View Full Version : iPad

08/09/2011, 9:48 AM
Thinking of purchasing an iPad, will be more a present for herself but obviously I intend using it alot!! Worth getting? Any particular things should be looking out for when purchasing etc? Any thoughts/experiences etc much appreciated.

08/09/2011, 10:40 AM
No. I'm not a lover of the machine at all. Have demo'd a couple and a friend has one. And whilst they are very pleasing on the eye its hard to know what the point is. In my eyes they are a very expensive digital photo frame on some levels. What would you use it for? Do you use an iPhone?
Same deal really.

One thing I do like about them is their application in the music creation field and that's one angle I did like about them between ableton quicklaunchers and emulated synths it is great and that is the main reason I would consider a purchase however I'm a pc man so, no dice.

One thing to watch out for is the impending launch of the iPad 3 which is rumoured for this month or next. Or q1 2012. Just do a bit of research on the android rivals as well and consider them.

Mr A
08/09/2011, 10:41 AM
Might be worth waiting a little to see what Amazon's upcoming rival to the iPad is like. It seems likely to cost considerably less.

The people I know with iPads really like them for what it's worth.

08/09/2011, 11:58 AM
Only problem I'll have with the Kindle is that it looks like it'll be forked from Android, and that's no good to me. I like Open.

Wish I hadn't missed the HP Touchpads. And the Pre3s. Bargain of the century.

08/09/2011, 12:28 PM
The fact that Google have now bought Motorola and with Amazon entering the market plus with the soon-to-be Google Music service launching, Apple will soon have it's hands full and that can only be a good thing.

If I was in the market for an iPad I would be seriously holding onto my cash for a couple of months.

08/09/2011, 2:01 PM
Google buying Motorola is dangerous for Android, particularly when they're already holding back the source code for whatever they're calling the tablet version.

As with everything Apple, you pay extra - a lot extra - for the brand, the fashion tax. I'd prefer to give my money to a company that has even a modicum of respect for their customers. At least Jobs won't be doing the presentations any more anyway. Horrible man.

08/09/2011, 3:32 PM
Only problem I'll have with the Kindle is that it looks like it'll be forked from Android, and that's no good to me. I like Open.

Wish I hadn't missed the HP Touchpads. And the Pre3s. Bargain of the century.
Team touchdroid has gotten Android running on the TouchPad now - http://team-touchdroid.com/

08/09/2011, 5:49 PM
Thanks lads, some interesting opinions above. I do think there is a danger with Apple in being swept up in the "fashion" side of things. The pretty little things. Im off travelling for about 2 months soon enough and have been told they are really useful on the move, in airports etc etc.

08/09/2011, 10:56 PM
Same thing was said to me in 2005 when I needed a decent player with half decent capacity and video playback. Was told ipod this ipod that... in the end I plumped for the thing of beauty that was the Archos Gmini 402. Nothing out there like it at the time.
The Apple world would have you think they are essential when inevitably there are better and more user friendly and substantially cheaper products out there that do the job.

Adam, I can't see how Google + Motorola is a bad thing overall for the consumer. Other companies aren't going to suddenly leave the platform and migrate to WinPhone (unless Nokia make a success of it or HTC really back it) and after the Palm debacle I think we can safely say that another independent OS ain't coming.

09/09/2011, 1:09 AM
I think Apple have one thing going for them, the user friendly, fashion 'must have', massive marketing aspect behind it. Apart from the iPod itself which I think is an all round fantastic mp3 player, I despise everything else apple, the Mac I used in my college time for music production (I'll take a high quality PC at half the price anyday), iPad which is nothing more than a gimmick if you ask me, iPhone has too much on it and is practically a mini laptop which is a balls, iTunes itself I despise (take winamp or simple media player over it). I think they're just simply overhyped.

I fail to see the benifits of an iPad..

09/09/2011, 1:41 AM
Never understood the point of an iPad, its like a big iPhone that can't make calls and a dumbed down laptop with no keyboard. That being said I've heard its great for when you're on the toilet (so it'll be doubly useful for her).

