View Full Version : Charity screening

17/01/2012, 11:56 AM
Last May, while browsing the kickstarter.com website (a site for people who request crowd sourced funds to create projects they cannot get private funding for) I noticed a new project was requesting funding for a documentary on Jay DeMerit, the US soccer player.

While it was the name that caught my eye, after watching the trailer I resolved to donate what I could and help the guys complete a project that was clearly very close to their hearts. I was one of the first backers of the project, and I think the first person outside of the States to contribute to it.

The project completed funding a little over two months later, and set new records on kickstarter for a movie funded on the site, the largest set goal on the site, and the seventh largest total number of backers, including Bolton Wanderers midfielder Stuart Holden who donated 10,000!

Since the film was completed, the directors have been hosting screenings in the States, and it is about to have a limited run in England starting tonight. They asked the backers of the project to try and help organise screenings in their own areas, so with that in mind I contacted them a few months ago about hosting a screening in Dublin. They were very responsive, and have been a lot of help to me over the last few weeks while I try to get this up and running.

It's gotten to the point where I have quotes from a few different cinemas around Dublin for renting a screen for an evening and now I need to find out the interest level so I can go ahead and book it. At the moment, the most likely venues are UCI in Blanchardstown* and Cineworld on Parnell St.

Take a look at the project on the documentary's kickstarter page, including the trailer, here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1370261090/rise-and-shine-the-jay-demerit-story - and have a read of the background of how it was film on the official site here - http://jaydemeritstory.com/ - that story is nearly as interesting as the documentary itself!

If you're interested in seeing it, leave a reply below. At the moment, I'll need about 80 people in total to show an interest (I'll be posting it on other sites I'm involved with as well) and it'll be about 6-10 euro per person to cover the cost of the screening depending on the level of interest

As well as that, I'm involved with a charity collection in the office where I work. I work as a computer programmer (I know, shock, horror!) and one of the developers in the office is raising money for an operation for his son James, who has cerebral palsy. We're doing a variety of events this year to raise money, so if you attend the screening, I would ask you to donate €5 to the fund. You can read mode about the charity, and how to donate on the charity's website here: http://www.forjames.com/

*UCI own Odeon, who are distributing the film in England, so this decision may ultimately be taken out of my hands.

17/01/2012, 3:55 PM
Depending on when the screening would be I may be available for it. I had a read through the charity website, and it doesn't really mention what their target is? Have they a figure on how much his aftercare will cost if the surgery itself has already been funded? James sounds like an amazing kid.

17/01/2012, 4:56 PM
At the moment, we're pencilling it in for the 6th or 7th February in Cineworld. We're giving it two weeks to get some solid interest numbers, and then we'll make the booking. The Dublin film festival is starting on the 16th, so any available screens will be taken for that. If we can't get it sorted by then, it'll be in early March.

The guy I've been in touch with there has been far more helpful than anyone in UCI, and is interested in seeing the film himself. The earliest it will be screened is 6:30, latest is 8:00

The target for the operation is €35,000, I'm not sure if there's any figure for aftercare, I'll find out.

James is a great kid, we had a Christmas party for the children of staff in here, and he was at it.

The kids got sweets, and their faces painted, and met Santa, and got presents. They must have left thinking "my Dad has the best job ever!"

17/01/2012, 4:57 PM
This is the trailer for the film itself

Aberdonian Stu
17/01/2012, 6:53 PM
If it's Cineworld in Dublin I'd be up for it.

17/01/2012, 7:41 PM
I hate to do this Tets, but the fact that you contributed to the making of this load of **** leaves me highly disappointed. For those of you unaware, the story is basically of a player who goes from very briefly playing for a Non-League club (roughly Ryman League I think) to playing in the Championship with Watford and eventually briefly in the Premiership. As most people who know anything about English football, this is far from unheard of (though, yes, still an achievement) as is the case with Paul Furlong, George Elokobi, Chris Smalling, Wade Elliott, Jason Roberts, etc., etc., etc. The difference is that DeMerit is American and most Americans haven't heard of the Championship, much less the Ryman League. So when daft ****s like soccer writer Grant Wahl (he writes for Sports Illustrated, if you can call the **** he puts out writing) got a hold of the story they of course sensationalized it (to a degree I've not seen before) and then so did, from what I hear (I obviously have not watched it, though I have talked to two people who have), DeMerit's friends who made the film.

I have no problem with DeMerit or his story, but I do have serious issue with those who spread this crap as some sort of unbelievable story of perseverance. When people here hear that I don't like the US team they say, "well what about Jay DeMerit...you have to respect him" as if he overcame some insurmountable odds thanks to the tripe that the media has put out about him and not actually understanding a thing about the football pyramid. I encourage you all to donate to the charity for the kid and take whatever money you might've put toward seeing the film and just putting it on top of that. As I said tets I'm sorry to do it but I really can't stand when people put out crap like this and the ignorance it leads to.

