View Full Version : Display of colour

02/07/2004, 10:43 PM
is there going to be a display of colour at the next intertoto cup game? what do you think the attendence will be like?

03/07/2004, 7:34 PM
Should be about 6000+

Counting Crow
03/07/2004, 8:00 PM
The display at the home game vs Malmo was spectacular but next weeks game nneds to be even better now.

There will be a hugh amount of interest now not just from the Cork media but nationwide, I think, so what a chance to show everyone what we have here at The Cross.........make no mistake this is something really special.

People will talk about this team in years to come like no other team in Irish soccer history.

Unbeaten in 3 European games!
Just 1 goal conceeded!
Comfortable in all 3 games!
Fantastic support home and away!

Everyone should wear their shirts, scarves etc and hopefully the FourFiveOne guys still have their red white and green flags.

These guys have done more for the League in the past 3 weeks than any of the muppets that run it have, in the past 20 years.

Legends one and all.

A face
03/07/2004, 8:26 PM
What would people like to see ?? ...... does anyone have any ideas ?? ..... what would look impressive ??

03/07/2004, 8:42 PM
What would people like to see ?? ...... does anyone have any ideas ?? ..... what would look impressive ??
Id say thhat FFO sshould oonlly get ppaappper caarrdds iif they aaree doing annything as aall the flaaggss wwerre thhrowwn on the grouund aaand broken afterwards

A face
03/07/2004, 8:46 PM
Id say thhat FFO sshould oonlly get ppaappper caarrdds iif they aaree doing annything as aall the flaaggss wwerre thhrowwn on the grouund aaand broken afterwards

I know, but what would you like to see anyway .... even in the future !!

03/07/2004, 9:42 PM
I know, but what would you like to see anyway .... even in the future !!

flares and smoke bombs make a great effect though i'm not sure if you would be allowed-chance it any way and maybe 1 of those big flags/rugs that would cover the crowd

03/07/2004, 11:24 PM
flares and smoke bombs make a great effect though i'm not sure if you would be allowed-chance it any way

Maybe not. We don't want to get a fine from UEFA or have our brand new shiny A license taken off us

04/07/2004, 11:28 AM
Id say thhat FFO sshould oonlly get ppaappper caarrdds iif they aaree doing annything as aall the flaaggss wwerre thhrowwn on the grouund aaand broken afterwards
Sorry about my dodgy typing, I was on some ****ed up computer! :o

04/07/2004, 1:07 PM
I know, but what would you like to see anyway .... even in the future !!

heres a good fun idea

let sheets of paper on the seats in the st annes,donie ford and derrynane stands with instructions of how to join in for "stand up for the cork city"

04/07/2004, 1:34 PM
Just fill the fcuking stadium to the brim and every single person in the ground should sing and shout city to victory.Every1 who's going to the game should bring their families,friends,neighbours,pets,illegal immigrantes,compete strangers off the road and maybe the odd cobh rambler fan or two. :)

I hope it sells out,I really do. :D

04/07/2004, 2:05 PM
Id say that FFO should only get paper cards if they are doing anything as all the flags were thrown on the ground and broken afterwards

Typical. Some people have no idea how much effort it must take for FFO to get ANYthing organise, yet they expect it to be done. I hope something similiar does happen this time round as well. It looked well last time.

04/07/2004, 2:20 PM
Doubt there'll be anything organised for this game as it's a bit short notice to get things sorted. There's still flags left from the last game but a lot are in bad condition and to order new stuff I'm not sure it'd arrive in time.

I reckon it's just gonna be a call for everyone to wear green

04/07/2004, 5:54 PM
cut up as musc paper as yoy can!!!!!!!

04/07/2004, 9:19 PM
FourFiveOne deserve great credit for all their hard work and innovation. They are a vital part in making CCFC the soccer experience in the country.

Regarding ideas for the NEC match, it is important to bear in mind that more so than ever, we have to make our home advantage count. Creating an inspiring atmosphere for City's players and an intimidating one for NEC's is paramount. Thus, rather than concentrating on the already vociferous Shed, the key is to get the other sides of the Cross involved. The problem is I have no idea how to do this as they are normally dead quiet. Maybe plant groups of vocal supporters in the Donie Forde/Derrynane to pick up on the Shed's chants in the hope of getting it to spread.

