View Full Version : articles for web site

max power
21/07/2004, 12:34 PM
as you make have seen on the longford board, we have started a new web site, www.onefinlongford.com

although this is mainly a longford site, we want to get people from all clubs involved.

in two main ways, firstly we want articles on el topics, players, clubs, europe, club finances, future of the league, former el greats etc.... we want to try and get as much info onto the site as possible to make it an interesting read for fans of all clubs, so if your interested in writing for the site, then send a piece to info@onefinlongford.com

the second thing is el pics, i have some up from our vadus trip at the mo but i'd like to get all cluds up there, i hope to visit a good few games with my camera in coming months, but if you have any pics send them on to the e mail address above and i'll stick them up.

one final thing..... we are doing a tom the gom watch, so if you see him at a game let us know and of course have a chat with tom to get his thoughts on current el events.



21/07/2004, 12:37 PM
we are doing a tom the gom watch, so if you see him at a game let us know and of course have a chat with tom to get his thoughts on current el events.I'll do part 1 but hope to avoid part 2. :)

max power
21/07/2004, 12:39 PM
cheers, he was at the game in finn park last night and was telling us we are going down !!!

just send it on to the e mail. i hope to have the site fully up by the middle of next week so it would be good to have stuff all ready to go up