View Full Version : Club Doing The Fans

30/06/2004, 12:57 PM
looks like lennox roped us all in again

we will now have an empty st.annes end again for the dutch game with ticket prices

does anyone believe this "misunderstanding" with ticket prices in malmo was true

starting to believe it wasnt now

and seeing ticket stubs from home game on sale in fagans on saturday eveing beat all.

lennox really knows how to make a quick buck

30/06/2004, 1:18 PM
I don't know why tickets for the home against NEC were brought to Malmo....I wasn't that condifent we would win.

they werent

the club were selling the stubs off the tickets from the malmo home game

30/06/2004, 1:21 PM

30/06/2004, 1:27 PM
the club were selling the stubs off the tickets from the malmo home game

Sure who'd be foolish enough to buy one of them?

30/06/2004, 1:37 PM
I have a stub from the Malmo FF v Cork City game......historic and will be a most valuable collectors item in years to come seeing as only a few of us paid the €20 for the ticket......

Bidding starts at €200 .......... :D

30/06/2004, 1:42 PM
They'll never learn.

30/06/2004, 4:37 PM
seeing as only a few of us paid the €20 for the ticket......

Soft touch, I only paid €16 for mine :p

Noise Maker
30/06/2004, 6:24 PM
Has anyone contacted the club or B Lennox to voice opposition to these unacceptable prices. Remember 12 euros for city v shels in the cup last year. 10 euros to see a reserve side in the League cup v Kerry league. This will go on unless we take a firm stand :ball: :ball: :ball:

30/06/2004, 6:45 PM
€12 in the cup is a standard price increase. Cup games have always been a touch more expensive. €10 for Kerry DL was a bit pricey alright.

Lads, City are the least expensive club in Ireland to see play. At €16 to see European football, it is only €1 more expensive than to Dublin City play a league game.

As for what happened in Sweden obviously I cant comment, but Eanna told me that Lennox gave a load of the lads tokens for free drinks in the Horseshoe, and this money came from his own pocket.

A face
30/06/2004, 9:24 PM
To be honest, i dont think it is that bad .... Loyal City fans will buy beforehand and pay €16 ...... the rest will pay €20, doesn't seem too bad to me. €16 .... sure where would ya be going like, thats great value.

30/06/2004, 11:46 PM
Eanna told me that Lennox gave a load of the lads tokens for free drinks in the Horseshoe, and this money came from his own pocket.

Yeah, anyone who was in Sweden was entitled to free pints in PJ's last night.... token or no token anyone who travelled was bought drinks by the club to make up for the mix up with ticket prices in Malmo.

16 or even 20 euro is not a lot to see a European game, fcuk sake think of the money we're all spending to go to Sweden and Holland.... and then the barstoolers won't even pay 20 euro to see City play, it makes me sick. Maybe the club should give those who travelled to both (or even either I suppose) of the away legs a reduction for the NEC home leg in recognition of the wonderful support?

01/07/2004, 7:31 AM
I'll pay the €16, I might even end up paying the €20, I'd pay more.

But what we want to do with games like this is get as many in through the gates as possible. People make the argument that 5000 people at €20 is worth more than 7500 people at €12, but they don't factor in the possible repeat business that could be generated from the extra 2500 people, which would be worth a lot more to the club's coffers in the long run.

European football (especially if we do well on Saturday at NEC) is a great opportunity for the club to get extra people in through the gates, but they're missing out.

Make no mistake, the fact that this game is on a Sunday afternoon will cause a drop in attendance straight away, even Oxegen being on could rob a few hundred from the shed. The €20 price tag won't help.

01/07/2004, 1:18 PM
I think 16 yo yos is a fair enough price and is definitely worth the money. And if you can't be bothered to get the tickets beforehand then 4 Euros isn't that much to quibble about. Its European football.

Bring on Nantes :D Woops don't want to jinx it :o

City Hero
01/07/2004, 1:25 PM
Why are people complaining about match ticket prices.

The bottom line is that gate receipts are a large part of the clubs revenue, and with the extra costs involved (for security and the work at the cross in the last few weeks) for a european match, I don't think the price increase is excessive at all. Do any of the people complaining about the prices actually know the cost of a home leg in european competition.

Based on the low league match ticket prices over the last few years (compared to other clubs), nobody can accuse anyone of trying to rip off the fans.

If people are so concerned about an extra couple of euros for european & league cup matchs, they should have got the platinum season ticket at the start of the season. With 2 european matchs included, the savings are now even greater.

Even when we are winning in europe, some people still complain.

01/07/2004, 1:38 PM
Its obviosu the club doesn't want to admit the 1st round price were a mistake so they are sticking to their guns.

IMO a flat €16 (most people will buy before day anyway) wou;ld be a good solution.