04/07/2004, 9:22 PM
The problem is I have no idea how to do this as they are normally dead quiet. Maybe plant groups of vocal supporters in the Donie Forde/Derrynane to pick up on the Shed's chants in the hope of getting it to spread.
perhaps a FourFiveOne flyer with a call to arms,rally the troops type speech.............sounds like a plan......

A face
04/07/2004, 9:26 PM
sounds like a plan......

And plans are good !! :)

04/07/2004, 9:37 PM
Get rid of the lang** Oisin or whatever he's called,come on,how many times can he shout ''give it up for the rebel army Cork City'' and get total silence in return.Someone with a good aul cork accent,like biy.The vast majority of the ground will respond to this rather than langrdon on the mic.

As for getting the whole ground to sing,that'd be very hard.You'd have to take a few hundred of the more vocal fans out of the shed and you'd still have a tough job getting the Donnie ford or st Annes goin.Then the shed would be half empty and silent.

Just have it on the ticket that if ya don't get behind the team don't come in,thanx for the 16yoyos though. ;)

A face
04/07/2004, 9:46 PM
get total silence in return.

That is hardly his fault !! It is up to the dry shítes all over the grounds to get vocal and get behind the team.

04/07/2004, 9:48 PM
Get rid of the lang** Oisin or whatever he's called,come on,how many times can he shout ''give it up for the rebel army Cork City'' and get total silence in return.Someone with a good aul cork accent,like biy.The vast majority of the ground will respond to this rather than langrdon on the mic.

I suppose you would do a better job ya? Is it his fault that people dont respond? I suppose you would prefer boring ol Pat McAuliffe again just mumbling.


04/07/2004, 9:59 PM
perhaps a FourFiveOne flyer with a call to arms,rally the troops type speech.............sounds like a plan......

"Sing up for the Cork City" flyers in the stands would be a great idea. Maybe Dolan would put a quote of encouragement on it. Perhaps something about the benefit to the team of the vocal support in Holland. It would still require a determined group to get the chants started off though. The Corner has a pivotal role to play in helping chants roll off the Shed and into the serene Derrynane end.

I'll volunteer to distribute them. If the flyers were green, they could serve a dual purpose too! ;)

It was a pity the Family Enclosure was almost deserted against Malmo as it can create a bit of a racket up that end of the Cross. Perhaps something to do with the prices for childrens' tickets, but I'm not getting into that again! :rolleyes:

04/07/2004, 10:02 PM
The Corner has a pivotal role to play in helping chants roll off the Shed and into the serene Derrynane end.


believe me, we tried and tried against malmo but there is no getting them to stand up or even sing

lazy fcukers

A face
04/07/2004, 10:27 PM
We definitely have to pull it out of the bag for this game ...... everyone going for it 110%

04/07/2004, 10:33 PM
heres a good fun idea

let sheets of paper on the seats in the st annes,donie ford and derrynane stands with instructions of how to join in for "stand up for the cork city"

would it be too late to do this,a face

A face
04/07/2004, 10:37 PM
would it be too late to do this,a face

I dunno ... i'd say not ...... need to sort out what goes on it though ..... green paper, songs etc. ..... The Banks would have to go on it ..... been singing it the last few games and it was brilliant, great hearing it at full voice.

Anyway .... i throw in €20-€50 ... whatever, just need to decide what would be good.

Anyone with ideas .... get them down fast !!

05/07/2004, 8:19 AM
would it be too late to do this,a face

We'll get it going if there are enough people to help... There was about 12 who helped with the small flags. We'd need even more for paper in the St.Annes and Derrynane I'd say. Twould be good though, lets get it going...

05/07/2004, 8:21 AM
Are we talking A4 sheet on every seat - green white and red...

05/07/2004, 8:23 AM
if it aint broke, dont fix it...what was done for the last game v malmo was class....stay with that!

05/07/2004, 8:32 AM
cant because we didnt get all the flags back and some we did get back were wrecked......we'll def have to do something with the A4 sheets.....anyone know how much the coloured stuff costs??

05/07/2004, 9:53 AM
How about if it had a simple heading like "Your City needs you" or "Home Advantage?...", with a brief piece about the need to get behind the team tonight. Maybe a picture of the shed/ fans in Malmo singing with the flags would help.
Not that I'm suggesting that 451 have an image problem but I still think it would help if Dolan, Lennox, or a player had a quote to the same effect on it.
End it with "enjoy the game", and the 451 logo.

