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View Full Version : It's all a Discrace

03/08/2004, 11:47 AM
Alan Murphy was a discrace last night. Digger was right to have a go at him after the first goal. He should of been taken off then. what happens, he fcuks up for the second goal. Then the guy can't believe why he has been taken off and goes off in a huff. He's a clown and has made far to many mistakes in important games.(same against Vaduz)
When your at the bottom of the table nothing goes your way and you seem to have no luck. But that referee (tuitefcukinpie) last night was a disgrace. Definite penalty. Aertel and all the papers today say so. Dillon was our best player until he's was sent off for what i don't know. Fair play to Vinny for having a go at him at the end. Some others should show as much commitment as him.
As for rovers they're also a disgrace, shambles setup, no ballboys, no tickets going in. and that big bouncer that assaulted one of the town panel at the end. There a below average side.
If Sean Francis leaves it will be a discrace. We need him. We needed him last night.
I'd like to see matthews have a bit more fighting spirit and not lean back against the dugout when things aren't going our way. It's a dog fight from here on in and we need more passion.....

max power
03/08/2004, 12:31 PM
negative negative negative

the 12 th man
03/08/2004, 1:01 PM
in fairness to alan murphy he is normally very reliable and is usually one of our better players.
the last couple of weeks were a washout for him and maybe he will benefit from a couple of weeks on the bench and come back revitalised.

he looked very tired last night but i thought the team as a whole played really well and the result does not indicate what transpired in richmond last night.

Enda M
03/08/2004, 1:50 PM
normally reliable he has been a complete and utter disgrace this season and since his injury has lost the plot.
i must say that dean fitz vinny baker lavine garto and dillo before being sent off were excellent.

the 12 th man
03/08/2004, 2:04 PM
up until the last couple of weeks he was in most peoples choice for the starting 11 so i think you are being harsh.i do admit he has been disasterous in the last few games
short memories...............

max power
03/08/2004, 2:10 PM
i'd agree, he was asked to go into midfield and do a job and he did it. maybe he just needs a rest, i think the game out for barry was a good thing too, he needed i rest i think, played every game this season when he has been fit.

last time we were in this sitution and kenny left i feared more, now i know we have the quality to stay up, but we must stay positive and get between alan and the boys.....leave the negative thoughts at home.

how do you think alan murphys wife and father thought of thw abuse he got last night, ok he didn't play well and had hand bags with digger..... but i'd have murph on any team sheet, he always does his best for us, always.

max power
03/08/2004, 2:49 PM
i heard he isn't too fond of you either jackass, yee should have a fight and see whos best ???

03/08/2004, 3:09 PM
I don't care how Murphs father and wife felt last night. Thats not my problem. I'm sick of him. Fair play to matthews for bringing him off when he did and making a tiit out of him. He couldn't take critisism for the first goal. Had a row with digger then his mind was completely off the game when he was caught out for the second. If a defender can't take a bit of abuse from his keeper then he shouldn't be there.

max power
03/08/2004, 3:11 PM
oh laker i agree digger did the right thing, but i wouldn't have thought his family were happy abusing a player who has done so much for us overall, you can't judge a player on a few games......

03/08/2004, 3:16 PM
Of course his family are not going to be happy. But thats not any of our problems. LTFC is our problem and if by getting a bit of abuse he cops on and gets his mind back on the game then it was worth it.

03/08/2004, 4:56 PM
i'd agree, he was asked to go into midfield and do a job and he did it. maybe he just needs a rest, i think the game out for barry was a good thing too, he needed i rest i think, played every game this season when he has been fit.

last time we were in this sitution and kenny left i feared more, now i know we have the quality to stay up, but we must stay positive and get between alan and the boys.....leave the negative thoughts at home.

how do you think alan murphys wife and father thought of thw abuse he got last night, ok he didn't play well and had hand bags with digger..... but i'd have murph on any team sheet, he always does his best for us, always.

Thank christ there was no "sunshine supporters" there last night, eh max... you coulda filled a website with "sunshine supporter" abuse if it wasnt the "real fans" who were turning the air blue last night abusing some of our players and manager.

BTW the main disgrace last night was that blind cu*t of a ref. Watching it again on tv3 last night it was the clearest penalty iv ever seen in my life. And the ref was standing beside it. Pat Scully and Damien Richardson(both at the game) were laughing in disbelief that it wasnt given.. The league is so tight nowadays that a teams whole season can hang on decisions like this. The referees accessors board would wanna get the finger out and strike this clown off the LOI register.

Not to keep restating the obvious(im going to anyway), but our lack of creativity in midfield is the reason we re having such a ****e season. You cant blame the strikers cos they never have any chances; when was the last time any of them missed a sitter? I cant remember. We dominate games but cant create chances. I cant remember the last time either we scored a good goal. A defence splitting pass leaving a striker 1 on 1 or a cracking strike from 25 yards from a midfielder/striker..
Our only saving grace is that Dublin City are completely ****e and wont make up the 5 points on us

oh yeah another disgrace while we re on the subject.. Shane Robinson jesturing to the LTFC fans. Scumbag!!

max power
03/08/2004, 6:10 PM
robinson will be fined by rovers, i'm seeing to that and won't stop until i have a full written apology.

agree with all you said and all that abuse was unreal last night, couldn't believe it. but those fans are there week in wek out and at least they know who it is they are abusing :D and not "No 5 will ya do somethin "

03/08/2004, 6:11 PM
Shocksed and Stunned Ladies and Gentlemen - shocked and stunned

03/08/2004, 6:13 PM
at least they know who it is they are abusing :D and not "No 5 will ya do somethin "

nice example

max power
03/08/2004, 6:20 PM
are you stallking me...........

