View Full Version : gane review

max power
30/07/2004, 1:11 AM
its on www.onefinlongford.com under reviews, e mail me your thoughts on the piece to the e mail adress on the page,


30/07/2004, 5:27 AM
Concentrate more on the football and it'd be grand. Too much "supporter" bashing.. The stand, in fact gave the players a wonderful reception when they came out and to be honest had nothing to cheer about for the rest of the game. NO club has supporters that sing through the whole game, theres always the hardcore that will(fair play section O last night), thats the reality of LOI and european club football in general.
Cant blame anyone for leaving after the second or third goals either. The game had turned into a complete damp squid at that stage, it was incredibly painful to watch at times..
As for the abuse thing, its kinda a bit understandable in fairness when people fork out E15 and witness some of the catastophic defending on show last night(fergesons mis tackle for the second; ball and man should have being in the stand, murphys back header for the third??? he nearly scored an OG at the end of the 1st half aswell) your gonna hear a few fcuks.. AND LTFC fans are by no way the most abusive in the league, anyone in the Des Kelly stand at the Bohs UEFA match on tuesday will vouch for that. It was like a priests retreat in the stand last night compared to what i witnessed on tuesday.
Have to say personally i was gutted after the game. We ll be doing well to get as good a chance of progressing past the first round of european competion again. Vaduz are very average and having being to alot of euro games involving EL teams in the last few years would rate them as the worst european side to have palyed here(or mabye slightly better than Hibernians of Malta). We have to raise the bar and start beating the Vaduz's of this world.. Anyway for this season mabye its a good thing we re out considering the league position.

For all that, would agree with ya on Prunty for longford MOM, dream first touch!

Anyone know anything bout the "tunnel incident" at half time. Heard loads of roaring and what sounded like a few slaps being thrown just outside the dressing rooms when going to the jacks at half time.. it was the only place we were ever gonna beat them anyway

the 12 th man
30/07/2004, 7:32 AM
difficult night last for town last night
first off all we got off to a disasterous start concedeing a very soft early goal effectively giving us a mountain to climb.

thought the usually reliable alan murphy had an absolute nightmare at the back last night and would have to shoulder a good deal of the blame for the 3 goals we shipped.

there is just no way in the world would i start daragh sheridan ahead of dean fitzgerald.... period, so i cant understand why that happened.

overall we only showed what we could do in short bursts and never really got to grips with the game.they were allowed way too much time and room on the ball.

well done to the "section o" who sang throughout thick and thin last night and are true supporters.i was in close proximity to the boys and the chants were top notch.

lets look forward to the league cup final .

30/07/2004, 7:49 AM
NO club has supporters that sing through the whole gameWRONG! Go to a match with City fans........
Commiserations lads, but you should have done a lot better than that result........:(

the 12 th man
30/07/2004, 7:58 AM
WRONG! Go to a match with City fans........

in fairness to max,i think he means the whole of the ground as opposed to a portion of the ground.
there were people there last night who did sing throughout and after the game :)

30/07/2004, 9:11 AM
The pitch and surrounds looked great, a good crowd in attendance. Everyone optimistic that a goal could be pulled back. Then after 4 minutes "bang" 3 goals needed to advance. It killed the tie dead before it even started. It is hard for supporters to cheer when so deflated. As regards the team I thought they looked tired. The only players I thought played well were Prunty and Lavine. Eric never stopped working and trying to create openings, he was misfortunate that Barretts touch on Bakers cross took the ball off his head for what would have been a sure goal early on. Sean was the only star in a defence which was hopeless on the night. Being on the far end of the pitch I could not see who was at fault for the first goal but the marking seemed non-existant. Ferguson was for me the main culprit for the 2nd goal ,with a hopeless attempt at a bread and butter tackle, and his general distribution throughout was poor. Alan Murphy had a nightmare with the 3rd goal the final ignominy. On the plus side I thought Dean Fitzgerald made a big improvement when he came in. he should be given an extended run to try and sort out a midfield. Restore Kirby to the right wing
The big question now is can the team lift itself for Monday's match which is a critical one for the Town.
On a brighter note tough S--T Roddie!

max power
30/07/2004, 9:14 AM
these are not "supporters", they are the sunshine bargide that come out ONLY for european games and cup finals. How many of them will be in richmond next monday, or cork last sunday or even at the Flansiro for the next home game. The honest people who come every week i am not talking about, even the quiet ones in the stand :D

i stand by everything i wrote on the web site, we are not afraid to speak our mind and call a spade a spade. i have sat in the stand for every game at the Flansiro up until last night and won't be going back, more atmosphere in my toilet at home after i've had a curry is more interesting.

you don't go to games to abuse players either, positive. both the bohs fans are there every week, these guys were there, "ah no 5 will ya do somethin", don't even know who is playing, see what i mean.

people leaving, sunshine supporters that might go to the league cup final and the big days out.

tunnel, i heard their keeper got a nice slap, thats all.

30/07/2004, 10:19 AM
The biggest clubs in the world have those sunshine supporters, but hey if they paid their €15 what does anyone care, its money in the club coffers.

Murph and Barry were at fault for the second goal, both missed simple enough tackles by lunging in and giving him space its an error all too common this season but whats annoying is that our players are better than that. We really need to concentrate on the League now or we could find ourselves in serious trouble. Eric and Shane were good upfront but and worked but rarely looked like they had any edge, whats thestory with Seanie Francis why wasnt he brought on? Keegan will ever score, and while I appreciate the work Barret and Lavine are putting in lets face it its worthless they are there to score and they arent doing it, Baker for me was the only one who looked sharp and creative and I would much rather have seen him further forward even though I know he is awinger

max power
30/07/2004, 10:56 AM
hmmmm why was keegen brought on, do you really have to ask that question....2 central defenders both well over 6 foot as is keegen. sean couldn't compete in the air, simple as that.

30/07/2004, 11:17 AM
but is it like Keegan is ever going to score?? Francis may be small but Id have more faith in him getting a toe oke from a missed header that Keegan competing in the air

max power
30/07/2004, 11:18 AM
he and deno both won ball in the air, something we hadn't done up to that point in the game...

30/07/2004, 11:35 AM
dont suppose Keegan will ever imprees me at this stage, i just think that Francis is the only striker who has even looked likehe might hit form at some stage. Agreed Dean Fitz looked the part when he came on and I was well impressed I hope he can start a good run now. still favour baker andFrancis up front, they may lack heigth but they are at least getting the shots ontarget :)

max power
30/07/2004, 11:38 AM
he has done nothing to impress me either but he was the best man at the time due to his size and nothing else.

30/07/2004, 12:33 PM
onefinlongford got the facts of the game pretty good,pity you have to insult the supporters who paid their €15 and didn't sing to your liking and who maybe weren't in 'Section O'. Maybe these supporters came to watch and enjoy a match which turned out to be yet another damp squid from a Longford team which promises much but fails to deliver. I must admit that it was nice to see Vaduz play some good first touch football and seemed in complete control from the off, ok we witnessed some theatrics but THAT is European football like it or not! EL is a long way behind at this level and DE Town are not going to change anything in the near future with their uncontrolled and eratic defence,their non-existant mid field and their redundant strike force.By the way, if Levine had played to the refs whistle he'd have scored. Face facts,it's time for a change in personnel otherwise you'll be glad of the 'sunshine supporters' in Div 1.

30/07/2004, 12:34 PM
Funny thing about the size of Keegan. When he came on last night he looked like a small boy next to their defenders. They were hugh and could play a bit as well. I thought that Alan was going to stick Keegan in at centre half awhen he came on and leave Prunty on the wing. Still I suppose it was'nt a time for experimentation. If Paisley is injured Monday it is a move he should consider.

max power
30/07/2004, 12:37 PM
the point about those "supporters" is that they won't be there next week or the week after that. not the singing, we are mainly a gaa county and gaa fans don't really chant at all.

the 12 th man
30/07/2004, 1:21 PM
i've never seen vaduz play before,but the fact of the matter is they played football to a very high standard last night.

they would have given any e/l team a good game.
maybe it was a one off for them to play so well but it was no disgrace to be beaten by a team that moved the ball about the way they did.

they had height,pace and were very good at keeping the ball when they had it.they were also great at breaking up any momentum we had by pretending to be injured any time we got the better of them in the middle of the park.

so bascically to the moaners out there.unless you were there to see what happened.......keep it to yourself........we dont need negative *****.

30/07/2004, 1:50 PM
Came down from Dublin for my first Longford home game last night - just wanted to say how much I enjoyed it. Pure luck we sat in section O & really enjoyed their infectious chants.
As for the match - the ref was terrible, he missed most of the game (bohs ref on Tuesday was far better & he hardly moved) but Vaduz were the better team no doubt.
What I did like was that Longford never gave up & took over the game as the second half wore on(possibly fitter becaus of the summer soccer?).
There is something wrong with eL defending at the moment though - after watching Bohs on tuesday & then last night - nobody seems able to retain their composure & shape. Crap coaching?
Anyway, Thanks for the great night out - qualify for Europe again & we will be back!

max power
30/07/2004, 2:34 PM
no problem and hope you enjoyed the sectin O welcome, the lads there did us proud..

the 12 th man
30/07/2004, 2:47 PM
saw flags from monaghan and bohs there last night as well.
nice one :D

max power
30/07/2004, 2:49 PM
as did i, hope to have a www.onefinlongford.com flag for dc game on Oct 1, i'm out of the country for the majority of Sept, i might get it for league cup final if i have the time

30/07/2004, 2:53 PM
no problem and hope you enjoyed the sectin O welcome, the lads there did us proud..

Think most of the approx 2700 in attendance did us proud and isn't it a marvel for a weak Gaa county that so many did flock to Flancare.Well done to all and also to everyone who contributed to having Flancare look in tip top shape.

30/07/2004, 8:28 PM
Im sorry but the support in the stand was an absolute disgrace and i just wanna say fair play to the section o lads! I sat in section B not expecting the same atmosphere as in Vaduz but expected an atmosphere nonetheless! myself and a mate did our best to start some chants but we had to wonder if either of us had ten heads so many people turned to stare at us! When we sang chants, we were told to shut up!!
This annoyed me more than the result!

another thing was the amount of people that up and left with 25mins to go...........an absolute disgrace!

as for the game itself, yes a bad result, not what we thought would happen after the performance we put in over in Vaduz but we can only gain experience and right now we just have to try and concentrate on the league!

max power
31/07/2004, 1:11 AM
Im sorry but the support in the stand was an absolute disgrace and i just wanna say fair play to the section o lads! I sat in section B not expecting the same atmosphere as in Vaduz but expected an atmosphere nonetheless! myself and a mate did our best to start some chants but we had to wonder if either of us had ten heads so many people turned to stare at us! When we sang chants, we were told to shut up!!
This annoyed me more than the result!

another thing was the amount of people that up and left with 25mins to go...........an absolute disgrace!

as for the game itself, yes a bad result, not what we thought would happen after the performance we put in over in Vaduz but we can only gain experience and right now we just have to try and concentrate on the league!

see i'm not alone in my thoughts....

31/07/2004, 10:16 AM
see i'm not alone in my thoughts....
What i'm saying is, dont knock people who come in their hundreds to watch, and remember bums on seats = money in the bank. So what if they dont chant or sing,the size of the crowd is what matters especially at a game such as this and maybe some of this crowd will return for the next home game and become hooked or maybe even apply for membership of Section O ;)
Now that I mention it, When Section O were in the stand (due to ground closure) the atmosphere was excellent with their endless chants and singing especially at the Bohs game and everyone seemed to get a buzz from them so would it not make sense to transfer Section O over to the stand where people can see them,listen to them and maybe join in rather than watch them from afar and hear nothing.You look very isolated over there lads and lassies. ;)

the 12 th man
31/07/2004, 10:33 AM
ive posted similar on a different thread but it was no disgrace......dissapointing yes........disgrace no.. to lose to the vaduz team.
they had 7 starters from the team that england struggled to beat 2-0 in a euro 2004 qualifier and also professionals from nigeria,brazil,italy and germany among others in their team.

we will learn from this experience.

