View Full Version : London Foot.ie Xmas meetup?

13/11/2011, 5:25 PM
Was with another foot.ier yesterday (Watched DagnRed V Bath -good old style FA cup game!) and we were both wondering that if would be fun maybe to have a foot.ie London meet up. He was telling me back in the day there used to be great ones in London town, everyone arriving in football jerseys and the like.
I know a few London foot.iers so I am enquiring if there is any appetite for this out there?
With maybe having the Sheephaven as a venue and the first/second week in December as a date?

13/11/2011, 5:28 PM
I'm in. Sheephaven good choice. :)

13/11/2011, 5:33 PM
You will need a few drinks after your marathon!:)

13/11/2011, 8:44 PM
I've never been able to take part in any of these, I take holiers pretty seriously so I wouldn't travel. I'll throw in a few Foot.ie t-shirts and things though; let me know (in plenty of time, cos I'll have to order them) if ye decide to go ahead and I'll find a way of getting them over there. Same for a meetup in Dublin. If there's one in Cork I might actually turn up, and that should be reward enough for ye. :)

13/11/2011, 9:29 PM
I'll throw in a few Foot.ie t-shirts and things though; let me know (in plenty of time, cos I'll have to order them) if ye decide to go ahead and I'll find a way of getting them over there.
So much win. *thumbs up*

14/11/2011, 1:50 PM
If it happens before the 14th (when I leave London for good), I'll certainly try and be there.

17/11/2011, 11:32 AM
If it happens before the 14th (when I leave London for good), I'll certainly try and be there.

*makes enthusiastic response to the prospect of a meet*

*No one replies*


18/11/2011, 6:25 PM
Ok so have sent a few texts to a few London heads asking if they are interested, and asking whether December the 2nd (with maybe a 3.00 FA cup game thrown in as well - 4/5 London teams playing that day!) OR if that's too early then Saturday 10th?? OR maybe friday/sunday are better days?
Will await replies to see if this can go ahead:D (but I guess a few are still on the come down from last week!)

18/11/2011, 11:40 PM
If it helps and am about, will show up.
Likewise if it helps similarly, I won't.....

Have a few contacts for some foot.ie lapsed posters so I could quite possibly drag them along.

Plus a potential guest appearance from GR maybe?
And you could always PM, EG !!!

After all it is the season of, er, good will to all men....

20/11/2011, 10:38 PM
I'd vote the 2nd personally but could possibly make a bit of it a week later. Any later than that and I won't be there so feel free to cancel the whole thing in that case.

22/11/2011, 9:53 AM
Ok so lets try for December 10 in the Sheephaven
(I also probably will try for the Orient game on that day as well)
So if you are up for it then put your name down (as dahamster wants the specifics before he sends any x-mas goodies)

1) bennocelt

22/11/2011, 10:13 AM
I'm in!

22/11/2011, 10:15 AM
1) bennocelt
2) thischarmingman
3) dcfc steve (ex foot.ie!)

by the way is this going to turn into a love derry thing,lol

22/11/2011, 12:51 PM
Ealing Green Ealing Green Ealing Green!

We can just sit back and watch, benno. :)

22/11/2011, 10:07 PM
I cant do the 2nd but ill provide details for a good few lads.

22/11/2011, 10:33 PM
1) bennocelt
2) thischarmingman
3) dcfc steve (ex foot.ie!)

by the way is this going to turn into a love derry thing,lol

Is dcfc_steve now ex-foot.ie? Wow.


22/11/2011, 10:45 PM
I'll try me best to make it for a couple but I'll have to wait until closer to the time to confirm.

23/11/2011, 2:14 PM
Might be up for the 10th, won't know for sure til next week though.

30/11/2011, 10:45 AM
So anything happening?

Gather round
30/11/2011, 1:05 PM
Thanks for the invite Benno. As it's 10 Dec I may be available for scoops.

30/11/2011, 1:30 PM
So anything happening?

Well I will be there with a few mates, and a few off here, a few maybes and the rest. Can you organise the dancing girls?

30/11/2011, 2:01 PM
Is there more than 3 people yet? :)

30/11/2011, 3:22 PM
There is if GR turns up....

04/12/2011, 8:29 PM
So Sheephaven in Mornington Cresant Saturday 10 December at 6.30.
I will be there with a few others, so if anybody extra turns up that's great - I will wear a LOI jersey, so easy to spot!
I am also going to see Leyton Orient play, (sure will get to the pub by 6.30!), so if anyone is up for that too then send me a pm.

Pauro 76
04/12/2011, 9:24 PM
Alright lads, can't make it Im afraid, enjoy though, Sheephaven's a great spot too.

04/12/2011, 11:26 PM
Should be about for this, though judging by the state of him our rotund friend is possibly unwell?

05/12/2011, 2:06 PM
Should be about for this, though judging by the state of him our rotund friend is possibly unwell?

Who is this fella you are always on about, is he from the north,lol?

09/12/2011, 12:42 PM
So is this happening then?

The gent alluded to seems better, but won't make it, as washing his hair.