View Full Version : MNS - 19th Sept 2011

A face
19/09/2011, 7:06 PM
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A face
19/09/2011, 7:13 PM
I thought the montage at the end showing the GAA game and the cup game was strange to say that least. It was a good mix on the panel, and a good show overall.

19/09/2011, 10:26 PM
Worst MNS ever. It was totally rushed because they talked so much sh1te that they hardly had time to show the highlights which as usual were skimpy to say the least. Very disappointing because I thought last weeks was probably the best in the current series with an excellent highlights package of SRFC VS SRFC but today's was just awful and that GAA montage was just terrible.

19/09/2011, 10:53 PM
nik leeson who left us with 1.2million wort of debt and hasnt been seen since the end of jan around town

whos yer wan

Mr Maroon
20/09/2011, 8:24 AM
nik leeson who left us with 1.2million wort of debt and hasnt been seen since the end of jan around town

whos yer wan

I didn't watch it, but apparently she said we drew 1-1 with Lyngby. Surely they've heard of google in RTE HQ. A minute or two of research would've gone a long way.

20/09/2011, 9:26 AM
Didn't see it. What the hell was a GAA montage doing on it? Some of the production decision making on that programme is amateurish and illogical.

20/09/2011, 11:54 AM
Didn't see it. What the hell was a GAA montage doing on it? Some of the production decision making on that programme is amateurish and illogical.
It was a minute long at the end of the show, and showed how one Dublin side in blue had ended their quest for the cup, while another hasmade the semi final.

Love how you didn't see it and still saw fit to have a moan.

20/09/2011, 4:21 PM
I didn't watch it, but apparently she said we drew 1-1 with Lyngby. Surely they've heard of google in RTE HQ. A minute or two of research would've gone a long way.

How true. Pity ye didn't google Nick Leeson.

20/09/2011, 6:37 PM
Classic - you the man

21/09/2011, 12:49 PM
I enjoyed the show - decent bit of banter between the panelists & they kept it interesting - Stuey gets better each time he's on.

Montage was a bit dodgy alright - mainly because Pats aren't normally in Blue

22/09/2011, 8:50 AM
Not quite MNS, but didn't think it deserved a new thread... - does anybody know what has happened to the RTE League of Ireland podcast? The last episode I have is the 29th August, and no new ones seem to be appearing on iTunes...

22/09/2011, 9:36 AM
It was a minute long at the end of the show, and showed how one Dublin side in blue had ended their quest for the cup, while another hasmade the semi final.

Love how you didn't see it and still saw fit to have a moan.

Still seems odd to me, and worth a (small) moan. I'm generally a big fan of MNS, but some of their editorial decisions (like when they recently showed highlights of the World Under 19 (?) Final) are strange and illogical.

22/09/2011, 10:14 AM
They explained that. They're contractually obliged to show highlights of the FIFA finasl and can't fit it in elsewhere. Its 30 seconds to a minute out of the show. Not worth complaining about IMO

And no one dislikes Gaelic football more than me but the montage was well done. It was the closing credits, not a centre piece of the programme.

I've said it before but the nit picking that goes on about this show is ridiculous. It isn't the Sopranos or the Wire. it doesn't need to be analysed. Some stuff works, other stuff doesn't.

The important thing is we have a highlights programme made by people who have a genuine interest in the league.

I'm not saying some criticisms aren't valid, but a thread every week disuccing a highlights programme?

22/09/2011, 10:39 AM
I've said it before but the nit picking that goes on about this show is ridiculous.
The important thing is we have a highlights programme made by people who have a genuine interest in the league.

I agree. Con Murphy is excellent, the panel are excellent, and the programme is general is excellent. But 'nitpicking' seems FUNDAMENTAL to Foot.ie. Maybe a special 'nitpicking' thread for all the nitpickers?

pineapple stu
22/09/2011, 10:41 AM
Any thread with Minor Nitpicking Stuff is highlighted as such in the thread title...

Mr A
22/09/2011, 10:50 AM
I agree. Con Murphy is excellent, the panel are excellent, and the programme is general is excellent. But 'nitpicking' seems FUNDAMENTAL to Foot.ie. Maybe a special 'nitpicking' thread for all the nitpickers?

Woah.. I like MNS but saying the panel is excellent is going way too far. They are often lazy, spinning out the same old lines about clubs according to the established perception of them. When they discuss off-field issues the panellists often show themselves to have done zero preparation. Recent examples would be some of the discussions about GUFC, which was at times simply awful.

These people are getting paid to comment on this stuff- it's not too much to expect them to be informed about it.

22/09/2011, 11:03 AM
I think we've all been surprised with how good and informed kenny cunnigham has been this season on MNS he's actually one of my favorite pannel members.

22/09/2011, 12:13 PM
Cunningham is head and shoulders above the rest. He's the only one without bias as he hasn't played with or managed any of the players involved, and hasn't been idolised or ****ed over by any of the clubs involved.

I find Stuey Byrne to be excellent too but most of them are grand. Its only really Giles, and before him Ski McGee, who's out of his depth. A couple (like Morley, Gormley) are far too quick to lapse into cliches

I'm a firm believer in them (and shows like this) not commenting at all on the off field matters. They're simply not qualified to talk about it. Its hilarious when ex pros start trying to talk about the world economy. (Its worse when they have to talk about crowd trouble and start talking about problems "in society").

A face
22/09/2011, 12:19 PM
They explained that. They're contractually obliged to show highlights of the FIFA finasl and can't fit it in elsewhere. Its 30 seconds to a minute out of the show. Not worth complaining about IMO

And no one dislikes Gaelic football more than me but the montage was well done. It was the closing credits, not a centre piece of the programme.

Agreed with that, it was only the credits .... But Gaelic football ...... seriously ...... Gaelic ...... Football ....... really? :)

I've said it before but the nit picking that goes on about this show is ridiculous. It isn't the Sopranos or the Wire. it doesn't need to be analysed. Some stuff works, other stuff doesn't. The important thing is we have a highlights programme made by people who have a genuine interest in the league. I'm not saying some criticisms aren't valid, but a thread every week disuccing a highlights programme?

In bold is it in a nutshell, we have one and its pretty good to be fair. I dont see anything wrong with commenting on it, the content, the panelists, etc if its good or bad. Or dodgy decisions, was it over the line or not, etc. ..... its a forum, thats what its all about.

22/09/2011, 12:43 PM
I think we've all been surprised with how good and informed kenny cunnigham has been this season on MNS he's actually one of my favorite pannel members.

Cunningham is excellent on the football side and has surprised most with his knowledge of LOI - he obviously makes an effort and appears natural on "set". Some revert to cliches (Morley) or talk crap (Rico) but to be fair it is an aquired skill to comment on what hasjust been shown (look at some of the clowns on TV in UK). Roddy has been a loss because nobody (often including himself) knew what he was going to say next.

Lets be fair though, it is by far the best LOI programme ever on RTE so credit where it is due.

A face
22/09/2011, 1:06 PM
I think that Richard Sadlier and Liam Mackey when he was on were very good. Whether you like them or not i always thought their opinion was crediable and informative.

22/09/2011, 1:15 PM
I started out as a fan but have stopped making it a point to watch it , I will if I' have time and nothing else to do .
They seem to be trying to fill. Up the slot with anything other than loi
There is many areas of soccer than are been ignored from special needs to junior roundups and everything in between .
The programme has or had potential but for me it's not even trying imo