31/07/2004, 10:36 AM
What i'm saying is, dont knock people who come in their hundreds to watch, and remember bums on seats = money in the bank. So what if they dont chant or sing,the size of the crowd is what matters especially at a game such as this and maybe some of this crowd will return for the next home game and become hooked or maybe even apply for membership of Section O ;)

well from the amount of "this is crap", "this is a circus" " il never come back here again to see this" bla bla bla, majority wont be seen till the cup final!!

31/07/2004, 10:38 AM
Now that I mention it, When Section O were in the stand (due to ground closure) the atmosphere was excellent with their endless chants and singing especially at the Bohs game and everyone seemed to get a buzz from them so would it not make sense to transfer Section O over to the stand where people can see them,listen to them and maybe join in rather than watch them from afar and hear nothing.You look very isolated over there lads and lassies. ;)

dont restart this argument, the lads are grand where they are, chances are they would get kicked out of the stand for using a swear word!! :p Fair play to em though dont think anyone can dispute they were the only ones that made a bit of noise and encouraged the team! well done Section O

max power
31/07/2004, 11:56 AM
please go and read teh review, the main point was the "sunshine" supporter who won't be in richmond on monday or in The Flansiro at the next game and when you give a few shouts for the lads look at you as if you have two heads.

they add nothing apart from 15 euro maybe once a year, but by moaning about "that no.5 " ( not just baz ;) ) and then they leave with 25 mins left, what woud you think if you were a player and the crowd leave.

at least the real fans were there to see the goals we scored.

31/07/2004, 2:18 PM
please go and read teh review, the main point was the "sunshine" supporter who won't be in richmond on monday or in The Flansiro at the next game and when you give a few shouts for the lads look at you as if you have two heads.

they add nothing apart from 15 euro maybe once a year, but by moaning about "that no.5 " ( not just baz ;) ) and then they leave with 25 mins left, what woud you think if you were a player and the crowd leave.

at least the real fans were there to see the goals we scored.
So what do you want? A distinction between 'sunshine supporters' and 'real fans'.If the 'real fans' are the only people let into Flancare then section O is too big.Look,is it not better to welcome everyone to our home pitch and let them decide whether to stay or not,sing or not,chant or not after all its the quality of whats on the pitch that matters most and not whats happening off it.

31/07/2004, 2:21 PM
dont restart this argument, the lads are grand where they are, chances are they would get kicked out of the stand for using a swear word!! :p Fair play to em though dont think anyone can dispute they were the only ones that made a bit of noise and encouraged the team! well done Section O
It's not an arguement simply an observation that maybe if they were in the stand then perhaps more people would join in like what happened at the Bohs game.

max power
31/07/2004, 3:39 PM
this is not a stand v section O debate. its a simple fact of the sunshine supporters that only go to european games/cup finals and when they do go the only noise they make is to moan and abuse players.

and then to rub the players noses in it they just walk out when the team needs support the most.

Pauro 76
31/07/2004, 6:30 PM
Terrible result, the 4th minute away goal killed the contest before it even began. Was looking like a thrashing at one stage, maybe its best to get ourselves out of the dangerous league position we're in, Europe is a learning curve, and yeah we didnt do ourselves justice, but Vaduz play in Europe virtually every season, they've a lot of big match experience, we dont. On a positive note, was VERY proud to be part of Section O that night. We didnt let our heads down and sang away for 90 minutes, the players totally appreciated it at the end, hopefully we inspired the lads and we could nearly claim the credit for the fightback!

FC Vaduz ........ 3. Section O .........2

De Town
01/08/2004, 11:08 AM
The atmosphere in the stand was crap, and unfortunately i had to be there :rolleyes: I was delighted that we scored a few goals near the end because you might not see European goals there for another while and i was glad the sunshiners missed them