Whatever way you look @ it & whatever the reasons i think all would agree the attendance @ home malmo game was doisappointing.

01/07/2004, 2:05 PM
Obviously everybody on this forum will fork out the dosh to see City play but that is not the issue. The turn out at the Malmo FF game was very disappointing and was surely partly due to the e20 price. It should be obvious that something was wrong for the Malmo game as it was a smaller turnout than for several league games.
IMO, it would be wiser to risk dropping the price in the hope that the St Anne's end brigade would show up. It would add to the occassion and be sensible for repeat business. Were it a full a house, no money would be lost either.

As for the point that City is cheaper than other eL clubs, that is only because other clubs are a rip-off. How do clubs like Dublin City expect to recruit new fans when it is so expensive? It is clear that the most important thing the eL needs is better attendences and I include City in that!
Wouldn't it be interesting if Ryanair's Michael O' Leary took over an eL club!

City put up their prices 25% two seasons ago. In these days of rip-off Ireland, we should not be encouraging the club to put up the price on loyal fans and put off possible new comers.

I think e15 would be better for Intertoto matches and would make a full house more likely.

01/07/2004, 2:30 PM
i think the club made an error the 1st time out pricing out the "floating vote" equivalent football fan person..

now this time round they have a chance to amend that mistake but to do so would then admit they err'er in the Malmo match. I dont think the club wants to do this.

Personally i think the stubberness by the club in not dropping the price is wrong, and we'll prob have a similar crowd again on sunday..

01/07/2004, 2:54 PM
Prices for every sport in the world go up for certain games, the GAA increases prices the nearer the ALL-Ireland it gets, Rugby increaes it's prices when the group stage of the Heiniken Cup are finished, clubs in England increase prices for certain European games, it's the way of the world.

We've been getting the best value in the eL for ages at €10 entrance fee and as soon as the prices increase people start moaning :rolleyes:

Fair enough it might keep some people away but City Fans will pay the price to see quality football.

And if there's not as big a crowd as we'd like there then it's just up to those that do go to shout/sing/chant and encourage the team a bit louder

01/07/2004, 4:14 PM
Prices for every sport in the world go up for certain games, the GAA increases prices the nearer the ALL-Ireland it gets, Rugby increaes it's prices when the group stage of the Heiniken Cup are finished, clubs in England increase prices for certain European games, it's the way of the world.

Yeah very true, but eL clubs are not in the same position as all these other teams and assocations ! they can put the prices up because they know they will still get full houses, we cant even get full houses with the standard pricing ! actually i met most eL clubs would not be able to fill there grounds if it was free admission !

01/07/2004, 4:25 PM
Drop the personal attacks and trolling or I'll lock the thread! Attack the post, not the poster!

On pricing, you guys crack me up. Lennox has done more for Cork City FC as a business in a couple of years than the previous owners[1] did during their entire reign. He's professionalised the club and encouraged support the likes of which I was frankly stunned and delighted to see at the Malmo game.

But the club isn't a bloody charity, if he wants to continue down that road - if you want to continue down that road - he's gonna have to find money somewhere to pay for it. Playing around with pricing to maximise gate receipts is one way, and you can be damn sure that if the higher prices aren't working, he'll drop them back again. He's not a stupid man.

Have a little patience for God's sake. Stop thinking week to week, and if you're really concerned about prices, feed back to the club about it -- I'm pretty sure they'd be glad to hear from you, as long as you're polite.


[1] Yes, Lennox was a previous owner, but he didn't have a majority.

01/07/2004, 5:55 PM
Wouldn't it be interesting if Ryanair's Michael O' Leary took over an eL club!
the players would have to pay for training and their kit.
When they go to away games in Dublin, he would take players to Longford and then they would have to make their way to the game themselves.
Players to pay for attention and stretcher if they got injured.
Games would be two hours late, or cancelled....
It would be fun all right.....

01/07/2004, 11:50 PM
I personally think the club are doing themsleves no favours by increasing the prices that much for european games, but by doing so, they are allowing dolan to bring a full squad of players out and to prepare properly for the match, so I guess the end justifies the means, even if it does seem a bit cheeky. the **** up in malmo with the tickets was just that- a **** up. lennox explained it, apologised and offered compensation (a pint in the horseshoe- more or less the same value as the difference in prices) What more do you want from the guy? He could have just said "tough" He didn't. And dahamsta is spot on- for the first time in our history this club is being run properly and that is down to one man, Brian Lennox- he deserves some respect and some trust

02/07/2004, 10:40 AM
i think the club made an error the 1st time out pricing out the "floating vote" equivalent football fan person..

now this time round they have a chance to amend that mistake but to do so would then admit they err'er in the Malmo match. I dont think the club wants to do this.

Personally i think the stubberness by the club in not dropping the price is wrong, and we'll prob have a similar crowd again on sunday..

IMO the extra four euro was to make sure that everybody got their ticket early an dto avoid the hassle of selling tickets on the day, still though i think they misjudged the prices and people weren't going to pay 20 euors when they could see a game on the telly :mad:

02/07/2004, 11:34 AM
Crap split to here (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=15492). If you start it again, I'll lock the thread and I'll start doling out suspensions. Joe might be happy to let this adolescent behaviour slide, but I'm not.


02/07/2004, 11:35 AM
NEC price structure for into toto cup game v cork city

Cork City price structure for into toto game v NEC

Not much difference if you ask me. Whats all the fuss about?

02/07/2004, 12:02 PM
our tickets there cost €10
Their tickets here cost €20

that's double the amount, bit of a difference to me, and you haven't mentioned whether the facilities at their stadium are better or worse :confused:

For me, the argument isn't whether or not I'll pay it, or if the club needs the money, or if Lennox has done a great job, the answer to all three is yes.

I'm just concerned that the price will keep barstoolers away, and knock them all you like, but we all had a first city game that got us hooked, I think Malmo or NEC could have been that game for a lot of people, but the €20 price tag will keep them away.

It's too much for a game you've little interest in.

02/07/2004, 12:11 PM
I don't see too many complaining about the prices, we just expressing opinions why they should be lower.

Course club can recoup the PR buzz if we continue thru the competition by keepiong prices the same all the way...

02/07/2004, 1:04 PM
dont get me wrong lads i dont mind paying the money

and the win away in malmo.......well, u just cant put a price on that

just stating that there seems to be a bit of a trend starting

02/07/2004, 3:22 PM
I'm just concerned that the price will keep barstoolers away
As well they might, and if they do that will have to be addressed. There are two factors at play here, gate receipts and gate numbers. Lennox is clever enough to know that if gate receipts are up but gate numbers are down, he's losing support and will need to do something about it. We know this because he's encouraged support, so he obviously wants gate numbers up. He just needs time to tune and tweak the numbers.


04/07/2004, 2:17 PM
€16 seems like a bargain at this point!

I would be very surprised if City dont get a full house now.

04/07/2004, 2:29 PM
€16 seems like a bargain at this point!

I agree. People have no excuses now.

04/07/2004, 4:06 PM
People will always find excuses Colm.

From my point of view, I think I'd find it hard to convince any non-City person to splash out EUR20 for Sunday.
I personally think it is too much. I'll pay it because I always do, but for people going into the unknown, they want a guarantee of something back. Which you get at no football match, but they don't seem to realise that...

04/07/2004, 4:13 PM
People will always find excuses Colm.

I think I'd find it hard to convince any non-City person to splash out EUR20 for Sunday.

im after convincing a few from work
treat as a line night out i.e. p!ss up and they are like kids in a candy store

also convinced the brother and his buddy

05/07/2004, 5:01 PM

I'm a Shels supporter ( although not a die-hard one ) and I went down to buy a ticket today quite happily willing to pay €20 but was pleasantly surprised to find that they are only charging €16 if you buy in advance.

I think the price is reasonable, as long as there are discount for kids ( a buddy of mine is going with his wife and two young kids, so it would only be fair that it wouldn't cost him an arm and a leg ).

Surely if a Dub is willing to pay €20 to support City, then the rest of ye Corkies should too? ;)

Come on City!!!

05/07/2004, 5:43 PM
any game in Jackland costs €15 bar Pats who I think are still at €12 so I can't see the problem with paying €16 for a Euro game.

05/07/2004, 11:35 PM

I'm a Shels supporter ( although not a die-hard one ) and I went down to buy a ticket today quite happily willing to pay €20 but was pleasantly surprised to find that they are only charging €16 if you buy in advance.

I think the price is reasonable, as long as there are discount for kids ( a buddy of mine is going with his wife and two young kids, so it would only be fair that it wouldn't cost him an arm and a leg ).

Surely if a Dub is willing to pay €20 to support City, then the rest of ye Corkies should too? ;)

Come on City!!!

I don't think any City fans can be complaining about the price for tickets after reading this!!!!!

06/07/2004, 12:31 PM
I don't think any City fans can be complaining about the price for tickets after reading this!!!!!

Exactly. Fair play to ya shelsman. I'm bringing 4 extra guys that normally wouldn't go to the cross. Got the tickets yesterday for 16 Euro

06/07/2004, 1:07 PM
I tried to persuade a few lads from work to go but had no joy ( the problem is that I brought them to another City Euro game a few seasons back when ye were playing a swiss team and it was a BRUTAL match, so they've not been interested since ).

Also tried to get my aul fella down from Dublin but no joy either. Still, I'm meeting a buddy and his family there so it should be good craic ( especially if City win!!! ).