View Full Version : Give Me All Your Money!

13/11/2011, 5:02 PM
Dear beautiful, wonderful, and above all, generous denizens of Foot.ie.

Britney Spears once sang, "Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme," and today I come before you echoing that haunting refrain.

This day two weeks I'm going to be running the Florence Marathon in Italy and hopefully managing to avoid dying in a wheezing, sweating heap. Which is the worst way to die (unless you're in bed with a beautiful woman). Anyway, it would be amazing if you fancied donating some of your undoubtedly hard-earned to SANE, the mental health charity (http://www.sane.org.uk/) I've decided to run for (uh oh, the Serious Part...)

Basically SANE work to provide care and support services for people affected by mental illness, like depression.

Just as importantly, SANE work to raise awareness and combat the stigma associated depression and mental illness. It worries me that it’s an area all too often overlooked, under-funded, or shrouded in misconceptions and I'd like to help them in their bid to challenge these preconceptions.

I realise it's coming up to Christmas and money is tight but would be utterly amazing if you could spare a couple of quid for a worthy cause and help ensure that unlike the Italian government, SANE have the money they need to continue their work. Plus you’ll get to feel all fuzzy inside. But a different kind of fuzziness from the one I’ll probably be feeling after running 26.2 miles. A nice one.

You can sponsor me by clicking on the link below:

Just think, what would Britney do?

Thanks for your time,



13/11/2011, 8:47 PM
Always link to the charity. This crowd? http://www.sane.org.uk/

13/11/2011, 9:26 PM
Always link to the charity. This crowd? http://www.sane.org.uk/

Ta, good point.