View Full Version : Tickets for UEFA Cup match -v- FC Vaduz

De Town
21/07/2004, 5:39 PM
Stand tickets will go on sale this week for the second leg of the UEFA Cup match -v- FC Vaduz. 1 section of the stand will be a family section(2 adults and 2 children) while the rest of the stand will be on a first come, first served basis. The family section is limited so it is advisable to get your tickets early for that section. Tickets are on sale from Longford Shopping Centre from 12pm to 3pm every day, starting Wednesday(TODAY) and from Flancare Park every night from 7.30pm to 8.30pm

Prices are as follows:

ADULT: €15
U-16: €5
Family Ticket: €35

Pauro 76
21/07/2004, 8:01 PM
have to say 15 yo-yos is very reasonable for a European game, fair play to the committee. the £20 last time put out a lot of supporters the last time the Flansiro hosted a European tie, so hoping we get a decent turnout this time around.

22/07/2004, 7:43 AM
Checked out the Vaduz homepage last night, and their suporters (if any) will be coming in on the late Munich flight wed night and then staying in either the Burlington or Gresham hotel. Bus down to the game on thurs back to Dublin that night and back out on friday. Doesn't leave much time for a few pints :D Apparently the team are doing the same :rolleyes:

22/07/2004, 8:35 AM
Is the ground open? And if so are tickets on sale for there yet?

22/07/2004, 9:57 AM
Is the ground open? And if so are tickets on sale for there yet?

Sorry, having problems with the town website. Server, etc, etc. Here are the ticket details for the game:

Uefa Cup tickets will be on sale from Friday of this week (July 23). Tickets will be sold in the shopping centre from Saturday and in the evenings in Flancare.

Tickets are priced as follows: Adults €15; Under 16 €5.

There are a limited number of family tickets available, for 2 adults and 2 children, costing €35

2004 Season tickets are valid for this game and must be produced on the night to gain entrance. The relevant ticket from the season ticket book is game 12.

22/07/2004, 12:16 PM
Ground will be open. €15 in there too. Official capacity will probably be 2,600 or so as we apparently can only allow 660 people through each turnstile, and we only have four although we have 5,000 seats now so some accomodation may be reached if more than 2,600 turn up. I've a feeling they wouldn't be left outside :)

22/07/2004, 12:36 PM
So section O back to section O then?

max power
22/07/2004, 12:38 PM
hopfully ;)

the 12 th man
24/07/2004, 7:59 AM
Ground will be open. €15 in there too. Official capacity will probably be 2,600 or so as we apparently can only allow 660 people through each turnstile, I've a feeling they wouldn't be left outside :)

do you reckon its ok just to go on the night or is a ticket recommended ?? :)

24/07/2004, 10:19 AM
tickets on sale this week in longford so id say safer with the ticket!!!

24/07/2004, 1:20 PM
Definitely better to have it just in case, im sure there will be tickets available on the night but you never know..By the way, its going to be a 7 o clock kick off, so anyone heading down from Dublin take that into consideration..we couldn't take any chances because theres a question mark over whether our lights are up to standard for this year, they're definitely not for next year...

24/07/2004, 1:49 PM
could the venue be changed if lights are not up to standard?

24/07/2004, 2:57 PM
No, the lights arent an issue due to the kick off time, it'll all be done in day light, more or less. I think we're ok for this year but as the club wasnt 100% sure at the time they had to confirm kick off they werent taking any chances. Think its safe to assume the game will go ahead in Flancare, unless theres some unforeseen problem

the 12 th man
24/07/2004, 4:00 PM
No, the lights arent an issue due to the kick off time, it'll all be done in day light, more or less. I think we're ok for this year but as the club wasnt 100% sure at the time they had to confirm kick off they werent taking any chances. Think its safe to assume the game will go ahead in Flancare, unless theres some
unforeseen problem

could there be a problem if extra time and/or penos came into it..

7 o clock start.normal time over at 8.45 aprx.
extra time 8.55 to 9.30 aprx. then penalties ??
might it be too dark ?

24/07/2004, 4:05 PM
I cant see a problem, in 99% sure our lights are ok for this year anyway. The FAI inspector has said nothing about the lights being a problem. The main rush is to get the first aid room and drug room done and get extra seats put in at the front of the stand plus a disbaled section. We'll have our A Licence when all this is done too..should be done on Monday or Tuesday

27/07/2004, 2:08 PM
How are things set for Flancare?

28/07/2004, 12:42 AM
Theres a massive amount of cleaning and stuff left to do so seriously anyone thats around Longford your help is really needed. I know its not the most glamourous work but its very necessary so if you have any goodwill towrads the club come out and see what you can do to help..

28/07/2004, 2:21 PM
Would love to help (not sure how could a help I'd be) but I won't be down till tomorrow!