those Ireland match programmes I sent you turned up the next day or the day after didn't they? That must have been an all time record.
Dublin to London in a day or two.

what sort of a "post" is that :D

18/08/2004, 9:32 AM
what sort of a "post" is that :D

A 1st Class Post!?

18/08/2004, 10:13 AM
What is it about mails and puns? There's no need to reuse them so much...

Pauro 76
18/08/2004, 1:33 PM
Yeah. I reckon stamp it out now.

18/08/2004, 1:39 PM
Yeah. I reckon stamp it out now.
Recycling* puns just isn't the done thing Pauro....

*And yes, I know recycle has also been done before

18/08/2004, 2:09 PM
Those Ireland match programmes I sent you turned up the next day or the day after didn't they? That must have been an all time record.
Dublin to London in a day or two.

Aye that was well good-really pleased with 'em and they wern't creased or anything depsite the journey :) Cheers!

PP re. the Red Light dstrict of Guildford ( ;) ) didn't know you were a regular round the town-meet you in Mambo for a drink sometime? Mine's a Red Bull ;)

19/08/2004, 9:51 AM
...your cheque is in the post...

Heard that one before. :eek:

Any sign of that cheque yet Pete? :D

19/08/2004, 10:25 AM
Any sign of that cheque yet Pete? :D

I'll send receipt back to you in the post if/when it arrives. Watch your a/c as those UK posties could have cashed it already. :eek:

20/08/2004, 2:24 PM
If you're reading this Pete, your cheque is in the post. :D
Sent it today, tell me when you get it.

Took 3 days to get to you Pete.
Not bad I suppose considering it went out in the 16:00 collection on Tuesday.

20/08/2004, 2:36 PM
Took 3 days to get to you Pete.
Not bad I suppose considering it went out in the 16:00 collection on Tuesday.

Me got it yesterday (thursday) & i get post in the morning so i'd have to give that the thumbs up.

20/08/2004, 2:39 PM
Me got it yesterday (thursday) & i get post in the morning so i'd have to give that the thumbs up.

I still haven't got the receipt for you yet though. ;)