17/01/2012, 7:43 PM
Cheers Stu, it more than likely will. The guy I've been in contact with in Cineworld have been loads of help to me, telling me exactly what's needed, initial quotes, etc
At the moment we're looking at a date on the week beginning February 7th, probably earlier in the week because bookings are more expensive later in the week, in late evening, earliest start would be 6:30, very latest at 8:30.

18/01/2012, 1:32 AM
Good luck with the screening Tets. I was fortunate enough to see a rough cut of the film last summer at the Kicking and Screening Film Festival in New York and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Despite worm's slightly cynical perspective expressed above (and I agree with you about Grant Wahl, worm) it is a well told story. It's certainly not a unique story but that doesn't mean its not deserving of being told. Then again, I'm a sucker for any football documentary. I think most of us who love football would enjoy the film, not least because its not the usual Barclays Premier League hype that we are subjected to. Personally, it brought back a couple of good memories of going to games in Vicarage Road over the years.

Good luck with the screening and hopefully you can raise plenty of funds for a well-deserving cause.

Aberdonian Stu
18/01/2012, 6:45 PM
Regarding theworm's comments. Considering DeMerit was 23 when he first went to England and that he had essentially washed out of the development team of a MLS team the odds of him making it to play in the EPL were pretty freaking astronomical. Most of the lads who work their way up from the Ryman League to low-level EPL (and there aren't that many) are a lot younger when they make their way into the Football League. The risk to his own personal finances DeMerit took, the unlikely payoff, and of course the near perfectly scripted goal in the playoff final, makes his story more interesting than your average unlikely lad done good.

18/01/2012, 7:02 PM
Regarding theworm's comments. Considering DeMerit was 23 when he first went to England and that he had essentially washed out of the development team of a MLS team the odds of him making it to play in the EPL were pretty freaking astronomical. Most of the lads who work their way up from the Ryman League to low-level EPL (and there aren't that many) are a lot younger when they make their way into the Football League. The risk to his own personal finances DeMerit took, the unlikely payoff, and of course the near perfectly scripted goal in the playoff final, makes his story more interesting than your average unlikely lad done good.
Not buying it for a minute, though I'm sure the documentary tried to sell that story. He may have been 23 but its not like he was kicking around non-league football for a few years, he only actually played a few games there as far as I know. Basically, he may have been older but that doesn't make any difference as he was actually newer than the others I mentioned. Don't buy the bit about a risk to his personal finances either, Wiki says he spent for years in U.S. College soccer so its fair to assume he got his degree, something few footballers have, plus the fact that he played for a top college team here I'm sure he had connections to coach or get other trials here. Its also not like he was from some Brazilian back street with nothing to fall back on, worst case scenario he moves back to the States and get a normal job. This is the exact type of crap that **** like this film makes people believe.

EDIT: DeMerit admits himself he had the degree in industrial design to fall back on...again this is why I say I have no problem with the player, but I definitely do with these people sensationalizing the story.

19/01/2012, 6:01 PM
I'd be very interested in seeing this, would try drag along 3-4 people as well if thats help (i'm quite handy with a stick)

Have you made a facebook group page for this? If so I could, and i'm sure others could as well, drum up support through that

19/01/2012, 7:56 PM
that would be great, thanks Jebus
There's a public event on facebook here - https://www.facebook.com/events/328717853829730/

31/01/2012, 10:33 AM
All booked into Cineworld for the 7th (6th was unavailable) at 7:30
It's €15 a ticket - €10 for the cost of renting the screen, and €5 to the charity, with any excess from the cost of renting the screen going to the charity.

01/02/2012, 9:36 PM
Gonna try my darnedest to get there.

02/02/2012, 2:27 PM
had to move the start back to 7, so can you try and be there before then?

02/02/2012, 2:45 PM
Saw that. Ah FB!

07/02/2012, 2:20 PM
last call for people who are coming tonight, you can just tell them at the cinema that you're there for the screening and go up to cinema 15
we'll have a desk where you can pay, it'll be €15
hope to see you there

09/02/2012, 11:06 AM
I'd like to thank everyone for coming along on Tuesday night, hope you all enjoyed the film and we raised €400 for James!
For anyone who couldn't make it, you can still donate on the charity's site: http://www.forjames.com

I've spoken with the directors, Nick and Ranko, and they've asked to leave any feedback you had on the film on its facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheJayDeMeritStory?sk=wall or on twitter @JayDeMeritStory