View Full Version : Pesky Pirates

26/07/2004, 12:15 PM
Pirates slaughtered 30 seafarers worldwide in the first six months of this year – the highest toll in more than a decade – and governments need to boost patrols in hotspots at sea to curb the violence, a maritime group said.

The 30 killings reported globally from January through June compared to 16 during the same months last year and came despite a decline overall in pirate attacks, the British-based International Maritime Bureau said in a report released in Kuala Lumpur.
Full story here. (http://breakingnews.ie/2004/07/26/story158769.html)

I always wanted to be a pirate but this isn't exactly how I'd imagined it...

max power
26/07/2004, 2:00 PM
how did you go about saying that to the career guidence teacher in school...

yes sir, i'd like to be a pirate...but i won't do any of that killing stuff, just a bit of looting and the odd johnny depp rip off.but that its it, oh and i suffer from sea sickness so can can i get some tablets for that too and i'll need every second friday night off from march to november and the odd few days for foreign adventures. ;)

26/07/2004, 3:27 PM
the career guidence teacher in school.

Posh Bastad!
Career Guidance in my school was a pass to visit the local FAS office at lunch.