View Full Version : George (drop him or not?)

16/08/2004, 3:25 PM
the shels match proved how badc george can play,in the past we have seen sheer skill and extreme ability out of george but at the mo' he just aint performing is he?he was woeful on saturday and his inconsistant performances are certainly not helping city,it has been posted elsewhere (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=16714&page=2&pp=20)
that dan murray could fill in for george,personally i think we need to dip into the bank.

**if possible could a moderator add a poll to this**

16/08/2004, 3:35 PM
**if possible could a moderator add a poll to this**

fair enough, seems like a hot topic at the mo.

I've gone with in. to be fair, georgie's had one bad game. but the whole team did. george has been one of our more consistent players this season, and his work rate, i.e tracking back, harrying players has always been superb.

georgie IN.

16/08/2004, 3:36 PM
thanks (new oisín!!!) :p

16/08/2004, 3:38 PM
I don't think he's had just one bad game....he's had a few to be fair. I think a number of the players need a rest at the moment...bring in some of the squad and freshen up the team a little...gone a bit stale lately....good oppurtunity against Dub City on friday for this.

16/08/2004, 3:40 PM
What a sad pathetic poll.

On this basis lets set up a poll for every player who played on Saturday with the exception of Devine and Fenn. :rolleyes:

why is there always someone who has to have a go at every single discussion started on this forum??? :rolleyes:

16/08/2004, 3:43 PM
so much for a worthless poll its 50/50 atm

16/08/2004, 3:47 PM
i'll have a go at topics that are stupid and that don't have any merit to them whatsoever.

John O'Flynn has been our worst player the past 2 months. No poll. Lordan and Woods were worse that George on Saturday, no poll about that either....so why George :rolleyes:

The form of O'Flynn has been discussed at length in other threads.

16/08/2004, 3:47 PM
He played within himself against Pat's and he was poor against Shels, but as XR said, there are other players who're performing poorly aswell since the European adventure.

I guess the poll is just because we expect so much from George, so why not focus on what led to that expectation, he's been great all season and the thought of dropping him against DCFC, the type of game which could build all the lads up again is Daft (IMO)

16/08/2004, 3:52 PM
On the basis of one game, its pathetic. On Saturday's game a poll like this should/could be set up for 9 or so players....why choose George? I'm still waiting for all these games he's played bad in. :confused:

Are you saying he's played well in every game this season??? If he had this discussion would not be taking place! George is one of our most high profile players and plays in probably the most important position on the pitch...midfield...so obviously there is gonna be more debate about him than about Lordan (he's not gonna make or break a game for us).

16/08/2004, 3:53 PM
v UCD, v bohs. i know we lost both of these games, but when things arent going our way george doesnt seem to be interested.

16/08/2004, 3:57 PM
:o thats right. cant remember now which player i had singled out for being crap that afternoon.

anyway, i voted to keep him in.

16/08/2004, 3:57 PM
george's play when he's at his best is second to none but we need that all the time and im not so sure we get that,shels match was the sort of match a guy like himshould have excelled in,considering the radio ad about gettin the duns and so on,wouldnt that spurred georgie on?he's always on abput how great cork is etc.

i wonder has he fallen into "i'll do what's best for georgie" mode again. . .

i'll say no more thats what i think anyway :(

16/08/2004, 4:02 PM
All players are as important as each other.

yes but no player is bigger than the team

16/08/2004, 4:10 PM
wtf jump on george??? look i got my view u got yours,but its not anti-george,i think its time to shake things up and start bloody using some of our 32 strong squad :(

16/08/2004, 4:12 PM
I'm not saying he's played well in every game this season. No player in our team has played well in every games this season. Perhaps the only players who come to mind to have played better than George this season are Doyle, Murphy and Colin T.

Agreed. Those 3 have been excellent and consistent this season.