I'd say it would be better to keep them all green. Several songs could be printed on the back. It would be best to only put on pro-City and inoffensive songs, not that we have many anti-Nijemgan chants anyway! To get them singing the banks or the simplist City chant is the best we could hope for but that would be great.

05/07/2004, 11:53 AM
Having seen the effort at the green sheets that was on display at Lansdowne road a couple of times I find it very hard to believe that it would work at the X next weekend. For a start A4 sheets would be too small and show up a lot of gaps between sheets which wouldn't really portray a 'sea of green'. Secondly I don't think everyone in the ground would make the effort to hold them up. The majority of people who sit in the Derrynane/Donie Forde stands very rarely get involved in this kinda craic so IMO it wouldn't work.

But as always if the lads decide to try something along the lines then I'll def help out

05/07/2004, 1:09 PM
Having seen the effort at the green sheets that was on display at Lansdowne road a couple of times I find it very hard to believe that it would work at the X next weekend. For a start A4 sheets would be too small and show up a lot of gaps between sheets which wouldn't really portray a 'sea of green'. Secondly I don't think everyone in the ground would make the effort to hold them up.

Having something green to wave was only an auxilliary benefit of the plan. It's really just an idea to get people to to sing throughout the ground. In fact, maybe half A4 sheets would be handier.

05/07/2004, 3:49 PM
some sort of flyer needs to be done similar to the one done regarding the malmo match. but on a bigger scale. lets get the heads together lads. maybe tomorow night?

05/07/2004, 3:58 PM
What about rolls of paper, something like wallpaper but not as expensive and cheaper made if possible.people at the back and front of the shed could hold it when its rolled out. Just an idea.

I'm on holidays :( :mad:

05/07/2004, 5:35 PM
When it worked at Lansdowne Road a sea of green around the stadium was amazing. A similiar move with red, white and green down the Donie Ford Stand and the Derrynane Road side would be class.
It's simple and cheaper than flags.

A face
05/07/2004, 6:14 PM
It's simple and cheaper than flags.

Simple ..... maybe, if there were enough heads to pitch in .... people seem to be scarce when needed to do stuff. Cheaper ... you might have a point !!

05/07/2004, 7:30 PM
The display at the home game vs Malmo was spectacular but next weeks game nneds to be even better now.

There will be a hugh amount of interest now not just from the Cork media but nationwide, I think, so what a chance to show everyone what we have here at The Cross.........make no mistake this is something really special.

People will talk about this team in years to come like no other team in Irish soccer history.

Unbeaten in 3 European games!
Just 1 goal conceeded!
Comfortable in all 3 games!
Fantastic support home and away!

Everyone should wear their shirts, scarves etc and hopefully the FourFiveOne guys still have their red white and green flags.

These guys have done more for the League in the past 3 weeks than any of the muppets that run it have, in the past 20 years.

Legends one and all.

Lads I dont mean to pour cold water on your party but I think ye are losing the run of yourselves in fairness.How can ye claim this is the best thing to happen to the league in 20 years or to say the team will forever go down in history as legends????????What has it achieved or won?NOTHING!!Ye won in the 1st round of the Intertoto Cup and drew with an unheard of Dutch side.And fair play to ye for doing that but come on be realistic,its not like ye have come up against a Bayern Munich,Real Madrid,Man United,etc!!!!Its a third-rate European competition that most top level European clubs would scoff at taking part in.Come on lads cop on and stop lauding your team as legends in 2 seasons this performance in a thirdrate European competition will be all forgotten about!!!!!!!

05/07/2004, 7:37 PM
in 2 seasons this performance in a thirdrate European competition will be all forgotten about!!!!!!!

only becasue of what will be achieved in those two seasons :p

05/07/2004, 7:39 PM
A Bitter Blue Blah Belittling their Bordering Brethern?

How unusual to see a Waaherfurh fan moaning.

Fancy, considering their impending battle with relegation.

05/07/2004, 8:47 PM
What about rolls of paper, something like wallpaper but not as expensive and cheaper made if possible.people at the back and front of the shed could hold it when its rolled out. Just an idea.:

that's clever, Green and White should be dooable, I'll chip in

05/07/2004, 9:18 PM
its not like ye have come up against a Bayern Munich,Real Madrid,Man United,etc!!!!