09/09/2011, 8:35 AM
BonnieShels, I think it's more a combination of the two items I mentioned that's the trouble. If they're willing to hold back the source of the tablet version for a vendor they don't own, what'll they do for a vendor they do own? If I was Samsung or HTC, I'd be worried, and worried companies do things like forking. It's bad enough that Amazon are likely to fork, if HTC and Samung do it too, it'll be the death knell of what's good about Android. I think. :)

Couldn't agree with the comments about iPads being gimmicks or oversized iPhones. While there are certainly idiots carrying these around in every context like they're the answer to everything, the tablet is the perfect form factor for several applications, primarily (for the moment) the living room but also for the likes of doctors, warehouse managers, etc. Now the need for one in the living room will die out as net-connected TVs get better, but we're a long way off one in every home yet.

09/09/2011, 10:35 AM
Never understood the point of an iPad, its like a big iPhone that can't make calls
you can make calls on an ipad too...

A face
10/09/2011, 4:48 PM
Archos 101 is meant to be very good, and no where near as saucy in price as an iPad ... Its Android

14/09/2011, 10:01 AM
Being doing a good deal of research on the whole tablets thing lately and while the general consenus is that the Ipad 2 is the best, there are a number of negatives to it.

Price is one and how you were paying top of the range price largely for the Apple brand. But also the restrictions that Apple place upon you, there is no flash on the ipod for example which would inhibit your multimedia online experience. The internet via safari is apparently far less user friendly than the chrome on the Motorola Xoom for example (which appears to run the IPad very close).

14/09/2011, 11:02 AM
Come to the dark side. It's nice over here, Google give you Frozen Yogurt and Gingerbread.


Seriously though. A friend of mine is no fan boy but swears by his Xoom. Pretty much controls his house at this stage.

14/09/2011, 11:26 AM
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 would seem to be the bees knees best alternative, but unfortunately Apple have decided that "competition" is something they don't like, so they're abusing the European legal systems trying to keep it out of people's hands; getting an injunction in Germany that bizarrely applies across Europe, for example. It's that kind of nonsense that will prevent me from ever buying any Apple product. I don't give a care how good they are, I simply refuse to buy from people with that little respect for consumers.

14/09/2011, 11:40 AM
The internet via safari is apparently far less user friendly than the chrome on the Motorola Xoom for example (which appears to run the IPad very close).

There's Firefox and Opera apps that can be used too on ipod/ipad/iphones

Real ale Madrid
14/09/2011, 12:11 PM
Can you run microsoft office from any of these Tabs ?

I travel a lot, and never thought of getting a tablet but if I could work on one of those things it would become very handy.

14/09/2011, 1:41 PM
Get an old school tablet - the proper ones with a keyboard and a swivel screen. Sorry, showing my age....

14/09/2011, 7:58 PM
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 would seem to be the bees knees best alternative, but unfortunately Apple have decided that "competition" is something they don't like, so they're abusing the European legal systems trying to keep it out of people's hands; getting an injunction in Germany that bizarrely applies across Europe, for example. It's that kind of nonsense that will prevent me from ever buying any Apple product. I don't give a care how good they are, I simply refuse to buy from people with that little respect for consumers.

Samsung looks impressive alright but is more expensive than the xoom by quite a margin and even more expensive than the ipad2

15/09/2011, 12:14 AM
Absolutely, but it'd still be my choice. I'm still holding off though, I think the form factor has a ways to go before it settles.

29/09/2011, 8:32 AM
Amazon's new toy, the Kindle Fire, is interesting, and at $199 (has an EU price been announced?) far more affordable than the iPad.

29/09/2011, 8:38 AM
Here's hoping!

29/09/2011, 11:51 AM
I see they're riding Europe again, $79 for the new Kindle in the US, £89 in the UK. Ye got yere prices the wrong way around there lads! I might consider the Fire for the mammies, but personally I'll be waiting for the rest of them to bring their prices down, the Fire is way too restrictive for my needs.