Of course Lordan can make or break a game for us. Are you off your game or what. S.Grant killed him in the Rovers game and at fault for Rovers' goal. I' not singling people out here, just giving an example.

I meant Lordan is not gonna win a game for us as we expect our high profile players to do. Last Saturday was City's biggest game of the season so far, in terms of the league, and that's when you need your top players to play well. The shels players played very well saturday despite running themselves ragged wednesday night against depor. Many of our players (not just george in case you think i'm picking on him too much) played poorly after having over a week without a match. if you can't be up for playing shels in a big game like that its bad news!!

16/08/2004, 4:14 PM
Perhaps the only players who come to mind to have played better than George this season are Doyle, Murphy and Colin T.

XR, Stop , you're making me sick.

Come out please from Georges @rsehole this minute.
We'll get rid of Father Mattew and put up a statue of George instead shall we ?

Why should we have a pop at other players cos George is playing poorly?, how does that make sense.
CM is a vital position within the team and if the player currently occupying that spot ain't doing the biz then he should be replaced.

16/08/2004, 4:20 PM
I'm with XR here, georgie has been one of the better city players this season and just cause he hasnt played well in a couple of matches he should be dropped......and to suggest that dan murray can play there instead is just ridiculous...Georgie is one of our better players and to single him out for some poor team performances is just plain ****.....

16/08/2004, 4:24 PM
I think this thread is distasteful. Nothing wrong with resting any player after an intense few weeks, but this thread has the feel of a witch hunt about it.

16/08/2004, 4:30 PM
I think this thread is distasteful. Nothing wrong with resting any player after an intense few weeks, but this thread has the feel of a witch hunt about it.

There's no need to be so dramatic about it...."witch hunt" :rolleyes: :rolleyes: . Why wasn't the thread about O'Flynn called a witch hunt?? I know there is a "big georgie fan club" out there but surely you can accept a little criticism of him not performing in the biggest game of the season?

16/08/2004, 4:36 PM
I'd have thought the Shels game would have spurred everyone on to be honest. Thats not asking for much from our lads.

In all honest if our players were relying on radio ads to get spurred on then I'd be worried about the motivation from our management. ;)

Still waiting for these games George has played poor in.

City 2-3 Waterford
City 0-2 Shels
City 0-0 Drogheda
City 0-1 Bohs

From what i remember he wasn't great in any of these games against teams with tough midfields.

16/08/2004, 4:48 PM
woods is a stop-gap. lordan is a back up. john o'flynn didnt play.

16/08/2004, 5:14 PM
look georges fan cllub that u seem to be chairman of is all well and good but theres no denying he was pathetic on sat.

16/08/2004, 5:18 PM
So with the exception of the Bohs game, the last time in your opinion George played bad was on April 23rd against Drogheda...that hardly merits getting dropped now like.

why exactly are we excluding the bohs game?

16/08/2004, 6:09 PM
one bad game and u want him dropped

ffs,get a life will ye

its flynny that needs dropping

its all well and good flynny getting us a goal when we are 2 up,but he cant seem to do it,when we are drawing late in games..if ya know what i mean

16/08/2004, 6:27 PM
he was very poor against shels,but I still can't believe this is actually being taken seriously. he;s one of the most talented and hard working players in the league, not just our squad. everybody has an off day

16/08/2004, 7:44 PM
Georgie didn't perform to his usual standards:

v bohs......we lost and didn't score
v Drogs.....we lost and didn't score
v Shels......we lost and didn't score

He didn't play against UCD.......we lost and didn't score

I'm not getting on Georgie's back here but just pointing out the fact that when Georgie doesn't perform as good as he can we seem to be fairly limited going forward. Now whether this is just his personal European hangover remains to be seen.

But we can't afford to drop him because we have nobody near as quality as him to bring in. We need a bit of better back-up.

Georgie in!!

16/08/2004, 7:49 PM
Sure GavinZac you were saying he was woeful in a game he was suspended for.. :rolleyes:

im on your side ya fuppin gr******* :D im thinkin of a different player.