05/07/2004, 10:53 PM
Lads I dont mean to pour cold water on your party but I think ye are losing the run of yourselves in fairness.How can ye claim this is the best thing to happen to the league in 20 years or to say the team will forever go down in history as legends????????What has it achieved or won?NOTHING!!Ye won in the 1st round of the Intertoto Cup and drew with an unheard of Dutch side.And fair play to ye for doing that but come on be realistic,its not like ye have come up against a Bayern Munich,Real Madrid,Man United,etc!!!!Its a third-rate European competition that most top level European clubs would scoff at taking part in.Come on lads cop on and stop lauding your team as legends in 2 seasons this performance in a thirdrate European competition will be all forgotten about!!!!!!!

ConfusedBlue, maybe you won't be so confused after seeing this: http://www.eurofootsie.com/index.php (http://http://www.eurofootsie.com/index.php)

06/07/2004, 1:19 AM
Lads I dont mean to pour cold water on your party but I think ye are losing the run of yourselves in fairness.How can ye claim this is the best thing to happen to the league in 20 years or to say the team will forever go down in history as legends????????What has it achieved or won?NOTHING!!Ye won in the 1st round of the Intertoto Cup and drew with an unheard of Dutch side.And fair play to ye for doing that but come on be realistic,its not like ye have come up against a Bayern Munich,Real Madrid,Man United,etc!!!!Its a third-rate European competition that most top level European clubs would scoff at taking part in.Come on lads cop on and stop lauding your team as legends in 2 seasons this performance in a thirdrate European competition will be all forgotten about!!!!!!!

cant you just feel the jealousy setting in already

we're in europe,you're not

now fcuk off back to your bog-trotting county :D

southside bohs
06/07/2004, 2:43 AM
you could always try and get green and red confetti and as the teams are coming out let loose.

smoke bombs are very colourful( a fine of 10,000 i think but maybe uefa will let it go sure look at the italians) the last bohs and shels match was very colourful with red and black smoke bombs and flares.

you should sing songs that will grip the neutrals and songs that are well known ex when the teams come out sing ' stand up for the city' or ' bring on the city' songs like ' fields of athenry' would get most people singing and if you happen to be winning start singing 'you'll never walk alone'.

just a thought anyway.

06/07/2004, 8:56 AM
sing ' stand up for the city'.

we came up with something more original than that

'sit down for the cork city'

great sight to see the whole shed sitting down

06/07/2004, 9:37 AM
Lads I dont mean to pour cold water on your party but I think ye are losing the run of yourselves in fairness.How can ye claim this is the best thing to happen to the league in 20 years or to say the team will forever go down in history as legends????????What has it achieved or won?NOTHING!!Ye won in the 1st round of the Intertoto Cup and drew with an unheard of Dutch side.And fair play to ye for doing that but come on be realistic,its not like ye have come up against a Bayern Munich,Real Madrid,Man United,etc!!!!Its a third-rate European competition that most top level European clubs would scoff at taking part in.Come on lads cop on and stop lauding your team as legends in 2 seasons this performance in a thirdrate European competition will be all forgotten about!!!!!!!

the green eyed monster popping up! i feel so sorry for your two bit outfit. you will never have days like we have had in europe and that

Dry your eyes mate!

06/07/2004, 9:38 AM
slipping down the table too i see! happy days indeed!

08/07/2004, 7:57 PM
In all fairness ye are getting a bit carried away and I suppose if we were in ye're position we would react the same but come on its an unknown Dutch side ye're playing in the Intertoto Cup not as I said before Real Madrid in the Champions League!!All the same I wish ye the best of luck although I do hope ye don't progress just so as I can make the trip to Turners Cross to see the Blues hoodoo over ye continue in 2 weeks time!!!

08/07/2004, 8:52 PM
come back to us when you're in europe :D :eek: :D

oops waterford in europe

looks like you'll never be back to me so :D

08/07/2004, 8:54 PM
I do hope ye don't progress just so as I can make the trip to Turners Cross to see the Blues hoodoo over ye continue in 2 weeks time!!!

AFAIK, regardless of Citys progress/elimination, there will be no Inter toto game that wknd, so City Vs Waaaaaherfurh will go ahead as scheduled.