The ideal for me remains a Galaxy Tab 10.1, but I picked up a Touchpad for meself this week, having great fun with it. Casting about madly for a Pre3 to match! :)

30/09/2011, 9:34 AM
I see they're riding Europe again, $79 for the new Kindle in the US, £89 in the UK. Ye got yere prices the wrong way around there lads! I might consider the Fire for the mammies, but personally I'll be waiting for the rest of them to bring their prices down, the Fire be way too restrictive for my needs.

The ideal for me remains a Galaxy Tab 10.1, but I picked up a Touchpad for meself this week, having great fun with it. Casting about madly for a Pre3 to match! :)

How much would one of them be Adam?

30/09/2011, 10:10 AM
Absolutely no idea, can't afford one at the moment, I'm guessing 4-600?

BTW, apparently the US Kindle is ad-supported, hence the price. Yuck.

30/09/2011, 11:30 AM
Galaxy 8.9 reviewed on cnet.com today: http://reviews.cnet.com/tablets/samsung-galaxy-tab-8/4505-3126_7-35020080.html?tag=TOCcarouselMain.0

30/09/2011, 11:46 AM
Archos 101 is meant to be very good, and no where near as saucy in price as an iPad ... Its Android

Check out the components used by the Archos and its performance and see the main reasons why it's nowhere near as saucy in price as an iPad.

A month ago I mused a bit over buying an iPad or a MacBookAir for my daughter, but in the end I went online and purchased a new screen and battery for her 4yo Macbook for about Eur80 and save the iPad or MBA purchase as a special gift for later.
If Android does it for you, then fine.
I don't know what prices these items go for in Ireland or the competition prices but the MBA stands out by a country mile. Ye might think whatever extra you think you are paying is solely for style/fashion/religion but in all my years using mac laptops since the macbook duo, the rationality in buying is determined by
general performance/OS/ memory/drive/graphics/processor/screen/weight/battery life/connections.
When i bought a 17"MBP 4 years ago, it was about $100 cheaper than the like for like on Dell's store, though on first appearance, Dell's base price started out cheaper.

30/09/2011, 1:18 PM
Absolutely no idea, can't afford one at the moment, I'm guessing 4-600?

BTW, apparently the US Kindle is ad-supported, hence the price. Yuck.
coincidentally, just sent this link from pixmania for the Samsung Galaxy 10.1 for €489: http://www.pixmania.ie/ie/uk/10683692/art/samsung/p7510-galaxy-tab-16-gb-wi.html?tag=mail_ie_uk_2011-09-29_57542&srcid=3666

I've been on the outlook for a tablet as well, laptop is a bit bulky for surfing on the couch, not interested in a netbook, and my phone is only really good for browsing on the move, but the prices at the moment are outside my price range

30/09/2011, 2:11 PM
I'd say wait tbh. The Fire is going to be a game changer.

30/09/2011, 2:18 PM
Thats not a bad starting price.

Well it'll only come down.

30/09/2011, 3:15 PM
shop around, the 16GB model is going for €270 - €350 on eBay

30/09/2011, 6:07 PM
Is that €270, with or without adverts? :)
That's a good price, I was sorta hoping that it would compete directly with the iPad, but this Kindle is looking to the top of the android pack, a very good reader and especially suitable for - ahem - "content purchasing".

02/10/2011, 8:26 AM
Is that €270, with or without adverts? :)
That's a good price, I was sorta hoping that it would compete directly with the iPad, but this Kindle is looking to the top of the android pack, a very good reader and especially suitable for - ahem - "content purchasing".
that's for the galaxy

I'm not too bothered about storage, everything in my house ends up stored on my network drive anyway

03/10/2011, 9:34 PM
Got myself a motorola xoom on ebay the other day for just short of €300. Happy with it so far, no compliants, will report back more after more use.

04/10/2011, 11:37 PM
I have a laptop.