04/08/2004, 12:32 PM
The thing about the abuse dished out at matches is that it will never stop.You can't please everyone and that's it.What really ****es me off is the monkeys that are complaining about the short football and shouting "get rid of it ta fuk" and then when it is knocked long they're complaining again with comments like " what ta fuk is he doin dat for?".IMO these people are GAA heads with GAA mentality and i don't care how anyone takes that comment.
One of the most important rules of soccer is to keep posession.As irish & english sides are crap at this they don't suceed in Europe.If you keep kicking the ball 60 yards you are going to give it away and you also bypass 1/2 your team mates.So if these muppets who keep shouting crap un-educated comments could please sit down and watch how a successful soccer teams plays i would be most grateful.

max power
04/08/2004, 12:37 PM
One of the most important rules of soccer is to keep posession.

So if these muppets who keep shouting crap un-educated comments could please sit down and watch how a successful soccer teams plays i would be most grateful.

what sensible comments, well said.....

we have the ball at the back, passing it around and looking for an option and all ya can hear is " will ya ged rid of the fcukin thing" as if they want the other team to have the ball........

i hd to get out of the stand otherwise there would have been a massacre of gigantic ( spelled wrong but ya get the idea ) proportions !!!!!

parnell ranger
04/08/2004, 1:00 PM
spelled right :)

max power
04/08/2004, 1:03 PM
the happiness i feel at this moment can't be put into words :)

04/08/2004, 1:15 PM
There are several types of soccer fans which not only follow LTFC but most other clubs aswell.
( 1 ) The Bandwagon/Sunshine supporter:9000 people turned up at Lansdowne Road to see our finest day yet.That's a round trip of 140 miles for most.2000 of these people can't make a trip of 5 mile to Flancare Park.
( 2 ) The GAA head who also follows soccer for something to do:Get rid of it ta fuk. Just kick the fukkin thing. Knock it long. I could go on.
( 3 ) Those that are never happy: Matthews out, Matthews is a *****, Matthews is a bolox, we're gonna get relegated, sack him now and so on. There is just no pleasing these people.
( 4 ) The Supporter: Things are going bad at the mo but we'll turn the corner. I'm sure Alan is unhappy aswell at the mo but is trying his best to turn it around. None of the players want to be relegated because that will spell the end of a lot of careers.
We certainly need the 1st type or there would have been no one at any final we played in.But that goes for every club in the EL.
The 2nd type are GAA heads but you find them at most EL grounds.It's not there fault they just don't fully grasp the concept of soccer.
The 3rd type also exist everywhere.Stephen Kenny met them at Bohs, Pat Dolan has met them at Cork and we have them in Flancare.
The 4th type are the genuine fans who always remain up beat no matter what.These people not only care about their club but also the EL in general.Like the type who followed Rep. of Ireland to Euro 88, Italia 90 and so on.Now if everyone was like this what a blissfully happy EL it would be. Which type are you ?

max power
04/08/2004, 1:17 PM
seeing as i wish to burn 1,2 and 3 alive. i'd say 4 .

04/08/2004, 1:20 PM
The 4th type are the genuine fans who always remain up beat no matter what.These people not only care about their club but also the EL in general.Like the type who followed Rep. of Ireland to Euro 88, Italia 90 and so on.Now if everyone was like this what a blissfully happy EL it would be. Which type are you ?
It was all going so well until the second last sentence, as the Ole Brigade are amongst those I hate the most. :cool:

04/08/2004, 1:21 PM
seeing as i wish to burn 1,2 and 3 alive. i'd say 4 .
Can I refer you to threads you posted some time ago? :D

max power
04/08/2004, 1:23 PM
i've had a mojor major major change of vision towards the club etc in recent times, i hope that can be seen in my posts of late..........

04/08/2004, 1:23 PM
although i agree, it's all a bit simplistic anyway. Like saying there's no bad anywhere anytime if you don't/can't see it.

Enda M
04/08/2004, 9:08 PM
Thank christ there was no "sunshine supporters" there last night, eh max... you coulda filled a website with "sunshine supporter" abuse if it wasnt the "real fans" who were turning the air blue last night abusing some of our players and manager.

BTW the main disgrace last night was that blind cu*t of a ref. Watching it again on tv3 last night it was the clearest penalty iv ever seen in my life. And the ref was standing beside it. Pat Scully and Damien Richardson(both at the game) were laughing in disbelief that it wasnt given.. The league is so tight nowadays that a teams whole season can hang on decisions like this. The referees accessors board would wanna get the finger out and strike this clown off the LOI register.

Not to keep restating the obvious(im going to anyway), but our lack of creativity in midfield is the reason we re having such a ****e season. You cant blame the strikers cos they never have any chances; when was the last time any of them missed a sitter? I cant remember. We dominate games but cant create chances. I cant remember the last time either we scored a good goal. A defence splitting pass leaving a striker 1 on 1 or a cracking strike from 25 yards from a midfielder/striker..
Our only saving grace is that Dublin City are completely ****e and wont make up the 5 points on us

oh yeah another disgrace while we re on the subject.. Shane Robinson jesturing to the LTFC fans. Scumbag!!

let me tell tou sunshine that there was nothing wrong with th midfield display from dean and vinny on monday night it absolutely fantastic.it was the ref who f**ked us up

05/08/2004, 11:58 AM
Fantastic battling preformance yes, fantastic creativity.. no! We had 90% of the possession for the first half and still created only one half chance through a Dessie Baker snap shot.
Take a look at Alan Moore and Joseph Ndo last night, thats what im talking about

btw is that "sunshine" as in "sunshine supporter" or is it "sunshine" as in what your oul lad called ya 20 years ago when ya did something bold? :rolleyes: