View Full Version : 2012 season preview

07/02/2012, 4:48 PM
So... what do ye think will happen?

07/02/2012, 5:17 PM
We'll get promoted :D

Bayern Munchies
07/02/2012, 5:22 PM
We'll get promoted :D

After making it a lot harder for us then it should be :p

07/02/2012, 5:25 PM
After making it a lot harder for us then it should be :p


I fancy us to be promoted by 5 points.

07/02/2012, 5:25 PM
WIn the league with 5 games remaining :)

14/02/2012, 11:08 PM
After seeing the squad the other night I think we look very strong. If we can add the two CSKA lads and Derek O Brien it will be very hard to look past us for promotion. We had the luxury of bringing on Gamble, Tracey, Behan and O'Leary, which just shows how strong we are. I still maintain left full could be a problem but maybe its a good chance to give Bhandarkar a serious run there. If he was injured though we would have no cover at all.

14/02/2012, 11:24 PM
After seeing the squad the other night I think we look very strong. If we can add the two CSKA lads and Derek O Brien it will be very hard to look past us for promotion. We had the luxury of bringing on Gamble, Tracey, Behan and O'Leary, which just shows how strong we are. I still maintain left full could be a problem but maybe its a good chance to give Bhandarkar a serious run there. If he was injured though we would have no cover at all.

Hes been terrible so far in pre season and i wouldnt be holding out too much hope for a massive improvement from him....Way too nervous control is awful at times rarely looks for a pass just hoofs down field and has no real strength.

16/02/2012, 12:05 AM
Lads, assuming we'll stay in Div1 and in the current format of 8 teams, can someone please advise whats the situation regarding promotion and relegation to and from the Prem?

Also, what teams have folded if any since last season? and how many teams will be in this season's Prem division?

Lim till i die
16/02/2012, 12:14 AM
Lads, assuming we'll stay in Div1 and in the current format of 8 teams, can someone please advise whats the situation regarding promotion and relegation to and from the Prem?

Also, what teams have folded if any since last season? and how many teams will be in this season's Prem division?

Top team are promoted automatically to the Premier.

Second play a playoff against second last in Premier.

None gone since last season. Salthill are SD Galway now. (lol)

12 teams in this years Premier.

On Bhandarkar I hear what people are saying but I think he could be fine, he'll be playing week in week out against a load of mediocre (at best) non entities.

We should win the league by 5 to 10 points (with or without the Communists)

I'm looking at our third last game in Terryland as the potential deliverance moment.

16/02/2012, 7:47 AM
second play third in a playoff - winner plays second bottom Premier Club as things stand but we know the FAI love changing things with no warning

and Galway United are gone since last year

20/02/2012, 10:50 AM
I'm looking at our third last game in Terryland as the potential deliverance moment.

A deliverance moment (http://www.horrorphile.net/images/deliverance-ned-beatty-jon-voight-ronny-cox-burt-r1.jpg) or a deliverance moment? (http://www.google.ch/imgres?q=promotion+birmingham&um=1&hl=de&client=safari&rls=en&biw=1279&bih=609&tbm=isch&tbnid=qYuG_u5QlyFXBM:&imgrefurl=http://www.epltalk.com/premiership-promotion-preview-no2-birmingham-city-9682&docid=ko992ZgHsmnEOM&imgurl=http://www.epltalk.com/wp-content/uploads/cache.daylife.com/writeitfiles/Promotion_Birmingham_CityC3.JPG&w=564&h=620&ei=DzNCT6fGFomGhQei6s3FBQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=175&vpy=129&dur=4550&hovh=235&hovw=214&tx=111&ty=259&sig=118104855324748577535&page=1&tbnh=134&tbnw=124&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=0CEAQrQMwAA) Because the former doesn't appeal to me so much. I'm not saying I wouldn't come home for it, just that I think I'd enjoy it a lot less...well maybe not a LOT less but you know what I mean...

23/02/2012, 10:48 AM
I do think we ahould win the division. If we don't there are huge questions to be asked, we'll never have a better chance. The depth we have is encouraging too. On the Bhandarker debate I'm happy to see him given a solid run of games there, it could be the making of him as a player and if all comes to all both Tracey's can slot in there for us. We should have enough in the tank to see off most teams in the division anyway.

I'll nominate Behan for top scorer, Quinn for assistmaster, Gamble for most cards, Sean Kelly as player of the year, Stephen McGann as young player of the year.

I'll keep my counsel on my bet for the poor unfortunate who'll be singled out for abuse by an element of our support as we toil grimly against some minnow or other at some point.

23/02/2012, 3:39 PM
Sure it's happened every year for the last few now. I'd be delighted if it doesn't happen this year, hopefully it won't.

23/02/2012, 4:20 PM
If it makes people think twice about abusing our players this season then I think that's constructive enough tbh. It's happened too often in the last year or two, in my opinion, to players who at time, have been guilty of nothing more than making mistakes (a long way from parasites like Jamie Nolan or CP O'Brien). You're the one who's made it into an issue now, turning it from a single comment at the end of my post into an exchange that's now lasted four posts (and I presume you'll have a response to this one too). I have a problem with bile being poured upon players that are doing their best, if you disagree with that much then we'll have to agree to disagree I'm afraid.

23/02/2012, 4:50 PM
I have a problem with the same bunch being the only ones blamed for this the whole time when its not just them and the fact they are being blamed when they are not on this to defend themsleves. Im one of the group so thats why ill speak up.
It wont put anyone off anything as the people you are blaming are not on this.

Who am I blaming? Who have I blamed, named and shamed?

Who has bile been poured upon then? Ill admit it has happened with Sean O'Connor,Sean Kelly and Barry Ryan in that ridiculous incident in Cork.

They're the three that stood out for me tbh though I though Peter White was given a raw deal in Cork that night too (though he was terrible alright!) I remember Kelly in particular happening a couple of times.

In all of the incidents above it was not just people that are being blamed for it constantly that were involved. Do you include the people that you have been with at games in this "element" you talk about because those people were involved in all of those incidents. If you have any other instances of this bile being poured upon players then fair enough id like to know who.

Well I'm at games with all the other Limerick fans but I presume you mean those I'd be on more friendly terms with? Regardless I wasn't personally involved in any of the incidents you've spoken about but I would include everybody who was in the element of Limerick fans who have stepped over the line at times yes.

Agree 100% that it shouldnt happen to players but don't agree that it happens as often as you seem to think.

How often have I said it happens? I said it has happened too much in the last few seasons. Nothing more and nothing less than that. I do think it's happened too much. I agree it's not a common occurence.

Don't agree at all with you making out that it will happen this season and basically giving supporters a bad name considering your new role with the club being honest.

My new role in the club? Get a grip, I'm on the Supporters' Club Committee, not Pat O'Sullivan's right hand man. And I think it's abundantly clear that I'm not tarring all supporters with one brush here. I believe it's less likely to happen this season simply because we'll win more games than usual but I woudn't be surprised in the least if it does rear it's ugly head again. If it doesn't I will apologise to you at the end of the season. Sorted? :)

Lim till i die
23/02/2012, 11:22 PM
The Limerick Forum. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g221/Stenners2006/adore.gif

24/02/2012, 8:20 AM
Given a fair bit of abuse myself over the years but never to a player that may have been poor but tried hard. The main culprit for abuse would have been Sean O Connor for obvious reasons, worst attitude I've ever seen with the club, Jamie Nolan had an attitude but O'Connor was on a different level.

Back to the season preview, only one week to go now. Surprised Waterford haven't strengthened more. Longford on paper look like a bigger threat if you ask me.

26/02/2012, 2:55 PM
Surprised Waterford haven't strengthened more. Longford on paper look like a bigger threat if you ask me.

If they are our biggest threat behind Longford then I am looking forward to a very successful season. http://extratime.ie/fixtures/detail/18084/2/

29/02/2012, 6:22 PM
I'm predicting an unbeaten season and the league wrapped up by the end of August!! You've heard it hear first folks.:cool:

29/02/2012, 8:09 PM
I'm predicting an unbeaten season and the league wrapped up by the end of August!! You've heard it hear first folks.:cool:

God i hope not.