17/08/2004, 7:26 AM
Jebus H Christ......:rolleyes:

We have one thread trying to make out that George is bad for morale, now a poll on whether he should be dropped..
What the f*ck is wrong with some people?
We had a very poor day on Saturday,with the exception of Mick Devine, no one played really well, so the conspiracy theroists and whingers are out in full force.
It's so easy for other fans to have a go off us, when we give them so many sticks to beat us with.......:rolleyes:

We were well beaten by a superior side, and it is plain for all to see just how far behind $h£l$ we are.
Dropping George, or any other player, is not going to close the gap. We need some more players and to get rid of a few.
G O'C is one of the players who will be most needed in our efforts to catch up.

Jim Smith
17/08/2004, 8:35 AM
George (like a lot of the squad) may need rested but that is a world away from dropping him. Isn't it the job a manager to help motivate the players? Dropping a player should be the second-last resort. Time for Pat to get to work on him....

17/08/2004, 11:36 AM
City had 8 days break from Pats game so I don't accept they tired. They are fulltime professional players & if can't cope with schedule then something is wrong.

Everyone should be honest enough to see that george had a dire game but dropping him for ...???? would be a mistake.

17/08/2004, 12:02 PM
City had 8 days break from Pats game so I don't accept they tired. They are fulltime professional players & if can't cope with schedule then something is wrong.

Everyone should be honest enough to see that george had a dire game but dropping him for ...???? would be a mistake.

why dont u concentrate on supprting your team instead of picking things wrong with them...just an idea like ;)

Real ale Madrid
17/08/2004, 12:04 PM
Just a few points about this thread which i,ve just read for the first time since Saturday evenings game:

1. There is no such thing as a European hangover - Cork City employ players and a manager to play in front of 10 or 10,000 so a poor performance in front of either crowd is very disapointing.

2. George O' Callaghan was utterly utterly useless on Saturday - his worst perfomance in City shirt - but no-one played well so why jump on his back.

3. He played the last 20 minutes on the wing - has he ever played there? No wonder he did not get a kick.

4. I think that if we continute to play with the central midfield pairing we have we havnt a hope in hell for even challenging for the league. IMO George drifts in and out of games far too much to be an effective central midfielder and Colin O'Brien gives 100% but is unable to get on the ball either for long periods. Our central midfield problem was bypassed on our european run because the european teams gave our defenders loads more time on the ball which in turn gives your midfielders more time to look for possesion in the right areas, recieve the ball in central areas and distribute it. Without this luxury our central duo have no natural instinct on where they should be when play breaks down etc. I know this sounds really technical and maybe even daft but look at all the best midfielders have an ability of being in the correct place at the correct time in a position to take ball off the back four and play - i.e Hoolohan, Hunt and to use even better examples Keane , Zidane and Viera.

5. Play Gamble and O'Callaghan together and see how O'Callaghan gets on - otherwise - drop him - or playing him up front.

17/08/2004, 12:06 PM
5. Play Gamble and O'Callaghan together .

and drop colin o brien

i dont think so

jesus christ almighty

is a player entitled to a bad game anymore :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

17/08/2004, 12:10 PM
why dont u concentrate on supprting your team instead of picking things wrong with them...just an idea like ;)

Don't make me come down there! ;)

17/08/2004, 12:22 PM
Well, the reason I added a poll was because I knew it would prove what i thought: that george is an essential member of this City side, and that dropping him is an absurd idea. 80 % of voters think the same, and that's a pretty huge majority in anybody's language

Real ale Madrid
17/08/2004, 12:29 PM
and drop colin o brien

i dont think so

jesus christ almighty

is a player entitled to a bad game anymore :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Colin O'Brien always gives 100% but he is not good enough for midfield - i mean the way people are thinking we dont have to make any changes and we will win the league Shels have just played us off the park 2 days ago - its time for Mr. Dolan to start making to tough decisions or we are going nowhere fast just like Murphy.

