View Full Version : Takeover Talk

05/08/2004, 1:29 PM
Rumours abound again....thats what keeps this forum alive I guess. Well, the latest two involve takeover talk, with the first involving a prominent sports (ish) figure supposedly building a consortium, and the other is a known city centre business with some outside backing. Both are very interested....the stumbling block for both seems to be the lack of a pitch, or any prospects for getting one. Both parties made enquiries about buying Hogan Park and were met with a definitive NO. Any of the usual suspects who want a little more, pm me.

14/08/2004, 10:07 AM
with these takeover talks whats the chance of ever getting back to the
markets field.i do not know the politics envolved can anyone explain

20/08/2004, 8:13 PM
Heard Leonard Bourke talking about a possible takeover of the club on Live 95fm. He said it was a Limerick - Cork consortium and that Thomond Pk would be targeted as the home ground. Also mentioned something about this consortium targeting Limerick born players in the EL and English leagues to sign for the club. Anyone else hear this? Couldn't get a good reception at the time so I didn't get all of what he said. A friend of mine said that it was also mentioned that the club would effectively become a feeder club for Cork City if the takeover was successful......anyone hear anything about this??

22/08/2004, 10:53 AM
A friend of mine said that it was also mentioned that the club would effectively become a feeder club for Cork City if the takeover was successful......anyone hear anything about this??

Well if that's the case (and I stress IF) then we should forget about it and just go under if needs be. There's only one division between us after all and surely the mooted new owners would like to at least pretend they're aiming for promotion? Some very ordinary teams have gone up from this division in the last coupla years and we shouldn't be looking at linking up with any other Irish senior side. If it was Real Madrid or even Bolton Wanderers I'd say yeah, maybe go for it. But the last we need to do is replace one set of unambitious dreamers with another.

22/08/2004, 11:00 AM
Why are you putting Real Madrid and Bolton in the same context. Sorry SLK but thats a real kind of "sky" context.

It would be idiotic of Limerick to become a feeder club for Cork City. What true bred Limercikman would support them then. But IMO its just as idiotic to become a feeder club of Bolton or Real. Limerick is a big city - act like it.

LFC in Exile
23/08/2004, 7:50 AM
Why are you putting Real Madrid and Bolton in the same context. Sorry SLK but thats a real kind of "sky" context.

In fairness you left out the key word there - "even". I think this is nonsense and we should forget it straight away. There have been good relations with Cork inthe last few years and players have moved between the clubs - e.g. O'Flynn and O'Brien on loan. That arrangement has suited Limerick well and long may it last. In any event Cork City don't need a feeder club - they have an u-21 set-up after all.

Getting rid of the current administration will be the stumbling block. They have no justification for hanging on and now may be a time for Limerick supporters to show their preference for a takeover of the club.

23/08/2004, 8:22 AM
The feeder club bit is a red herring - definitely not true. A former Cork City chairman is involved in the bid along with some other Corkmen but presumably they see the potential in Limerick given what has happened in Cork.

Rathbane is back on the agenda last I heard and I think this would be a positive move.

It is going to take serious investment to get this sorted and I just hope they got it right.

fc hammer
23/08/2004, 2:11 PM
lfc is on the ball there!!! hopfully this takeover happens the bottom line is to keep el football in limerick!!!!!

23/08/2004, 2:31 PM
fingers crossed lads this all happens (except for the part bout being a feeder club) Rathbane via the new link road not too bad at all, must get out all my old plans and revise them. From the 20,000 capacity one of Pat Grace to the 8,000 one (cattle slat) of 5 years or so ago, wonder what one we'll go for now. Im in Penn state uni right now in their 107,500 capacity (seated) stadium :eek: to my left the guide tells me of their new 5,000 seater soccer stadium so im on my way there next to find out cost.

deise deserter
23/08/2004, 5:23 PM
While not pointing fingers look at who the "feeder-club" story is coming from. Anyone who has been following the rumours will be aware that there are agendas there.

While I don't expect us to become a feeder-club, surely one could argue that anything is better than the current situation...

23/08/2004, 6:01 PM
While not pointing fingers look at who the "feeder-club" story is coming from. Anyone who has been following the rumours will be aware that there are agendas there.

Who is it coming from exactly?

24/08/2004, 10:14 AM
I'd say yeah, maybe go for it.

You're misreading me eoin. I said maybe, in effect to suggest that if somebody wanted to go down the link up road there are better places to go than Cork City. Personally I don't wanna see us link up with anybody. Ideally we'll try and get our house in order and won't scrap another U-21 team for the sake of €500 this time out... :rolleyes:

deise deserter
24/08/2004, 6:31 PM
SLK: It was heard on Live 95.

25/08/2004, 12:19 PM
The current situation as far as I have been informed is that it is a takeover for Limerck, not for Cork under any circumstances. The Cork link comes from Noel O'Mahoney, an ex-manager of Cork City who is part of this new consortium.
A meeting was held with the IRFU and Thomond Park can be used for home games on the proviso that the club have purchased a ground of their own for development.
A new management structure would be put in place also.
Thats all I know for now...will keep ye up to speed........

25/08/2004, 2:32 PM
A new management structure would be put in place also.

A new management structure in terms of off the field structures or are the new crowd looking to be totally unfair and isolated from the supporters from the off and replace Mike Kerley and John Whyte?

LFC in Exile
25/08/2004, 3:46 PM
A new management structure in terms of off the field structures or are the new crowd looking to be totally unfair and isolated from the supporters from the off and replace Mike Kerley and John Whyte?

Spoken like a true bitter Blue. :) Give them a chance SLK to get the club first for God's sake. Mike Kerley's record will speak for itself, but the team manager is the call of the club owners.

You do raise one interesting point. I think it is important that the supporters (if not the SC) show that they are in favour of a takeover and that just because the current administation aren't willing to avail of the energy and expertise available from supporters, the same will available to any new owners. :ball:

25/08/2004, 3:51 PM
Any New Management Structure Would Be Crazy To Repalce Mike Kerley,he Is Doing An Excellent Job With Nothing.if He Gets Proper Funding And Back Up Limerick Will Rise From The Ashes.let's Hope Everything Work's Out As The El Need Limerick.

deise deserter
25/08/2004, 8:13 PM
LFC in Exile:

Seems to be a bit of a strong reaction. Ther is an ex Limerick manager involved as you have probably heard, and all rumours point to him re-taking his old position.

I think if this was done in a way that would shaft both Mike Kerley anf John White it would send a very bad first impression to everybody. I'm not saying that the new people would be eternally blackmailed, but they would be placing themselves in the situation of an uphill battle straight away.

26/08/2004, 11:04 AM
Spoken like a true bitter Blue. :) Give them a chance SLK to get the club first for God's sake. Mike Kerley's record will speak for itself, but the team manager is the call of the club owners.

I didn't raise this on a whim LFCIE, I was just hoping to have a rumour that I'd heard quashed. And while on the subject of rumours apparently Noel O'Connor hasn't bothered to sign an offered contract extension with Cork City... I'm not making any accusations yet, just trying to read between the lines.

fc hammer
01/09/2004, 8:57 AM
eoin, eoin, eoin,eoin,eoin, eoin ,eoin,eoin hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!