View Full Version : Best MP3 Download Site?

05/08/2004, 10:27 AM
What's the best "legal" MP3 download site?
eircom.net (http://sib1.od2.com/common/frameset/frames.asp?shid=0439002E) only allow downloads on Irish networks and their collection isn't very extensive. Seems to be mostly chart stuff.
Anyone currently using one that they find very good or one that should be avoided?

max power
05/08/2004, 10:36 AM
coca cola have a good one in the uk, i believe there is a link on their site.....

05/08/2004, 10:40 AM
coca cola have a good one in the uk,

Went searching for that earlier but couldn't find it.
I'll have another look.

Found it MyCokeMusic.com (http://sib1.od2.com/common/frameset/frames.asp?shid=047E005C)

max power
05/08/2004, 10:42 AM
the problem is that its hard to get the big 5 ( record companies ) to agree to price structures etc, that is why the development is so so slow in this area....

i'd rather have the companies e mail me music than big packages of cd's arriving every week on my door step. but hey its all free so who am i to complain.

05/08/2004, 10:47 AM
i'd rather have the companies e mail me music than big packages of cd's arriving every week on my door step.

If I was a bar owner I'd play my music off digital playlist rather than hire some "DJ" to come in and flash some lights while working through his "Now That's What I Call Music" collection...

The Coca-Cola site works on the exact same format as eircom.net but eircom seem to be a little bit cheaper.
I've just checked and both are run by od2.com (http://www.ondemanddistribution.com/eng/home/home.asp)

max power
05/08/2004, 10:51 AM
some bars do that already, we provide the service if you'd like to buy it, it comes with a 100Gb hard drive of fully licenced mp3. software and a 15" touch sensitive lcd moniter to pick the music which is seperated into genre :D

but a dj is there for interaction, to play requests, get atmosphere into the bar.....and then there are quiz's and other types of gigs that a computer find difficult. ;)

05/08/2004, 10:59 AM
but a dj is there for interaction, to play requests, get atmosphere into the bar...

You're only fooling yourself!
The day of the DJ is becoming a thing of the past.
A dying breed :D

max power
05/08/2004, 11:00 AM
i better sell my gear then and start a pub band instead, now where are those lyrics "to past the point of rescue"

05/08/2004, 11:11 AM
i better sell my gear then and start a pub band instead

You might be better off concentrating on doing the day job you're paid to do with taxpayers money!

05/08/2004, 11:29 AM
Any good sites about that offer mp3s for free ?? :eek:

05/08/2004, 11:35 AM
Unless you're going to link to sites that offer free content legally, DO NOT answer harpskid's question. Harspskid, I hope that's what you're asking for.


max power
05/08/2004, 11:38 AM
good legal point adam, a lot of sites give 10 sec samples are promos of unsigned bands but that it. not full songs at that would defeat the purpose of the full legal sites.

05/08/2004, 11:52 AM
Oh yeah sorry meant to state that point actually!!

So there's no way of getting them free and legally.....

...just have to splash the cash then so :(

05/08/2004, 11:54 AM
lads lads lads lads
simple answer

get a nice powerbook & ipod, install your itunes and away ya go downloading :) .. its deadly i tells ya

05/08/2004, 12:01 PM
get a nice powerbook...

You don't need a PowerBook James, there's a version of iTunes for Windows.

Having said that, I don't want an iPod so I wont be taking your advice.

05/08/2004, 12:27 PM
i never said u needed one peadar!
just said you shud get one.. and you shud ..they're deadly :)

05/08/2004, 12:42 PM
Napster Uk is excellent , for 10quid a monthly you get unlimited downloads/streaming , further 99p to burn to disk. Huge formating wars at the moment between the different online music suppliers certain players only use certain format MP3 is becoming a thing of the past I believe Ipod only works with itunes .

05/08/2004, 1:02 PM
I believe Ipod only works with itunes .

Apple has steadfastly refused to license its digital music format to others, so RealNetworks are saying that they've figured out Apple's software code and made RealPlayer compatible with songs purchased at Apple's iTunes store.
If Real's claims hold up, consumers will be able to buy songs at Real's music store and play them on devices that support both of the two major formats, Apple and Microsoft. Good news for people who've shelled out a small fortune on an MP3 player. I'd still be slow to subscribe to iTunes though.