View Full Version : Roy Keane follows Kerry Katona

05/09/2011, 10:23 AM
I just got an sms from a very good friend who told me Roy Keane is with Iceland now. Any links on it?

05/09/2011, 10:26 AM
I have no idea what your talking about both with regards Roy Keane and what Kerry Katona has to do with Iceland.

05/09/2011, 10:29 AM
Iceland the supermarket chain aye? I thought you meant the national football team there for a minute.

05/09/2011, 10:30 AM
Okay, well, that Roy Keane is "going to be" the new manager of Iceland, Kerry Katona advertised for them (store, also called Iceland). Still surprised by the chance of this move by Cork's finest.

05/09/2011, 10:31 AM
The Iceman Cometh! (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2033870/Roy-Keane-set-charge-Iceland.html)

05/09/2011, 10:33 AM
Interesting move by Keane, unexpected if it materialises.

And odd how you'd expect an Irish forum to get a reference to an advertiser for a british supermarket.

05/09/2011, 10:36 AM
Text read as follows: "Won't believe it,that header Keane is in line for Iceland job. Down to choice of 2"

05/09/2011, 10:37 AM
Text read as follows: "Won't believe it,that header Keane is in line for Iceland job. Down to choice of 2"

Well Murf, it's in Ireland and she kind of became Irish royalty by marrying an Irish popstar :-) And there's plenty on here living in the UK as well as watch the odd overseas channel. Still surprised, he might be perfectly suited for a job like this and he has some decent players at his disposal too.

05/09/2011, 10:43 AM
Still surprised, he might be perfectly suited for a job like this and he has some decent players at his disposal too.

He's off to practice on Iceland before he fulfills his destiny of managing Ireland. There's something about it in Revelations but I'd have to read it again for the exact quote..

05/09/2011, 10:50 AM
He's off to practice on Iceland before he fulfills his destiny of managing Ireland. There's something about it in Revelations but I'd have to read it again for the exact quote..

Well, you know that joke about going bust. What's the difference between Iceland and Ireland- one letter and a couple of weeks. Could be one letter and a couple of matches in this case. He could be the ideal international manager. Though it might raise a few eyebrows when he starts finding Irish lads with Icelandic Grannies knocking about the place. Good luck to him, he'll do well.

05/09/2011, 11:09 AM
Anyone know who the second person is for the job? Kerry Katona??

Noelys Guitar
05/09/2011, 11:14 AM
Interesting timing by Roy. It suggests he will throw his hat into the ring if a vacancy closer to home crops up.

05/09/2011, 11:42 AM
Nice one Roy, none of that primitive hoof ball here though, we like to keep it on the ground, build from the back, passing to feet and midfield moral courage.
Bring your hat & coat and we love labradors.

05/09/2011, 1:48 PM
Thanks, but no thanks.
What have Iceland done to deserve this?

05/09/2011, 2:36 PM
What have Iceland done to deserve this?


Roy will be fed to Eyjafjallajökull in the hope that one volatile, unstable force prone to the occasional eruption will cancel out another.

Seems legit.

05/09/2011, 2:57 PM
Yes, the volcano analogy works.

05/09/2011, 4:00 PM
It's time Roy came to place where the art of football is appreciated and practiced. Roy was a lost soul in the kick and hoof regions of the epl and the headless chicken championship.

05/09/2011, 4:31 PM
I don't know who Kerry Katona is but I'm sure Roy will fit in very well in Icelandic football



07/09/2011, 12:29 AM
Apparantly R.M.Keane never showed for his meeting with the Icelandic FA.

Quelle surprise.

07/09/2011, 8:14 AM
More false reporting from the anti-Roy brigade, when will these people ever move on from the past? :D
Roy did not have an appointment to meet with the FA. It would be entirely inappropriate for Roy to appear like Moses into a blaze of publicity, when the current manager was taking time off his carpentry job to prepare the team for a qualifier.

This (the Roy rumor) could all be a bluff by Eggert Magnusson (Egg for short), the former FA chief who could have some other agenda or there could be some substance. However, does Roy really know his stuff about the passing game that Iceland like to play, can he bring them to the minimum target, to the brink of qualifying for the WC 2014?

07/09/2011, 9:25 AM
If Roy Keane's Icy Stare is let loose in Iceland that could set back Global warming for a long time !