Murphy didnt want to drop his buddies - so the team floudered.

Dolan doesnt want to drop certain players because he wants to remain popular with the fans.

Its time for change.

Jim Smith
17/08/2004, 1:46 PM
City had 8 days break from Pats game so I don't accept they tired. They are fulltime professional players & if can't cope with schedule then something is wrong.

Everyone should be honest enough to see that george had a dire game but dropping him for ...???? would be a mistake.
I'm not suggesting he played well and the tiredness I was thinking of is mental tiredness (should have stated that but I'm tired too ;) ).
I suspect that the 'European hangover' has more to do with getting back to the day-to-day work than being physically tired. Yes the are professionals but they are still relatively young and need help with the motivation side of things. If we don't have a natural leader on the pitch its up to the manager to provide the leadership...

17/08/2004, 7:50 PM
why dont u concentrate on supprting your team instead of picking things wrong with them...just an idea like ;)

wait, so what was your "Whats Wrong With City" thread about then ;) :D

bottom line is, he mightnt have played well, but who did. he cant be dropped on the back of one game, especially when he's been great in recent games before that. its shouldnt be a discussion point. its well and good saying drop him anyway, but who'd replace him?

17/08/2004, 8:41 PM
After seeing most of the game on Chorus (who used TV3s pictures and commentary), George wasn't all that bad, until he was moved to the right wing, then the left.

George and Colin weren't particularly bad, but to put it simply, Byrne and Crawford bossed it in midfield.

18/08/2004, 8:38 AM
George and Colin weren't particularly bad, but to put it simply, Byrne and Crawford bossed it in midfield.
Which will continue to be the case every time we play them. Colin and George
have been good for us this season, and deserve a lot of credit for their preformances. But as a combo, they're not good enough to beat the midfield of teams like Shels. We need other options in there. I'm just not sure we have better options on the bench at present.

18/08/2004, 11:57 AM
"Should Flynn be Dropped" poll now aswell. .

now there is a poll that might have an interesting reply

18/08/2004, 12:07 PM
Which will continue to be the case every time we play them. Colin and George have been good for us this season, and deserve a lot of credit for their preformances. But as a combo, they're not good enough to beat the midfield of teams like Shels.

Pat Dolan should have known well where shels strength was and should have switched to a 4-5-1. We ended up with nothing because his ego prevents him from thinking rationally. We've been beathen by teams with better tactics than us in the last few weeks. Namely, UCD, Drogheda and Shels.

Now, where's that "Doland Out" thread I started :D

18/08/2004, 12:07 PM
now there is a poll that might have an interesting reply

2 more polls lads while we are at it.

Should George be 'rested' ? and
Should Flynny be 'rested'some more ?

18/08/2004, 1:01 PM
2 more polls lads while we are at it.

Should George be 'rested' ? and
Should Flynny be 'rested'some more ?


Should "polls" be rested?

18/08/2004, 3:22 PM
I really hope Georgie (or none of his teammates) is not reading this.

Georgie has been one of our best players all season and our best player last season yet he has one or two bad a games and a couple of muppets want him to be dropped. FFS, what is wrong with ye clowns!

19/08/2004, 11:45 AM
I really hope Georgie (or none of his teammates) is not reading this.

Georgie has been one of our best players all season and our best player last season yet he has one or two bad a games and a couple of muppets want him to be dropped. FFS, what is wrong with ye clowns!
ill criticise who i want and when i want,and why?because this is an open forum where people discuss happenings not make attacks on memebrs for their views on players

20/08/2004, 9:05 AM
ill criticise who i want and when i want,and why?because this is an open forum where people discuss happenings not make attacks on memebrs for their views on players

I wish..... :)

george to stay on the team. shame he can't hit a barndoor with a banjo (score goals)though